Browse Category: weddings

Hong Kong Adventures – Part 3

The wedding festivities started on Saturday morning and then there was a brunch the following morning. It was quite the shindig with so much going on.

In the morning, everyone met up at the hotel’s library for the games. The bridesmaids planned a bunch of games for the groom and his guys and much of it involved taking shots and humiliation.

Kelly sat in the other room and watched all the action from her phone.

Here’s Ellie and Amelia (flower girls) with their new cousin Rachel.

Right after the games, there was a tea ceremony.

Then we were all transported to the church in a parade of private buses.

The kids were all dressed up for the occasion.

Alvin arrived first and then Kelly followed in a separate car.

It was a long ceremony and Peanut was super antsy. Thanks to the baby app on my phone, we kept him one place.

After the wedding, we went back to the hotel to nap and then went back to the wedding hotel for the banquet. It was super fancy complete with booze stations and a ballroom decorated to the nines.

We managed to get family photo taken right before KK fell asleep in the middle of dinner.

After the dinner banquet, the party was continued right outside of the ballroom. There were drinking games, a dance floor, live band, and night market with lots of snacks.

The youngsters were drinking all night and the two boys had to be helped upstairs to their rooms at the end of the night.

KK kept sleeping through the party and Peanut didn’t pass out until after midnight. We didn’t get back to our hotel until about 3am. What a party!

The kids ended up sleeping together that night and woke up starving.

Thankfully we had breakfast waiting for us on the top floor. So glad we opted for the Club Room Package.

After breakfast, we took a walk around the shopping area.

Peanut ended up falling asleep in the stroller so we just kept walking and ended up back at the Grand Hyatt (venue for the wedding).

At the pool house, the wedding festivities continued with a recovery brunch.

This place was off the hook! Look at the whole pig and giant paella pan!

The dessert table was crazy! I couldn’t decide so I picked a little of everything to share with the kids.

Here’s a photo of me with Amy (Jes’ cousin) and Kelly (the bride). What a fun party!!

Vancouver 2015

IMG_1223We spent a week in Vancouver (October 22-28) with the family to attend cousin Eric’s wedding and we also made it our annual Lao Family Vacation.  It was so much fun seeing the cousins, eating some tasty food, and spending time with the family.  Traveling as a pack of 10 (including 3 lap infants and a grandfather with a broken foot) was not as bad as it could have been.

IMG_1244 IMG_1243With thoughtful planning and timing, we pulled it off without any major hiccups.  I was so proud of our two little kids and how well they did.

IMG_1267We booked a hotel room at Element Hotel in Burnaby for the first half of the week and it was a brand-new SPG hotel with a full kitchen and nice view.  I often found KK looking out the window there.IMG_1284It was so nice to see Amy again.  We last saw her on the weekend of her own wedding up there back in 2011.

IMG_1280We were invited to the rehearsal dinner and got to see the whole family on our first night.  Any babies that were awake got passed around.

IMG_1285We had to make a Walmart stop to buy enough diapers for the week.  Luckily all 3 babies are wearing the same size!IMG_1287KK slept through all of dinner and woke up super chipper and hungry too.  So, we went down to the hotel bar for a cocktail while she ate the food that was packed up for her.  My Moscow mule was pretty tasty.

IMG_1295Each morning was spent in the 5th floor lounge where they served complimentary breakfast. Peanut was awake pretty early so we had some Mommy and Baby time together while the sun came up.

IMG_1369 On the day before the wedding, we all went to the Vancouver Aquarium.  They have some pretty cool exhibits there.IMG_1417I loved watching the interaction between KK and Amelia (Amy’s daughter).

IMG_1424At the local supermall, I finally found the kinder surprise eggs that I had seen on YouTube.  They aren’t sold in the U.S. so I thought I’d buy KK a few to open while we were on our vacation.  I also quickly realized that these things are pretty fragile because one of them started to melt in my hand while I was waiting in line to pay.

