Browse Category: weddings

The Whang-Dang Gang Nuptials

Saturday’s wedding was fancy. It was in a fancy hotel, on a fancy beach, and we had fancy food. It was at the Kahala Mandarin Hotel that was right on the beach. Derek and Elise’s ceremony was by the water and decorated with white and coral flowers. At the end of the ceremony, they released a basketful of white doves that was brought to them by a large man in a green aloha shirt…kinda funny.

The hotel had live reef fish swimming around in their lagoon. They also had six dolphins in a larger lagoon nearby. Poor exploited mammals. Anyway, the reception was inside the ballroom with hors doeuvres and open bar. In the banquet hall, it was decorated with white linens and orchids. The food was buffet-style with a strangely large selection of salads. Fortunately for the boys, there was a prime rib and pork waiting for them at the end of the table. My favorite part was the dessert bar complete with tiramisu and key lime pie…mmm.

The couple was so cute and their bridal party performed a little “Summer Nights” for them. Of course there was dancing and Derek’s dad and Scott stole the show with their antics. By the end of the night the back of Scott’s shirt was soaked and he was grinding every living thing in the room…including the bride’s mom. Ew. Fancy wedding. Fun wedding.

Here are the photos.

Holly and Roy tied the knot

Holly and Roy threw a big party last night to cap off their marriage. My day started at 10 am when I got to the Hyatt where the girls got ready. We had our hair and make-up done by noon and helped Holly get ready. She looked so beautiful and Roy was glowing.

At the Bowers Museum, we took some group photos and unfotunately it was the hottest day of the year with 95 degree temps and some crazy humidity on top of that. We all tried to stay cool and hydrated but the satin dresses we wore didn’t allow for much air circulation.

The ceremony was very touching and the couple looked so happy. The guests tried their best to endure the heat as Holly and Roy said, “I do.” The dinner reception was in the same courtyard area with twinkle lights all around and plenty of booze flowin’. There was a slideshow, some cake, and of course dancing. By the end of the night, my feet were sore, my skin was sticky, and I was buzzin’.

Here are some highlights:

  • Holly’s mom and dad cried and made Holly cry.
  • Roy was sweatin’ buckets from the heat.
  • I didn’t fall down.
  • There was ball play and double dutch.
  • Victor made friends with the bartender and tried to serve drinks.
  • Susie had a tree in her teeth.
  • Jes was the LD.
  • The alma mater was sung.
  • We got kicked out of the Presidential Suite for being too loud.

Good times….congratulations, you two!! Here are the photos.


Holly and Roy’s wedding rehearsal and dinner was last night. Bowers Museum is pretty nice. It’s one of those places you pass by on the freeway and say, “I should visit that some day” and never do. Anyway, the rehearsal went smoothly and it was a nice preview of tomorrow evening. Holly and Roy looked so happy and excited for their big day. I had to practice walking on brick and grass in my heels and I’m a little nervous about doing it for real. Wouldn’t it be great to see me fall on my face in front of everyone?! I can just hear the courtesy golf clap coming from Jes in the audience.

Well, the rehearsal dinner was a yummy 10-course Chinese dinner complete with orange wedges at the end. They all exchanged gifts including a really fancy box that Holly received from Roy’s mom containing family jewels and a piece of paper with Roy’s birthday on it. You just gotta love tradition.

Tonight, friends from all over the place will be arriving. We’re going out for Korean BBQ after picking up Yong and Helen from the airport and then meeting people for drinks at Mai Tai Bar in Long Beach. Let the party begin!

stayin’ afloat

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. You can say that I’m in survival mode at this point. Summer school is in full swing with plenty of work to do. Holly’s wedding is this Saturday and I’m running around getting my bridesmaid dress fixed, shopping for shoes, and getting the house ready for guests. Yong, Helen, and Yoon are campin’ out in our little birdhouse and it needs to at least have room to walk in. I’m also busy with Camp stuff. I was supposed to attend an evening orientation meeting in Torrance tomorrow night but it’s the same time as Holly’s rehearsal and dinner. I can’t miss THAT!

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I’m still alive but barely hangin’ on. I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and this nauseating feeling that I usually get when I pull an all-nighter. I got about 7 hours of sleep but it really didn’t feel like it. With a quick snooze on the couch this morning until 8 and a couple Motrins, I was back in action. When is summer-fun going to begin?!

Yucky Morning, Beautiful Evening

Last night was fun…probably too much fun. We all met up with G and Dena at some bar down the street and it was a good thing we walked there. It was like a Roebling Reunion with the six boys back together again with me, “Seven”. There was a cowboy singing some oldies and a one-eyed pirate hanging out with the crowd. The walk home was interesting and I’m amazed that we all got back in one piece. Unfortunately, I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and my tummy did like anything I put in it…including water. I missed the apparently scrumptious breakfast at 9 am and had to sleep off my headache until 12 pm. I had to hide under the covers to muffle the sounds of the parade outside and shield my eyes from the sunny morning. Jes even went for a walk with Michelle to check out the parade and colonial reenactment. Luckily, I was feeling better in time to get ready for the wedding that started at 2:00.

G & Dena got married at a very pretty Catholic church. The historic town made the wedding seem that much more elegant. The guest list was pretty small, which made the church look even bigger. Since it was a traditional Catholic wedding it was about an hour and fifteen minutes long. They left in a white horse-drawn carriage with champagne for a ride around the town. In the meantime, the rest of us looked for a sports bar so we could watch the beginning of what turned out to be a very pathetic game between UCLA and USC. Cocktail Hour and Dinner was at Casa Monica, a really pretty castle-like hotel and unfortunately the Best Man’s speech was pretty painful. It reminded me of Victor’s “Free Kobe” speech a couple years ago.

Well, I’m back at the B&B while the others went on to the next waterin’ hole. I need to get some sleep…this morning was rough.