Browse Category: weddings

Maureen & Victor

On Sunday, we attended Jes’ younger cousin’s wedding in Saratoga.  It was in a cute church in a very nice neighborhood of million-dollar homes.  Other than the homes surrounding the church, this wedding was very modest and tame.  After all, the bride and groom were only 23 years of age and in the middle of (Victor) or starting (Maureen) law school.  Boy, I can hardly remember what I was doing when I was their age.

The reception was at a community center in Sunnyvale where they served Italian sodas and played Disney music in the background.  I felt like I was at prom but all in all the celebration was so very sweet.

It was also nice to see Jes’ family (aunts and cousins) and his parents had also driven up for the occasion.  After the wedding, they drove up and stayed with us in SF from Sunday night through today.  This was their first time seeing our newish condo in the 3 years we’ve lived here.

Anyway, they went sightseeing while we both went to work.  They had a good time and we got to spend time with them in the evenings and had some tasty meals too.  They just left this evening for a late-night drive home back to Southern California.

Krishani & Sachan – Part Two


On Friday night, we attended Krishani and Sachan’s Bay Area Wedding Reception in Sunnyvale.  Everyone was dressed in beautiful saris and Krishani and Sachan were beaming with happiness.  The food was all vegetarian but I still enjoyed it.  Indian food is so yummy.


There was plenty of dancing and hijinks at this wedding reception, which is no surprise.  Before we left, “Ditty” came on and there was a special request for Dayantha to do his rendition.


By the end of the song, the entire family was up on stage dancing and celebrating.


Thanks for the invite, Fernandos.  We had an awesome time!

Here are the photos.

Krishani & Sachan



We went home to Cerritos this weekend to watch the youngest Fernando get married.  Boy oh boy do they know how to celebrate!  The ceremony was in their family’s church and they had a full mass with all the usual wedding traditions sprinkled in between.  Krishani looked gorgeous and Sachan was smiling ear to ear.

flower girl

It was a treat to see Elise as the flower girl with Ti carrying her down the aisle.  She just turned one and was such a little cutie that afternoon.


The guests were taking communion so I went up to the front to see if I could get a close-up.  It was just my luck that Krishani glanced over to my side.

bride and groom

Here is the couple just minutes after the ceremony.


The reception was held at the Westin in Long Beach.  It was a really pretty venue and the warm evening made cocktail hour really pleasant out on the terrace.

bouquet toss

Krishani changed into traditional Indian and Sri Lankan dresses that evening and they got through all the cake cutting and bouquet tossing pretty early on in the evening. I was also very touched by Mr. Fernando’s speech and I admit that I was in tears throughout the Father/Daughter dance and the speech.

Unfortunately for us, cocktail hour started at 6:00 pm and dinner wasn’t served until 9:00 pm.  So I’m sure you can all guess how toasty we were by then.


With the ceremony starting at 1:30 pm and the party ending at 1:00 am, this had to have been the longest wedding celebration ever.  Everyone partied until the end except for me as I got super sleepy towards the end of the night.  I had stopped drinking pretty early and that worked out well for me the next morning.  By the end of the night, most of us were pretty sober but exhausted.


As always, it was fun to see everyone together again and we all had a good time.  The boys were up to no good all night but everyone survived.


This Friday is Part 2 of the celebration and it’s in going to be in the Bay Area.  Sachan’s family is hosting a bunch of traditional Indian ceremonies and celebrations and they should be just as fun and interesting.  Congratulations to the happy couple!

Here are the photos.  Enjoy!

Yay Eleen!


My friend Eleen is doing so many exciting things lately and this is probably one of the coolest so far.  She was asked to submit an article about her DIY Wedding on Etsy and it was published yesterday!


When she asked to use some of my photos I had no idea it was for this and I’m so honored to be a part of it!  As soon as it was posted, my smugmug portfolio has been getting a ton of new hits from all over the world.  It’s a little creepy but really cool at the same time.  Anyway, I’m still in love with my eleen bags and can’t wait to buy another one.


Check out all her cute products on her Etsy shop or at the next craft fair.  Go to for updates on her next whereabouts.

For your viewing pleasure…


After a few hours of sorting and post-processing from RAW to .jpg, here are the photos from the Chiempornsakul Wedding Reception.  I hope I’ve captured enough to pretty much give you a good idea of what went down that night.

Here are just a few of the photos…






And here are the rest…ENJOY!

The Wedding continued…


As a continuation of Joy and Johnny’s wedding in Hawaii, we held a local reception on Saturday at the Cerritos Library.  The dress code was casual Hawaiian so it was great to be able to wear flip-flops to a wedding reception.


The party was complete with a Thai feast, slideshows, speeches, dancing, drinking, and plenty of hijinks.


neighborhood kids

I was so happy to see my family all together again and it was fun to see Johnny with his friends from all the stages of his life.


There were lots of little kids and toddlers roaming around and it was fun watching little Brandon boogie down on the dance floor among all the grown-ups and slightly older kids. He’s the little guy in the sweatshirt on the bottom-right doin’ his own thang.

new sister

Overall, the party was a success and ended with the bride and groom leaving the place in a dizzy slurring mess. We hung out with them this morning at the Magical House and it was good to see them alive and well with the exception of a little tiredness in their eyes.  I’ve been back in SF for only an hour and I miss home already.  I guess it’s time to book my next flight. 🙂