IMG_1495On the day of the wedding, we ran a little late because of traffic but made it in time for the end of the ceremony and the family photos.  It was nice to see everyone all dressed up.  Even Peanut had a little sweater vest to wear that day.IMG_1492IMG_1546There was some time between the ceremony and reception so we went to Granville Island for lunch and a short walk.IMG_1618At the ceremony, there was the usual multi-course banquet dinner and KK had her first daddy-daughter dance with Jes.  It was so sweet.

IMG_1687The day after the wedding, Amy had everyone over at her house and we got this cute photo of all the kids together.  We’ll have to take this same photo 15 years later when they’re all too cool to be hanging out with their parents.

IMG_1696That same day, we drove to Sunshine Coast, which required a 40-minute ferry ride.  It was one of those ferries that allow you to park your car on the boat while you go up to the passenger floors to get a cup of coffee and hang out.  IMG_1847We rented a huge log house (through AirBnB) in Gibsons that had 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths.  There was plenty of room for all 10 of us to spread out with room to spare.  Even Peanut and I got our own room so that Jes and KK could get some uninterrupted sleep.

IMG_1814It also had a ridiculous kitchen stocked with 2 fridges, 2 stoves, 2 dishwashers, and 3 sinks!  It also had a grill outside, which Jes used to make a tasty steak for dinner.

IMG_1790I don’t know what was going on in this photo but I thought it was funny.IMG_1771There was a really nice view of the water from the terrace outside the livingroom and an even nicer view from the bedrooms upstairs.

IMG_1885It was so nice to be able to just hang out, relax, and enjoy being with the family.  IMG_1757The grandparents and grandkids got some good quality time together and I finally felt like I could catch up on reading and emails.  I even got a head start on organizing the photos that I had already taken on the trip.

IMG_1902On one of the days, we went to Davis Bay and walked down the wharf to watch the locals fish.  The water was so clear that you could see tiny fish swimming below.IMG_1911IMG_1937We also walked along the shore and practiced skipping rocks.IMG_1943For such a simple activity, everyone had a good time and it was nice to see Jia doing more than just taking care of the twins.  She had a huge smile on her face and couldn’t stop laughing.

IMG_1966On our last day, we all got up early, finished packing, and headed to the ferry terminal.  We are so lucky to have Auntie Beverly, who happens to work there!  She hooked us up with sweet reserved spots for our vehicles.IMG_1982The ride back to Vancouver on the ferry was pretty fun that morning.  We didn’t see anything on our ride to the cabin since it was already dark out so we were so pleased to see how beautiful it was out there!!  We found some seats up front in the ferry boat and had some coffee and Tim Bits during the ride.IMG_1983 IMG_1990 IMG_2003It was also raining, which was a nice change.  I went up to the sundeck to get a better view and the rain was so refreshingly cold.IMG_2012When we docked, we were all back in the minivan ready to go.

IMG_2030Our last stop was lunch in Vancouver with the cousins one last time.  KK had scored surprise eggs at Amy’s house a couple days ago and then got more that afternoon!!  The girls had one last hour together before we had to say our goodbyes.  It was cute how they picked up right where they left off without needing any time to warm up.

IMG_2069So there you go, it was our first international trip as a family of 10.  I have to say that Vancouver is becoming one of my favorite places to visit for the following reasons:

  1. I love the weather.
  2. Everywhere you turn, there’s a gorgeous view to appreciate.
  3. They have great food.
  4. We have family there.
  5. It’s a less-than-2-hour flight.
  6. You get to go through customs on the Canada side before getting on your flight back to the states.  So convenient!!

There were only a few inconveniences that we encountered:

  1. If you don’t have cell service, it’s more difficult to know where you’re going or driving to.  Luckily they have free WiFi hotspots everywhere so we would have to look up our next destination on Google Maps and save it to our phones for directions.
  2. Liquor is hard to find and it’s expensive.  We tried to go to Costco to buy some booze and they don’t sell alcohol there.  You have to buy liquor at an actual liquor store in Canada.
  3. People drive really slow in Vancouver. It’s not fun when you have a schedule to stick to and a baby who hates sitting in the car.
  4. You can’t play Pandora in Canada.  I know, weird.

