Browse Category: yum

Second Dinner

We joke about Kumquat being a hobbit since she’s always begging for some of our dinner after she’s already eaten hers.  Maybe we’re a FAMILY of hobbits considering what we did tonight.  This evening around 8:30, Jia texted to say that her landlord (a crab fisherman) dropped off two live crabs.  She didn’t know what to do with them so she actually drove them up to SF and dropped them off to us.

IMG_0946They came in a cardboard box and looked dead.

IMG_0947Jes put one in the sink and as soon as he turned the water on, it started to move around!  Creeeeepy.

Here’s a video of the poor guy trying to stay alive.

He steamed them while I went out to pick up a bottle of white wine, lemons, and butter.

IMG_0952When I got home, one was cooked and the other was waiting in the sink for his turn.

IMG_0956We ate the smaller crab tonight at 9:30 after we had just finished dinner around 7:30.

IMG_0957This is a true picture of gluttony.  The two of us just sat there quietly cracking, dipping, and eating while the kid slept in her bed.  Freshly steamed live crab really is tasty – especially when it’s free.

IMG_0958I took apart the larger crab and got this much meat out of it.  I think it’s at least 3 cups of crab meat.  We’ll have to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow.  Crab fried rice?  Crab cakes?  Mmm. Mm.

yummy treat

IMG_0723Look what’s in my neighborhood!  Humphry Slocombe just opened in the Ferry Plaza in place of the my favorite gelato place.  I lost my passionfruit sorbet for a scoop of Secret Breakfast.  Yippee!

IMG_0750I got a scoop today and managed to eat the whole thing without Kumquat noticing.  It was mine…all mine…  🙂

Jia’s Birthday

IMG_0500Jia’s birthday was on Thursday but we celebrated on Friday night with Japanese tapas in Berkeley.  Jason made a reservation for Kiraku and it was a good thing because they had an hour-long wait for those who did not.

IMG_0516We ordered so many items that I lost track but here is a collection of most of the dishes: 1) Sashimi – including fatty snapper, 2) Salmon with Vinegar Sauce (my favorite of the night), 3) corn tempura with green sea salt, 4) scallops with pesto, 5) raw clam and snow crab salad, 6) pork belly with a soft boiled soy sauce egg on top.  One dish that I also really liked and forgot to take a photo of was the anchovy brocolli – yum.

IMG_0509 We had a really fun and tasty dinner last night.  We also tried to go to CREAM for dessert but the line was out the door and around the corner.  Maybe next time.  Kumquat was also a good sport because we didn’t get home until 10:30!

Happy Birthday, Jia!!

Team Tiger Happy Hour

With Teresa out on her maternity leave, I haven’t been able to really hang out with her much lately.  So, we made plans for a Happy Hour this past Wednesday.  We were all set to go until T got stuck at the West Oakland BART station because of some police activity in the city.  So, she headed home and we had to postpone it to Thursday.  On Thursday, she was able to hitch a ride back to SF with me after I got off work so it was go for Team Tiger HH!!  We picked up Kumquat and we headed over to Pedro’s.  They were closed for a private party so we went to Pete’s instead.  IMG_0442Happy Hour was still going so we ordered some wine and appetizers.  What fun!  It was almost like old times – the only difference was a third wheel named Kumquat.  IMG_0449Luckily she was well-behaved and it was fun watching to her try her first mini corn dog.

IMG_0451Ah…good times.

Family Weekend – Part 2

IMG_0304 On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning.  Brother came over around 10 while I was getting ready to leave for a baby shower and Alice was in a really good mood.

IMG_0299We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Joy and had a candle in a pork bun for her.  Funny.

IMG_0325While I was away, Kumquat took a nap and the family went shopping.  I got home just in time to swing by the hotel to pick up the family from the hotel and head back home to meet up with Jason and Jia.

IMG_5086For brunch, we took a walk down to Mission Rock Resort.

IMG_0334They were really busy so we ended up having an hour-long wait.  IMG_0344Luckily, they had a deck in the sun and we had drinks outside in the sunshine.  IMG_0331Here is their bacon bloody mary complete with olives, a slice of bacon, and shrimp.

IMG_0347Once seated, we had a seafood feast including this tower of raw goodness.

IMG_0353Kumquat sat at the head of the table and took some photos for me while we ate.  She actually took this picture with my phone.  I’m so proud.

IMG_0361Back at the house, it was time for Brother and Joy to head out for a dinner date they made with a friend.  So we said our goodbyes.  It’s always so fun having them in town.  See you in March!!

Family Weekend – Part 1

Brother, Joy, Alice, and my mom came up this weekend to visit.  It’s to celebrate Joy’s birthday and as a last-hurrah trip before she goes back to work full-time.  IMG_0198My mom arrived on Thursday night and Brother arrived with the gang on Friday around noon.

IMG_0207 I was lucky enough to get the afternoon off so when I got home, we headed out to Downtown to meet up with them for a bit.

IMG_4981For dinner, we went to Hillstone per my mother’s request.  IMG_4986IMG_4985It was a beefalicious meal and we took advantage of the free corkage there.

IMG_4990Both Alice and Kumquat did pretty well that evening. IMG_0214On Saturday morning, we got up early and met up at the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market.

IMG_0259First meal of the day was a Belgian waffle the size of my hand and a cup of Blue Bottle Coffee – I felt like such a hipster.

IMG_2882 IMG_2886Then after shopping for produce, we headed over to Pier 39 to see what else we could do, see, and eat.  IMG_5013We stopped at the mini-playground to let Kumquat burn some energy and Alice got to ride on Joy’s lap on the slide.  IMG_0264As Joy and I were in the restroom doing diaper changes, my mom picked up a bag of these scrumptious mini donuts from Trish’s.

IMG_0255Then we went over to pay the sealions a visit.  There didn’t seem to be as many of them today.


While we were there, my mom and I reminisced about the first time we brought Kumquat to this same spot.  It was right around Alice’s age so that made it even more special for us.

IMG_0258By 11, both kids were pooped out so we stopped for some clam chowder.

IMG_5021The grown-ups grubbed while the kids napped.  IMG_0261Aaaah…it was nice to have a little peace and quiet.

IMG_2919Next stop was the Aquarium of the Bay.  The kids were rested and I got 50% off everyone’s admission with my SF Zoo membership.  Awesome!!!

IMG_0276 DSC_4634It was Alice’s first time at an aquarium and she couldn’t keep her eyes off all the activity.

IMG_2932For dinner, my mom was on babysitting duty with BOTH Kumquat and Alice.  Jes, Brother, Joy, and I went to Bouche, which is a little French bistro in the space that Bar Crudo used to occupy.  IMG_2933IMG_0291I had a tasty sole with risotto balls and lobster sauce.

IMG_0292Their crab mashed potatoes were also pretty tasty.

After dinner, we went next door to Tunnel Top Bar for one more drink before heading home.  It was nice to go without Kumquat for a change.  This place was definitely not kid-friendly so it was the perfect choice for the evening.  Thanks for babysitting, Mommy!!