Browse Category: yum

McWino Playdate

On the evening of my birthday, we had our annual McWino Night (Chicken McNuggets, fries, and of course wine) and this time we had two little monkeys to entertain us.

Sophie charmed us with her little tricks and Kumquat ended up falling asleep in Tia Patty’s arms by the end of the night.

Here’s a group photo of us at the end of the night.  Too bad Kumquat was asleep already because she missed out on the photo op.  Thanks for coming over, Ladies!  It was another awesome McWino Night for the books.

End of Summer

This past weekend, we took Friday off and flew down on Thursday (9/20) night to Southern California to visit the family.  Kumquat was an awesome little passenger and we surprised the pants off my dad when we arrived since my mom decided not to tell my dad we were coming.  Both my mom and dad were super excited to see Kumquat and it was nice to be able to enjoy my Chik-fil-a in peace. Unfortunately, Jes and I didn’t sleep very well because it was SO hot in my old bedroom.  I guess this is was a fitting way to end the summer.

In the morning, I got a special treat for breakfast.  My mom made Kanom Krok again and it was delicious.

I also got to taste one of my dad’s mini mangoes that grew from the tree in his backyard.  It was so small but sooooo sweet!

Later that day, we had dim sum with both sets of grandparents and Jes’ parents barely ate because they were so preoccupied by their precious granddaughter.  Very cute.

For dinner, we went out of sushi with Brother and Joy.  It was an early birthday celebration for the two of us since Brother and Joy were going to be in Europe on the actual day.

We went all out with an omakase meal complete with a variety of raw fish, roe, and a chawanmushi too! Yay!  We enjoyed the ice cold beer and the little surprises that were in store for us with each dish.

Later that night, we met up with Dayantha, Krissy, Roy, Huy, and Matt.  It was fun to be with the old gang again.  We didn’t get home until about 2.  Ah…it’s so nice to have free babysitting.

On Saturday, Holly came over to meet Kumquat for the first time.  It was also her birthday and it was so nice to hang out and catch up a bit.

For lunch, Brother picked us up and we had Wahoo’s in Huntington Beach.  It was the first day of Fall and a balmy 90 degrees outside!  We caught a bit of the volleyball tourney that was going on and then Jes and I grabbed a few drinks at the local tiki bar while Brother got his hair cut at the barber down the street.  I had a refreshing mai tai and then a scorched pineapple margarita.  Tasty.

For dinner, we ate with Jes parents at a local fish place that I was missing.  We used to eat at the Irvine restaurant all the time back in the day.  Afterward, we went to Ti and Thilan’s house to just hang out.  I was exhausted from the weekend so far and pretty much slept through the whole thing.

On Sunday morning, we went to church.  Everyone was so excited to meet Kumquat and she was even whisked away to the front of the congregation for a word of prayer for her.  By the time we knew it, service was over and it was time to head back to SF.

What a weekend!  It was a lot of fun but I was kind of relieved to be back in the 60-70 degree weather and back to our usual feeding/napping schedule for Kumquat.  Until next time!!!

Happy Birthday, Husband!

It’s Jes’ birthday today!  He’s always a bit down on his birthday but he was surprised last night by a little package from Amazon.  It was sent from Brother and it was an ice cube tray that makes huge ice cubes for drinking with Scotch.

He was so excited that he washed it right away, filled it with water, and placed it carefully into the freezer.  For the rest of the night, he went back to the freezer to watch the water freeze and prematurely pulled one of the half-frozen cubes out.

Thanks for the entertaining gift, Brother!  He couldn’t stop saying, “that’s awesome”.

And later today…

We had drinks at Public House with Victor.  It was low-key and just what Jes wanted.

Then we had birthday cupcakes at home.

running on fumes

Sorry for the lack of posts this week.  I’ve been surviving work on half a tank of gas and running on fumes by the time I get home.  As soon as I’m home, it’s baby duty for me and by the time Kumquat goes to bed, I’m practically asleep in front of my laptop.

It’s been three weeks since I returned to work and each week seems to drag longer than the previous.

Kumquat has been waking up at 3 or 4 am most nights and we had one morning when she cried for 2 straight hours until my alarm went off for the morning.  That work day was NOT fun.  I’m also in the middle of a transition at work where I’m training a new hire to take my place while I’m going to be working on a different service starting next week.  I’m sure all that has contributed to this sapped feeling I had all week.

Luckily it’s Saturday morning now and I just spent an hour and a half playing with Kumquat and she actually let me sleep for 6 straight hours last night!  Aaaaah…life is good again.

Jes has been doing great as Mr. Mom.  He seems to have the routine down quite well and even makes dinner most nights!  He also managed to get both of them on Muni and BART and then my hospital shuttle so that they could meet me and the girls for Happy Hour on Thursday night.

It was really fun being out with everyone and having the husband and baby along too.  It was the best of both worlds.

Last night we also went out for a little evening outing.  After feeding Kumquat at 7, we packed her up in the stroller and walked to Super Duper for a tasty hamburger.  Afterward, we headed over to La Boulange at the mall and hung out with a bottle of wine while Kumquat slept.  We were back home by 10:30 and I had a good Friday buzz.  That was a nice way to end a rough week.

Visitors from Hawaii

Last week, Yoon and Kurt were in town.  On Thursday (8/16), we had a mini BBQ and enjoyed hanging out with them in our Club Room.

We ate some tasty rib eye sammiches, drank wine and martinis, and watched TV!  I always forget there’s a TV with free cable down there!

On Saturday (8/18), we drove up to Napa and took them wine tasting.  We started at Duckhorn and it was my first real day in wine country since being pregnant last year.

Jes even decided on his own to be our DD for the day and didn’t get a tasting for himself.  Gosh, how nice.

He just hung out with the baby and luckily for us Kumquat was on her best behavior.

It was also Yoon’s first trip back to Napa in many many years.

For lunch, we went to Farmstead.  My favorite dish of the meal was the grilled peach salad.  We had a delicious meal and Kumquat slept through the whole thing!

The next stop was Bremmer, which is way up in Howell Mountain.  It’s a smaller winery that doesn’t distribute to stores and we got a picnic table to ourselves.  Kumquat got to have a bottle of milk while we all tasted whites and reds.  It was a warm day and it was nice to be outside.

Dinner and a Movie

On Tuesday, Jes and I had our first date night.  We never really went to see the movies before Kumquat was born but my mom is home to watch Kumquat and watching a movie is one of those things that you can’t really do with a 3-month-old.  For dinner, we went to Urban Tavern.  We shared French Onion Soup, Arugula Salad, Pretzel and Sausage, and Meatloaf Sliders.  All were pretty good but the big glass of wine that I had with it was even better!

We then walked to Metreon and watch The Dark Knight Rises.  Since dinner was mostly small plates, we got an order of nachos that came with two containers of jalapeno peppers.  Yum.  Paired with an Icee it was perfect for such a fun movie.

I had a great time and it was nice to go out as just the two of us again but when we got out of the movie it was nearly 11 pm and I was missing my baby girl.  I even said it aloud to Jes, which confused him a bit.  It seemed that I had a mini moment of panic and actually insisted that we take a cab home instead of walking.  I don’t know what had come over me.  Was it the fatigue catching up to me?  Was it hormones?  Maybe I’m just not aware of all the different emotions that come with this rollercoaster called Motherhood.  I guess I’ll just chalk it up to the stress of my first week back at work.