IMG_2077Aaaaaand….this is what your 3-year-old’s backpack contents look like after a week in Vancouver.  It’s surprise eggs galore!

Joel & Zeynep’s Wedding

IMG_8010On Saturday, we flew down to Southern California for a wedding.  It was going to be an evening of no kids and our first night without the kid since she was born.  After settling down in the Magical House, we drove up to Culver City where we checked in to the Four Points Sheraton.  Everyone had already arrived and we all met them at the hotel bar, which we had asked them to open outside of their regular operating hours.

IMG_8023Joel had warned us they were serving an all-vegan dinner so after a couple drinks, we piled into one car and went to In-N-Out for our pre-wedding meal.

IMG_8022Since there were 6 of us and an SUV, Jes rode in the trunk all the way up to Topanga Canyon.  He said it was actually pretty comfortable back there.  It was just funny having to let him out the back when we pulled up to the valet at the ranch.

IMG_8028The wedding was outdoor in a little ranch but it was pretty warm out there – a balmy 95 degrees I think.

IMG_8032Everything was beautifully decorated with those little personal touches that make their wedding special.


DSC_5539Joel was dressed in all white and all the boys were in black panchos.  Those poor boys.  DSC_5548

IMG_8041The bride was in a crocheted dress and the whole set-up was very hipster – just like our Joel the Indie Rockstar.

IMG_8044It was an open bar and their specialty drink was a cactus margarita, which matched my top perfectly.


This wedding was a nice reunion for the Roebling House.  All six boys and “Seven” (me) were all there together for a fun night of laughs and hijinks.DSC_5560

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Joel asked everyone to wear a color since the party was in black and white.  Ryan took it literally and put this outfit together after shopping at Marshall’s.

IMG_8049Here is my plate of vegan lasagna with “faux sausage”, “faux carnitas” made out of jack fruit, and a kale salad that was the best thing on the table.  I should have gotten more salad.


As the sun went down, the twinkle lights made everything so pretty.DSC_5586IMG_8078

A gathering of the boys also wouldn’t be complete without harrassing Tob and a little bit of wrestling moves.  This is Ryan spinning Tob on his shoulders.  Luckily no one was hurt that night.

IMG_8083After the wedding, we were all starving so we made a stop at Johnnie’s Pastrami for an awesome after-party meal.

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What a fun night!


Oahu: Day 4

Day Four: Saturday 4/26/14

IMG_3035We slept in a bit more this morning but it was still pretty early.  After such a successful day at the beach the day before, I thought I’d take Kumquat out to the beach again so keep the momentum going.  We packed up some pineapple and another Spam musubi(!) and headed out to see Mr. Ocean.  Kumquat walked down to the sand without even a hesitation that morning.  She sat down and proceeded to eat her pineapple with the ocean crashing right in front of her.  Amazing!!

IMG_3050It was so quiet and empty that morning and I just loved watching her play in the sand.  She still wasn’t ready to go in the water but she watched me scoop up water for her in the bucket and when I dropped off in front of her, she sweetly said “Thank you, Mama.”  My heart just about melted at that moment.

IMG_3066Huy later called and said he was hungry.  So, came over and we had some coffee by the pool and read the paper while we waited for Sam’s Kitchen to open.  I got the garlic shrimp, aloha chicken, and an island iced tea.  Yum.  Not a bad meal for being just a block away from the hotel.

IMG_3072After lunch, we went back to the beach for a little dip in the water.  Kumquat actually walked down to the water’s edge with Jes and stood in the water like a big girl!  I couldn’t believe it.  She’d let the water rush up to her knees and she didn’t see bothered at all.

IMG_3084We also went to the pool for about an hour before having to head upstairs to get ready for Yoon’s wedding.  Kumquat spent some time with Uncle Huy in the pool and went down the little tunnel slide without a floatie this time!  Wow, two big accomplishments in one morning for this girl.

