Browse Category: weddings

Post-processing is done!


Done with the post-processing for Krista and Jim’s Wedding!! The photos are uploaded and ready to go. I’m pretty nervous about their response(s) to the photos. I did my best with the conditions they gave me and hopefully they will be pleased.

I also got through the photos for the bridal shower I went to that very same day. It was for a co-worker/friend of mine and it was neat hanging out with everyone from work in a different setting.  She LOVES cupcakes so I picked up some very fancy cupcakes from Teacakes, which happens to be owned by friends of my friends who went to Cal.  What a small world.

So many photos…

Aack!  Sorry for the lack of posts.  It’s one week later and I’m still not finished getting through all the wedding photos.  Not only have I had almost no time after work to get through them but I also took A LOT of photos.  I’ve also been so exhausted each evening that I end up falling asleep with my laptop in front of me.  So, the next time I get started again, I can’t remember where I left off.  Well, I think I can say that I’m about 2/3 of the way finished and my goal is to crank the rest of them out tomorrow.

Krista & Jim – June 7, 2008



Saturday was my debut and I think it went just fine. The wedding took place in Rossmore (a part of Walnut Creek) at the community clubhouse. Everyone was so nice to me and the bride and groom had such a great time.

I arrived pretty early to scope out the joint and left about 4 hours later completely exhausted. It’s really tough to cover a wedding alone but it definitely helped to have two cameras handy. Thanks, Michelle! The mix of lenses and my flash were awesome and I now know that the two lenses I’ve had on my wishlist for a while are really worth getting after all. I had some challenges such as high noon lighting, teal green walls inside the dressing room, and a non-traditional arrangement of the ceremony but in the end I think I managed to handle it all just fine. By the way, I took this group photo from the second story window. Not bad for a girl with no ladder, eh?! Now it’s time to sit down and sort/edit the photos to my liking. I hope I can get through them all this week.

UPDATE: Photos are done and now ready for viewing.  Password is DAWSON.

Wedding Recap


Whew! What a weekend. I feel like it just ended even though it’s already Tuesday night. Most people left on Sunday but Dayantha and Krissy stayed until this morning. I’ve finally sorted through my hundreds of photos. I don’t know if I reached 1000 but it was close. Here goes the recap…

On Saturday morning, we got to The Faculty Club around 10 am to help set-up. With camera in hand, I managed to get some cool shots of all the work that went into setting up a Do-It-Yourself Wedding.


Family members were assembling the floral arrangements while the boys set-up the lanterns and table settings.


The girls were arranging their own bouquets while Eleen supervised all the action as her hair and make-up were being done.


It really was amazing how much thought and hard work went into this wedding.


Eleen even made her own wedding gown, which was beautiful with hand-wrapped buttons along the back. At the very last minutes of wedding prep, Eleen was still rubber stamping and snipping thread off of the shawl she made.


At the church, Susie coordinated while I helped her set-up. Fortunately, the rain had stopped the night before and stayed away until after the ceremony.


Here are the pillow rings that were also handmade and carried by a pair of very cute little boys.


The church had high ceilings with a balcony that allowed for some awesome wide-angled shots.


The priest kept it short almost left out “You may now kiss the bride.” That was weird.


Back at the reception, we got back to work with the placecards and slideshow.


Here are the name cards and homemade flavored lipbalm that was lovingly prepared, designed, and packaged by the bride herself. Jenn, one of the bridesmaids, made an awesome movie that included stop animation of little dolls that represented Jimmy and Eleen. I contributed by adding some photos of the actual wedding for a little surprise for the audience.


The homemade cupcakes (prepared by Clara, the other bridesmaid) were the talk of the evening and tasted so yummy.


The party was a lot of fun and Dayantha performed his little “Ditty” for everyone to enjoy…including the parents. Check out Victor’s dad getting into the action.


By the end of the night, we were all pretty buzzed and exhausted…as we should be. There was a requisite stop at Top Dog before meeting up at a local bar before heading home.

Here are photos of the pre-wedding activities.
Here are photos of the wedding ceremony and reception.

If you’re looking for some of my favorites at a higher resolution, go here.

Wedding Weekend


What a busy, fun-filled weekend! Jimmy and Eleen tied the knot on Saturday and it was quite an event. People started to arrive on Wednesday and Thursday and we’ve had a full house for a few days now. It’s always so fun to have everyone in town at once and boy did we make the most of it. We had rehearsal and dinner on Friday with drinks at a local bar until the wee hours of the morning. Then Saturday was just non-stop from pre-wedding preparations to the ceremony and then the reception. Today, we all woke up groggy and exhausted but ready for a Sunday BBQ at the Agustin residence where Jes and I prepared a Mexican BBQ for about 25-30 people.

I haven’t even begun to sort through all the photos so I will need to post them this week. I’ll also have to recap the highlights a little later as well. I’m pooped.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Jes and Beak went up the hill…

dsc_8617a.jpgOn Saturday evening, Jes and I went to Frank and Kathleen’s Wedding. Frank is one of Jes’ buddies from his Xpedior days so it was like a mini-reunion for him. The wedding took place at The Fairmont, which is located on California, which means it’s at the top of the hill. We took Muni from our condo, got off at Powell, and then HIKED up the hill. At one pointm it got really steep (looked like it was a 30-degree angle) and was pretty rough – especially since I was wearing 3-inch heels that slipped a little with every step. Those little rubber nubbins on my running shoes could have really come in handy. When we finally made it up the hill, we barely made it to the ceremony and we were pretty winded and sweaty…gross.

The wedding was pretty extravagant with the Grand Ballroom decorated to the nines. Frank got pretty emotional at the altar and Kathleen looked simply beautiful. We had a pretty good time and everyone got to catch up with each other. Luckily, we got a ride home and didn’t have to make the trek back down the hill in a drunken stupor.

Update (9/30/07): Photos from the wedding are ready!