Browse Category: work

Almost back to some kind of normal

IMG_8964Hello! Peanut is now 3 weeks old and life is getting into a routine now.  My mom and I (lately just my mom) have been taking KK to school in the morning and then take a nice morning walk home.  Thankfully, we’ve had some nice weather.

My recovery has been good so far but I had a little set-back earlier this week when I woke up on Monday morning with chills and body aches.  My head was also hurting for a couple more days.  Since I didn’t have a fever, I waited until Wednesday to see if things would clear up before calling the doctor.  Fortunately, I felt like a million bucks by Wednesday morning.  The OB nurse actually called me on Friday just to check in and I asked about the symptoms.  She said it sounded like hormonal symptoms and not an infection.  Well, that’s good.  Glad I got over all that quickly.  As of Wednesday, I’m down 20 pounds from my maximum pregnancy weight (which was only 15 pounds) but my body hasn’t exactly gone back to normal yet. I’m still walking a lot and when I tried to run the other day, I was pretty sore after.  When I asked the OB nurse on the phone, she said to hold off on running and lifting weights for another couple weeks until I have my follow-up appointment with the doctor.

IMG_9120We’ve had family over to visit and it’s fun to have all the 2nd cousins (above) and 1st cousins (below) together.IMG_8826

IMG_9333Traveling is going to be quite the circus next time we all have to fly together.

IMG_9200The other day, Peanut and I went out for a quiet lunch together.  I had a turkey sandwich, one of the things I missed while I was pregnant, and it was SO yummy.

IMG_9224This week, I had my first Happy Hour with the girls from work.  It had been a couple years since we were all together and all able to have a glass of wine at the same time.

IMG_9223We had dinner and got to catch up on everything.  I always have a good laugh with them and they got to meet Peanut.

IMG_9220It was just what I needed to recharge.

I’ve really missed seeing these girls everyday.

IMG_9325This weekend, we went to Hog Island and I got some tasty raw oysters and halibut crudo.  Aaaah…so nice to be able to eat raw stuff again.

IMG_9047These past few weeks have been a little crazy but when I see these two, it makes it all worth it.  I’m happy that I have this time at home with them and look forward to watching them both grow up together.

Last Day of Work

IMG_6551I’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow and today was my last day of work before maternity leave starts.  In the morning, everyone threw me a baby breakfast in our usual awesome potluck style.  They also pooled their money together and gave me a $200 gift card for Amazon.  So sweet!IMG_6550It was also Teresa’s birthday today so it was nice to have something else to celebrate too.

I worked a full day and it was not too busy but not too slow either.  I managed to get all my paperwork done and tidied up my desk all in time to leave by 4:30 (the usual quitting time).

IMG_6552I took this picture with Teresa (picture above) because it was I took a similar one with her the first time I left for maternity leave in 2012 (picture below).


I’ll miss everyone but so relieved that I don’t have to endure another work day of climbing stairs, lifting patients, and scurrying around the floors of the hospital working while trying to find time to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and pee.  I didn’t actually feel relieved until after I picked KK up from school (also her last day) and was driving home across the bridge one last official time for the year.  All other trips across the Bay Bridge this year will be for fun. 🙂  Hooray for Maternity Leave!!  I’ll be off through the end of the year – it’s surreal to think I won’t have to work for the next 6 months but it’ll probably fly by once Peanut arrives.

Here are some gifts that I received today:
IMG_6562This came in the mail from Cousin Ishya.  So thoughtful!IMG_6563I found a small gift in my mailbox at work and it contained this inside.  Unfortunately, it was not labeled so I don’t know who it’s from!

IMG_6564I received this book from Lisa, a co-worker.IMG_6565And this book came from Shelley, another co-worker of mine.

Tomorrow will start my 5-week waiting period for Peanut’s arrival.  I have lots of stuff to take care of before he arrives and hopefully he will cook all the way.  Hopefully, I’ll get some rest while spending some quality time with my first-born.  It’s hard to believe that we’ll be a family of 4 in just a few weeks.

34 weeks

rt_laboranddelivery_1On Thursday evening, we went on a tour of the new UCSF Mission Bay Hospital.  It just opened in February of this year and it would be where I will be delivering Peanut.  I got this picture from their website since the room we were in was stuffed with at least 12 couples that night.  It’s the Labor and Delivery Room.  Not too shabby!  The hospital is also a mile away from home.  That’ll be perfect for when KK wants to come visit with my mom.

IMG_6408This is me on Friday with one of my co-workers, MaryAnn, who is due 10 days before me.  She is also having a boy and had her last day of maternity leave and mine is coming up pretty soon.

So far, I’ve been feeling ok but the demands of work are really taking a toll on my body lately.  I’ve forced myself to take the elevator instead of the stairs and try to take it easy when I can but sometimes I just can’t. I emailed my nurse practitioner for some advice and because I’ve been having so many Braxton-Hicks contractions throughout the day, she recommended that I end work a week early.  That means my last day may be this coming Friday.  Yikes!

Coming Home

IMG_6274The boys headed home overnight.IMG_1904Here’s Squirt and Jimmy WAAAAAY down the aisle.  Business Class is luxo.

IMG_1906Welcome back to San Francisco!!


Jes was hungry and craving something Asian so we had ramen.IMG_1913 IMG_1914Reunited!!  Yippee!!

Fiesta for Chris

IMG_6222Today was Chris’ last day with us at work.  He had been our Rehab Aide for a few years now and will be starting orientation for Nursing School at UCSF next week.  To send him off, we threw a fiesta at Lucy’s house this evening complete with taco bar and margaritas.

IMG_6225Donna wrote one of her infamous poems for him and we all got a good laugh.

IMG_6219There were kids galore and the Tsao girls came in matching tops.IMG_6223KK snuggled up next to Henry and they had dinner together.

IMG_6228IMG_6230The pinata was filled with candy, toys, and a special gift for Chris.

IMG_6217We all dressed like him at work today to honor him.  We’re gonna miss you, Dude!!  Best of luck in school!