IMG_3088 The rest of the day was filled with wedding festivities.  The first part of the adventure was heading out to Hale Koa to catch the shuttle that Yoon had booked for us all to get to the wedding at a Country Club.  She booked a much smaller bus but the company had run out and gave us the super tour bus.

DSC_4769 The wedding was set right next to the beach and there were only a small number of chairs for the family.  DSC_4779The rest of us stood in the back and tried to catch what was said in the super-short 10-minute wedding ceremony.  DSC_4781I snuck up a little closer and watched most of it through my camera’s zoom lens.  Isn’t it cool how close I can get with it?!DSC_4789Surpisingly, Yoon got a little choked up during the vows but she held it together really well.DSC_4800

Here’s the kiss at the end of it all.

IMG_3115There was a little time after the ceremony to hang out and take photos.   IMG_3101Here is Yoon’s family: dad, mom, Yoon, Kurt, and two younger brothers.


I thought this moment between Andrew and Holly was very cute and caught it in a photo!

IMG_3144Shortly after the ceremony, the bus took us back to Hale Koa.  We grabbed a couple drinks and snacks at the bar before heading to the reception inside.

IMG_3132A few of us had to drop off our kids upstairs to the nanny waiting for us in Yoon’s hotel room.  She was nice but I barely really talked to her.  All I know is that she had been babysitting Keenan for the past two mornings while his Kevin had to work and Jen was busy with the baby.  I had never dropped Kumquat off with a complete stranger before and I wasn’t sure how she would do.  Luckily, she had eaten and was already rubbing her eyes.  So, we took her up along with Holly, Roy, and Andrew, showed the nanny where everything was in the stroller, and I snuck out before Kumquat could notice.  I don’t know what she did exactly but Yoon was there to distract her while she was freshening up.  We got an update from Kevin and Jen who dropped off later and said that Kumquat was already asleep and Andrew was watching The Little Mermaid on the bed.  Keenan was having a hard time separating but Andrew was sweet enough to offer his train to him and that did the trick.  An hour later, all three kids were asleep and the grown-ups were free for a couple more hours.

IMG_3165It was a fun reception including a Hawaiian feast complete with lomi lomi salmon, mac salad, kahlua pork, crab legs, and prime rib just to name a few.  Holly was all over the giant dessert table filled with tiny versions of cheesecake, cream puffs, chocolate cake, and fruit tarts.

IMG_3154The booze was flowing and it was all paid for by Yoon’s parents! There was table service and the waiter did a really good job getting all out orders straight.

IMG_3169By 9pm, the nanny was done with her shift but all the kids were sleeping.  Jes went up to roll ours down in her stroller while the Lams and Kwaks took 20-minute shifts hanging out in the dark with the kids.  It wasn’t the most ideal situation but it’s what they came up with and it worked.

IMG_3175Our kid just slept right through the music and drunk shouting.  This kid really does have my sleeping genes.

There was plenty of dancing that night and an event wouldn’t be complete without Dayantha doing a little “Ditty”.

IMG_3206Here’s a group selfie that we took at the end of the night.  It was the best one out of the 4 that I took.  We managed to squeeze in 10 people.  Someone should have snuck in right next to Yoon on her left!!

IMG_3190Mahalo for a wonderful night, Yoon! We were so happy to celebrate this special day with you.  Congratulations to you and Kurt!

Oahu: Day 3

Day Three: Friday 4/25/14

IMG_2906On this day, we were up early again but sorta slept in until 6.  I guess Kumquat was getting adjusting one hour per day.  Once again, we had breakfast by the pool and it was looking a little cloudy.  We were supposed to go to Yoon and Kurt’s BBQ today with a forecast of 40% rain.  Yikes.  This is one of my favorite photos from the trip.

IMG_2913We took a little walk by the pool and then said “hello” to Mr. Ocean again.  Still scared.

IMG_2899Once Jes was up, we walked to McDonald’s for the Spam and Eggs Platter.

IMG_2910Afterward, we went back to the hotel and just hung out on the couches at Rum Fire.  This had become our spot for reading, relaxing, and hanging out in the shade.

