Browse Category: *sniff*

They gave up today.

It’s the 1st of October and my flip-flops finally gave in to their demise.  *sniff*  I was walking the dog this afternoon when I tripped on a crack and they gave up.  I had to walk home with one bare foot.

Looked all over Southern CA for a replacement pair and had no luck. I’m a creature of habit and this was my second pair.  Couldn’t give in to a different style or brand.  If anyone sees these in a store nearby, I wear Sanuk Paydays in Size 8 and black. I’ll pay you back…promise.

Oh noooooo!

I came home this evening and found this massacre in my livingroom.  I guess there won’t be any more honking in the house tonight.  Poor Moo.  He’s scheduled for reconstructive surgery on Saturday morning.  I’d better go to the store to buy some more dental floss.

See You Soon

Ranee's Exit

My dear friend and co-worker Ranee is moving to NYC next week and I had a week of denial.  Yes, she won’t be back on Monday and she’ll be clear across the country but I was determined not to cry.

Team Tiger


To keep things light, the girls and I just got really silly at work and took lots of photos.  On Friday afternoon, we all wore dinosaur stickers and danced around the office once we were all done for the day.

The Girls

On Friday afternoon, we had a goodbye party for her on the front patio of Park Avenue.  We had a good turnout, which made for a nice group photo.

Group Photo

We gave her a few gifts to take to NYC with her including a t-shirt that said “I hella heart Oakland” and a wad of cash labeled as “Cab Fare”. We’re hoping she’ll wear it to a Yankees game one day.  Haha.


The gift that she was most touched by was a photo book that I put together online for her.  It had a glossy hard cover like a yearbook and I spent all week having everyone in the office sign it.  It was tempting to write “K.I.T.” and “Have a cool summer.”


Afterward, a few of us went to Gordo Tacqueria and I gave her a NYC Zagat guide in return for the SF Zagat that she gave me for my last birthday.  I also sent her away with a NYC Moleskine so that her monkey-butt would have a map of New York without making her look like a dorky tourist.  My burrito really hit the spot after a drawn out Happy Hour and crazy day of work.

Ranee…I’ll see you soon in New York.  In the meantime, have a cool summer.

Here are photos from this past week.

My Doctor, Dr. Mai

happy hour

Last night we had a going-away Happy Hour for our dearest Dr. Mai at Marc 49.  She’s leaving us for a 3-year residency at the VA Hospital in Westwood to become a doctor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  She’s not only a great doc but has been so much fun to have as our pediatrician and even patched up my finger

Dr. Mai

I was a dummy and sliced my middle finger on a knife after our Fun Friday outing to McDonald’s with the kids.  Anyway, we’ll certainly miss her…especially during next year’s w/c bball tourney.

You were a good dog.


Dear Zooey,
We picked you up from a house in Downey and found you hiding under the stairs.  You’ve always been a little shy but always so loveable.  I can still remember how shaky you were on your first visit to the vet and how much fun it was to have you in the apartment as a pup.  When it was time for us to move away, you went to live with Mom.  You grew up to be a gentle dog with a big bark to keep the bad guys out.  You loved to sleep in your dogloo and knew how to stay in the doorway without coming inside the house.


You got summer camp at our house in Irvine and had a blast.  It took a couple hours for you to get used to dealing with a rambunctious puppy named Koa but once you got the hang of it, you were best buddies for life.


You got the tasty canned food mixed with a scoop of kibble while Koa stood at the window drooling with envy.  We took you to the dog park and you found comfort by my side instead of exploring the park and sniffing the other dogs.  It’s no wonder you racked up such endearing nicknames such as Chicken Dog and Old Man.


You lived a long life of 12 years and I hope you find lots of shady trees to nap under in Doggie Heaven.  I will miss you dearly and I’m glad that I got to give you one last hug just a few weeks ago.

Love You and Rest in Peace,
The Girl

Zooey passed away on Friday, May 8th with Mom and Dad by his side.  He was sick for a few days and was finally laid to rest that afternoon at the vet’s office.  He will be sorely missed.

Making the Reverse Move


A year and a half ago, we moved from Irvine to SF.  In a couple weeks, Rob and Kel will be moving from the Bay Area to Irvine.  Go figure.  After 8 years, they’ve decided to say goodbye to a life of fog, bridges, and BART and hello to life of sun, look-alike houses, and plenty of driving…and they’re looking forward to it!!!  I’m very excited for them and there’s a part of me that’s envious of their new life.  There are lots of things I miss about living in Irvine and Southern CA in general.


So, on Sunday afternoon, we had a BBQ for them at Jimmy and Eleen’s, which was filled with Hawaiian food and doggies.  Jesse almost burnt down the grill but all the food was pretty yummy.  Thanks to Susie for all the marinated meat!!  J&E’s house was also recently renovated so we finally got to check it all out.  It was fun to hang out with friends and I think Koa had just as much fun socializing with Boudin, Mika, Diesel, Brando, and of course Smush.

Have a great time in Irvine, Little Masayas!  We’ll miss you!!  I’ve updated my OC List on Yelp just for you guys!!  Here are photos from the BBQ.