Browse Category: weddings

Wedding Weekend in Santa Cruz

This past weekend we drove down to Santa Cruz for Teresa and Aaron’s wedding.

Since I was in the wedding party, we were there on Friday afternoon for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  The weather was really nice and sunny so Kumquat was able to wear the little dresses that we had packed away.

Our hotel suite was really nice and new and they even had a little welcome pack of baby lotion and soap for Kumquat.

On Saturday morning, Jes dropped me off at Rancho Soquel, which would be the wedding site.  The girls got ready in a little cottage and had a good time hanging out and having our hair and make-up done.  I loved how our dresses, flowers, Teresa’s shoes, and everything else at the wedding had the same vibrant purple.

Teresa was glowing and beautiful and luckily I was able to fit into my dress in time for the wedding.

It was a warm afternoon during the ceremony and I was so glad that I had chosen a strapless dress.  Kumquat was a trooper too and we fed her from a bottle all afternoon so that I could enjoy some champagne and wine.

Here’s a family photo that Stephanie took for us.

The gang from work also attended and we had a fun time together.

Kumquat was not only at her first wedding but also had a photo taken in the photobooth.

On Sunday morning, I met up with the gang for breakfast and got to enjoy a little more sun and had a view of the beach.

Then before heading back to SF, we stopped at Teresa’s parents’ house up on a hill and they had a HUGE backyard complete with full outdoor kitchen, pool, garden, and bocce ball court.

Jes made his own pizza in their woodfire oven. Awesome.

We had a great time in Santa Cruz and had our first experience traveling with a baby.  Overall, it wasn’t too hard and Kumquat did great all weekend.

I’m a Bridesmaid!

My dear friend Teresa is getting married in June and I’m in her wedding!  Yay!  As her big day approaches, there’s been a lot going on.  On Saturday, I met up with T, her mom, and the maid of honor for her gown fitting and got a preview of her wedding dress and veil.  She looked so lovely and we were all very excited for her.  I’m not going to give away her dress but here are her shoes.  They’re going to get dyed deep purple like my dress.

Here is the dress I chose out of the 6 silk chiffon J. Crew options.  I had to guess my dress size since trying them on with this big ol’ belly wasn’t going to work.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to fit this thing after Kumquat arrives.

On Sunday, Jes and I went to Teresa and Aaron’s Wedding Shower that took place at Aaron’s dad’s church.  Yep, she’s marrying a Pastor’s Kid (PK) just like I did.  We attended Sunday service at 10 am, went for a little coffee break and walk around the neighborhood afterward, and then attended their wedding shower at 1 pm.  We hung out with Teresa’s folks who are pretty cool and we met some of the others in the wedding party too.

The wedding will be in Santa Cruz and should be fun!!  I also get to buy Kumquat a little purple dress too!  Yippee!

Amy & Jay’s Wedding

Oh man. I’m so behind. I’m JUST posting photos from Amy and Jay’s wedding in Vancouver. They married on June 11th at an old mansion up on the hill. Jes’ dad was the officiant and the back patio was decorated with the prettiest peonies and hydrangeas.  Amy does wedding flowers so she knew exactly what she wanted. The wedding was held in the morning and the weather cooperated.  There was a chance of rain that day and luckily it stayed overcast in the morning and the sun came out later in the afternoon.

Later that day, we met up with the bridal party at their hotel where they had a private dining room where they all hung out and had some drinks.

Once it was time to head out to the reception, we all piled into the limo bus that drove us a good 20 miles to the Chinese restaurant.  Champagne was flowing all the way there.

Amy did a lot of the set-up herself and made sure even the self-serve candy bar was perfect.

At dinner, we met Jesse’s oldest living relative who is supposedly 100 years old.  I still don’t actually know who she is exactly.

Here’s Jay and Amy having their first dance…very sweet.

They served the usual 10-course dinner but I think I only got through the first 6. The evening started out well until I decided to mix what I was drinking and then it all went downhill from there. Without going into a lot of detail, let’s just say that I spent some time hiding in a bathroom stall and when we had to leave early Jes forked over $50 for cab ride back to the hotel. *sigh* He was NOT happy.

Here’s the last photo taken of the night before I turned into a hot mess.

Here are photos from the wedding and reception.

Krissy & Dayantha’s Party

On July 16th, Dayantha married the love of his life and we were all there to celebrate with them at Lakewood Country Club.  The ceremony was outside on the lawn and still had a very traditional Catholic touch.

All the babies were included in the wedding including Titus, who had started walking just in time for the ceremony.

They had a cocktail hour inside the clubhouse and in the patio.  It was so fun to have all my old friends together in one place again.

The reception started with Dayantha performing “Ditty” with his new wife.

The rest of the night was filled with music, dancing, and lots of toasts.   Jes was also reunited with his little friend Makenzie.

With all free-flowing drinks and long night of dancing, we also witnessed the progressive deconstruction of Victor: jacket off, tie off, unbuttoned, untucked, and finally shoes off.  Classic.

At the end of the night, the happy couple danced among drums and bubbles in a very joyful celebration/send off.  We all had a great time that night and I gotta say that the Fernandos really know how to throw a party.

Here is the full album of photos from this memorable (maybe not for some) evening.

I went to LA…

…and all I got were some bruises.

This past weekend was bachelorette party weekend for Krissy in LA while the boys were in Vegas for Dayantha’s bachelor party.  On Friday after work, Susie, Jen, and I drove down to LA together.  It was a long but uneventful drive and I was in bed by 3 am.

The next morning I woke up early go visit Pish for a check on a chipped tooth that I had and also got a cleaning.  Afterward, I met up with Brother and Joy who then called the Wangs to join us for brunch at King’s Hawaiian in Torrance.  Yum yum!

I got this really cute video of Naomi eating her rice.  She’s so cute!

Later in the afternoon, I got ready and picked up the girls from Susie’s house.  My parents agreed to drive us to West Hollywood to meet up with the rest of the girls who had already started some of the festivities.  There was pizza and games at the apartment and then we all loaded up into a limo for a night on the town.

The first stop was Hollywood Men, which was a cheesy male show for the bride-to-be.  The limo then took us to Blvd3 where we danced and enjoyed the VIP table that was reserved.

Brother, Joy, and Roland also crashed the party since it was so close to Roland’s apartment.  Good times…

By the end of the night, we were all very tired and the nice limo driver took us all back to Cerritos where my car was waiting for me at Ti’s house.  The 20-min nap was just enough for me to be rested for the drive back to Susie’s and then my parents’ house at the end of the night.

The next morning, we drove back to SF and I was exhausted.  Thankfully I had taken Monday off.  Unfortunately, I found a bruise on my right knee, three bruises on my left knee and one of my left arm.  To came home with a broken toe and Ti’s legs were all black and blue too.  Boy, we had a goooood time.

Dayantha & Krissy: Engagement Session

On Saturday morning, I did a brief Engagement Photo Session for Dayantha and Krissy.  I offered to meet them at the beach but they opted for the Cerritos Towne Center.  Dayantha hates taking photos and didn’t want to do it in the first place but it was urged by his mother that they should have photos taken.

I got some more formal/posed photos, some cute candids, and finally a more natural one of the two of them smiling.

Here’s rest of their photos.