When it was time for the BBQ, we packed up our things and walked to Ala Moana Beach Park.  People thought we were crazy for walking but it was only a little over a mile away from the hotel.  This was the perfect opportunity for Kumquat to get in a quick snooze before the festivities.  IMG_2945Once we arrived, Yoon had a full-on spread under the large tree complete with BBQ’d meat, mac salad, chili from Zippy’s, noodles, and pretty much everything else we were craving.


It did sprinkle at times but that tree was the perfect protection and it was actually kinda nice to have the rain every once in a while.


She laid out a bunch of towels and bed sheets for everyone to sit and eat.  The kids all got a shovel and pail set along with blow-up animals.  They had so much fun together.

IMG_2946The beach was a nice lagoon with gentle waters.  It was perfect for Kumquat and was her first introduction to how fun the beach and water can really be.

IMG_2974By the end of the afternoon, she had soaked through her non-swim diaper (I didn’t think she’d actually go in) and couldn’t get enough of the wet sand.


IMG_3006After the BBQ, everyone headed back to the hotel to wash up.  Yoon had planned Round 2 at Uncle Bo’s and had a reservation for 25 people to show up at 7:00.  We were all late and some people arrived before they gave the tables away.  We had a ton of food and plenty to drink.

IMG_3010It was so nice to have everyone together again after so many years.  Lots of people arrived this afternoon and half didn’t make it to the BBQ so this was a lot of fun.

IMG_3012The happy couple received some “special” shots that evening and we all got a good laugh.

IMG_3028After dinner, a bunch of us went singing at a place Dayantha and the guys found the other night.  IMG_3029Kumquat rode in the minivan taxi with everyone and also joined them in the singing room for the first half hour.  What a trooper.

10 Years

On November 2, 2002, we tied the knot.  That was ten years ago!!  We’ve also been together for 17 years now.  Sheesh…1995 was a long time ago.

To celebrate, we both took the day off work and Mirian came to watch Kumquat while we spent the day hanging out together.  After I got a long-overdue haircut, we headed out to Hog Island Oyster Co. for one of our favorite meals.  We ordered almost everything on the menu (again) and walked out of there stuffed and buzzed happy.

Then we walked down Market Street to the Apple Store.  The iPad mini came out today so we went to take a look.  This is always a dangerous move for us and once again we left $300+ poorer and Jes had a new toy to play with.

Next stop was Tiffany & Co.  No, I didn’t get anything shiny.  It’s our tradition to go there to get our rings cleaned and polished.  It’s one of those courtesy things that we take full advantage of every year.

One of the other traditions we have every anniversary is taking out our notebook and writing down all the things we did or happened over the past year.  Obviously, one of the biggest things to happen was the birth of our baby girl, which was a major life-changing event for us.  So, it was nice to have the day to just the two of us to reflect and enjoy each other’s company without a stroller or feeding/nap schedule to worry about.

For dinner we went to Coi.  It’s a Two-Michelin Star restaurant that we’ve had on our list for a while.  Jia came over to babysit Kumquat and we had a long 3-hour-12-course meal with a shared wine pairing.  All the dishes were good and some were really interesting in presentation and flavor.

We were greeted with champagne and a little starter, which was their take on chips and guac.  It was toasted brown rice “chips” with an avocado mousse.

The most beautiful plate was a beet rose on goat cheese and a bed of rose ice that was intricately assembled using very thinly sliced beet “petals”.

Jes’ favorite was the grilled abalone on nettle-dandelion salsa verde.

This was one of our three desserts: grapefruit with ginger tarragon meringue.  There was also a little dot of essence (on the left) that we had to rub on our wrist to smell while we ate the dessert.

My favorite dessert was a really yummy frozen lime sorbet covered in a lime marshmallow.  It was also toasted on top.

Meanwhile, Kumquat was home with Jia and they played, took a walk, and had her usual bedtime routine.

Happy 10th Anniversary, Jes!  I love you and can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in the next 10 years.