Oahu: Day 2
Day Two: Thursday 4/24/14
With the 3-hour time difference, I was well-prepared for an early wake-up call. We turned down the crib when we checked in and had Kumquat sleep on the second double bed that we had in the room. She did just fine but I slept with her just to make sure she didn’t wake up with a head injury.
We were up by 5 (not too bad) and Kumquat did a decent job not waking Jes.
Most mornings we would go down to the infinity pool for breakfast. This infinity pool is so pretty.
It looks like Kumquat could roll right into the ocean if I didn’t have the brakes locked on that stroller.
Lawson Station is the general store at the hotel and it’s awesome. They have just about everything you need to survive: milk, fruit, toiletries, souveniers, oh and did I mention Spam musubi, made-to-order udon, manapuas, and BUBBIES MOCHI ICE CREAM?!?!
On top of that, there’s a Peet’s coffee in the hotel and they also sell Dole Whip! Whut?! I seriously wouldn’t need to leave this hotel if zombies were attacking Hawaii and we were on lockdown.
While the beach was still empty and quiet, we took Kumquat back out for her daily “aloha” to Mr. Ocean.
Yup, she was still not having it. She clung so tightly that I didn’t really have to hold her. We did make progress though. There weren’t any tears but she still wouldn’t stand on the sand.
This day was designated as our pool day and after the beach, we rented a cabana (basically two cushioned lounge chairs with a shade) for the day. It was going to be our homebase from 8am-6pm today and it was awesome.
The day before, I took her to the kiddie pool (it’s only 1.5 feet deep) and she was still not sure of standing in it. The water came up to her chest and eventually she was brave enough to stand and walk around. Unfortunately, she stumbled and went right into the water – face and all. I picked her up out of the water and she didn’t cough or cry. She was mostly spooked and confused.
From that day on, we kept her in the floatie and she was happy again. It was also nice to have Jes there to help supervise. It’s scary taking a toddler to the pool by yourself!
After a morning at the pool, we lucked out on having a sleepy toddler passing out in her stroller so we got a nice quiet lunch at Tonkatsu Ginza Bairin. I had a tasty katsu-don with an oozy egg on top. Yum. It was delicious and big enough to have some left over for Kumquat to eat later when she woke up.
After lunch, we headed back to the pool and met up with the rest of the gang.
Dayantha and Krissy had gone to Foodland and brought me some poke and Maui Onion chips. It was perfect with my Mai Tai.The location of our cabanan turned out to be the perfect location for relaxing, hanging out near the wading area, and enjoying a few drinks.
The Lams and Kwaks also joined us and it was like our own little corner of paradise.
This kid got used to this whole vacation thing really quick.
It was so fun hanging out with Holly and Andrew. Andrew is in an “I don’t like taking pictures” phase.
Before dinner, we hung out near the hammocks and Kumquat enjoyed swinging with Daddy.
We were also greeted by a rainbow that evening!
Eventually, Kumquat had fallen asleep so she missed out on another dinner. She would have loved this one too.
We went to Marukame Udon, which has a cafeteria-style service and a line out the door all day long. The noodles are handmade in the store and it’s so cheap!!
The broth is very tasty and was even better with the soft egg added to it. Andrew ate up all the egg yolk before Holly could even try some.
I also picked up a Spam musubi for Kumquat’s breakfast the next morning. Yes, this kid ate a lot of Spam (aka “bacon” to her) on this trip.
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