Browse Category: updates

stupid bugs

Apparently my latest theme has some bug that keeps people from commenting.  Brother just told me he tried to post a comment and got a blank page.  It turns out to be the theme I’m using so we’re back to an old one for now until I can resolve the problem.  You should be able to post comments now.

yet another doc in the sandbox

Our dear friend Huy is getting ready for a 6-month deployment. If you didn’t already know, he’s been a Navy Doc for a few years now and will be going to Iraq this month. When he initially signed up for the Navy, it was pre-9/11 with no war in sight. It’s crazy how things can change so quickly.

In preparation for his departure, I got him set up with a blog. I think it will be good for him to be able to share with his friends and family back home what’s going on with him. It’ll also be good for us to get a glimpse of his experience as a doc for the Marines. Luckily, he’ll be on a base the whole time and I’ve advised him to stay put. We don’t need him going out and getting bombed or anything.

Here’s the url: I’ve also added him to my blogroll (to the right) in case you’re too lazy to bookmark it. He’ll be posting regularly (right, Huy!?) so check it daily!


Ever since I was young, I felt it was important to capture memories and record my life through photography and journaling. I have albums and albums of photos – capturing every moment of my childhood, adolescence, and adult life through my eyes. I have numerous handwritten journals and a really old computer program called “Journal” on my Thinkpad that I started in college. A guy named Jesse Lim gave it to me. *wink wink* I also had a web log (before it was called a “blog”) since 2001 and remember the days of having to code EVERYTHING in html. To preserve my earlier entries, I incorporated them into beakatude. You’ll find some old entries dated back to July 2001.

When I read them, it was like looking through a time capsule. I wrote about my internships, planning my wedding, and even Jes’ accident in 2002. So weird. Much has changed since then and so has my site. It’s evolved from a geocities site that I built from scratch, then went to my own url with dreamweaver by my side, and now it’s so automated by wordpress that it doesn’t take nearly as much time and effort to keep it updated. Uploading and sharing photos is so much faster now too. I can still remember making my own thumbnails, arranging them in a table, and making links to each one individually. Man, that was time-consuming. I just love how technology now allows me to journal and share photos all in one place. Long live!


If you’ve been on beakatude a couple times in the past few days, you might have noticed some crazy layout and color changes.  Well, I’m experimenting with a few new themes and customizing it quite a bit.  Again, I’m struggling with making it Firefox, IE, Safari-friendly.  I hope it’s looking ok for all of you.  Let me know what you think in the comments section. 

Just a little more vacation left…

My official first day back to work is this Friday but unfortunately I have a meeting already scheduled tomorrow morning and Thursday morning. Booo…. One good thing about it is that I will be able to “flex” those days later in the year. So, I’m going to just loaf around the house today to make the most of my last day off.

As you may have noticed, I changed the theme of beakatude. I’m currently dabbling in some photo album software/plugins including the possible use of Flickr. *grr* In the past, Flickr hasn’t really impressed me but they have a few features that would be nice to use on WordPress if they actually worked.

Oh yeah, I also signed up for a Beginning Photography class that starts mid-September. It requires the use of my 35mm SLR again, which will be a nice change. I’m just curious to see how my skills compare to the last time I took a photography class back in 1995. I can’t wait to get high on the processing chemicals.

I’m so mac-dumb.

On Sunday night, I was fiddling around with some new software that I just installed on the macbook. I thought I’d update some of beakatude and upload the pages using a new ftp software that I had to learn. Well, learning how to skillfully navigate on this new OS and doing what I usually do on the Thinkpad has been quite an adventure. Something so simple as to delete something from your desktop requires two-finger tapping the mousepad and clicking “move to trash”. Whatever happened to the delete button?
Speaking of deleting…in my mac-dumbness, I accidentally deleted the index to my website. Haha. No problem, I’ve done THAT before. Previously, all I had to do was upload the backup index that’s on my computer and voila, solved. Not so fast…apparently it’s not that simple with my new site. Fortunately, my wonderful Admin managed to fix it by the end of the night but it involved a whole lot of reinstalling and reconfiguring stuff. *sigh* I’ll learn to love my macbook soon.