Wedding Weekend in Santa Cruz
This past weekend we drove down to Santa Cruz for Teresa and Aaron’s wedding.
Since I was in the wedding party, we were there on Friday afternoon for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The weather was really nice and sunny so Kumquat was able to wear the little dresses that we had packed away.
Our hotel suite was really nice and new and they even had a little welcome pack of baby lotion and soap for Kumquat.
On Saturday morning, Jes dropped me off at Rancho Soquel, which would be the wedding site. The girls got ready in a little cottage and had a good time hanging out and having our hair and make-up done.
I loved how our dresses, flowers, Teresa’s shoes, and everything else at the wedding had the same vibrant purple.
Teresa was glowing and beautiful and luckily I was able to fit into my dress in time for the wedding.
It was a warm afternoon during the ceremony and I was so glad that I had chosen a strapless dress. Kumquat was a trooper too and we fed her from a bottle all afternoon so that I could enjoy some champagne and wine.
Here’s a family photo that Stephanie took for us.
The gang from work also attended and we had a fun time together.
Kumquat was not only at her first wedding but also had a photo taken in the photobooth.
On Sunday morning, I met up with the gang for breakfast and got to enjoy a little more sun and had a view of the beach.
Then before heading back to SF, we stopped at Teresa’s parents’ house up on a hill and they had a HUGE backyard complete with full outdoor kitchen, pool, garden, and bocce ball court.
Jes made his own pizza in their woodfire oven. Awesome.
We had a great time in Santa Cruz and had our first experience traveling with a baby. Overall, it wasn’t too hard and Kumquat did great all weekend.
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