Browse Category: *sniff*

Christmas Eve and Disneyland 2014

DSC_5892For the third year in a row, we went to Disneyland with the family.  This is a fun tradition that just keeps getting better every year.  I grew up going to Disneyland multiple times a year and both Brother and I worked there.  Despite that, it never seems to get old and it seems even more fun now through the eyes of our kids.IMG_1025As usual, we got up early and opened some presents.  My brother had a giant photo of Koa printed on wood for my parents.  Aaawww…we all still miss him.

IMG_1291Once we arrived at Disneyland, the tram, ticket line, and getting into Disney’s California Adventure were easy.  Our first stop was to get a FastPass for the Elsa and Anna Meet and Greet.

IMG_1062Then we headed out to Cars Land for a fun ride on the racers.  IMG_1064IMG_1063The single-rider line was empty so we all hopped on quickly and still ended up in the same cars together and racing against each other.


For a tasty snack, we headed over to the Cozy Cone.  IMG_1060We shared a pretzel bread cone filled with chili, cheese, and Fritos (of course!).IMG_1061

It’s one of my favorite treats at DCA and big enough to share.


At Bugs Land, we rode this funny caterpillar ride that takes you through a giant watermelon and animal cracker box.  They both had yummy smells inside.


I like how Little Alice can barely see out of the car in this picture.IMG_1336


The best part of being at Disneyland together is that we get to watch KK and Alice interact.  KK is starting to understand what it’s like to be the big kid and held Alice’s hand down the street.DSC_5896 DSC_5939

Alice just wanted to do everything KK did.  SO cute.


What’s not surprising is that when it came time to meet all of KK’s favorite characters that she shied away.  This was the best photo we could get of her with them.  What’s funny is that as soon as we got out of the room, she said “I want Elsa and Anna”.  *sigh*

DSC_5871She also was not a fan of Santa again.  Oh well.


For lunch, we feasted on fried chicken, green beans, and mashed potato.

IMG_1427Both kids ate very well.


On Main Street, everything was decorated for Christmas – including the castle.DSC_5935


KK also said “hello” to Chip and Dale.


During nap time, we rode the newly refurbished Thunder Mountain.  Not much was changed aside from the addition of more explosions inside.


The carousel was a hit for everyone.  Alice especially enjoyed it and cried when the ride was all done.

IMG_1084On the Casey Jr. Ride, we passed by the new tiny model of Arendelle.

DSC_6005Ever since I was a kid, a big part of our day at Disneyland is scoping out the perfect spot to watch the parade.  This year was no different and Brother came prepared with a blanket to sit on this year.  We all took turns sitting around while the others wandered around.  The kids loved hanging around on the street and KK had fun dancing and twirling in the street before the parade started.  You’ll see it at the end of the video below.

DSC_6011The best part of Christmas Time at Disneyland are all the extra twinkle lights around the park.IMG_1514The Christmas Parade is also a favorite – even for Jesse. 🙂IMG_1123Here is “It’s a Small World” all lit up.  It’s pretty gawdy but so cool at the same time.IMG_1131They also have all the dolls and scenery decorated for the holiday season.

IMG_1132We also stayed long enough to watch the fireworks and snow.

IMG_1136This part gets me all choked up every year.  I know, I’m dumb.

familyWhat a fun day at the “Happiest Place on Earth”.  I hope we can keep this tradition going.
Here’s a video that Brother put together from the day.  We had a blast – oh, and so did the kids. Heh heh.

I miss him.

koa signOne year ago today, we lost Koa to kidney failure. At times, it seems surreal that he’s actually gone.

DSC_2897I think about him daily and wonder what kind of trouble he and KK would be up to if he was still around.  KK loves watching videos of him and looks at the painting on our wall when she eats dinner and often says “it’s Mama and Koa”. I’m still amazed at how patient he was with her.

Running KoaI get a little choked up when I run along parts of McCovey Cove or when we drive past Fort Funston.  We sometimes talk about getting another dog.  I know we’ll never be able to replace him and will it be weird to get another shiba?

Thanks to my Brother, is still up and running.  He happened to renew the domain name just before his passing so we still have it for a couple more years.

Miss you, Koa Bear.

Southern California Weekend

IMG_4640For PoPo’s funeral services, we went down to Southern California for a long weekend.  We drove down on Friday morning and went straight to the viewing at Rose Hills.  It was a long drive (as usual) but we lucked out with a smooth ride and not too much trouble from the toddler.  IMG_4634Here we are at the truck stop and the video below is our selfie video in the car.  Jes was being a papa bird taking the pits out of the cherries for the baby bird.

After the viewing, we stopped at the Magical House for a little rest and some scootering for Kumquat.

IMG_4665On Saturday morning, we all got up early to get to the funeral service. The family had put together such a nice slideshow that ran at the beginning of the service.

IMG_4667We all share stories about PoPo with the congregation and soon it was time for the burial.  IMG_4688The whole ceremony and service was really nice and we all had the closure that we needed.

Saturday afternoon was spent at lunch and then back at the Magical House to cool off.  That weekend was particularly warm and everyone needed a nap.  Brother later came over and Kumquat got to hang out with Cousin Alice and even had a tea party in the backyard with everyone.

On Sunday, we went to church and then went back to the Magical House for some more family time. It was nice to just relax and catch up with family. Auntie Jeanie also came over to tell us the rest of PoPo’s life story. She had given the eulogy at the service but had to cut it short due to time constraints. She also went outside with Kumquat for a little more scootering. This kid mastered going down curb cuts that day and kept saying “Fun! Fast!”

That afternoon, I was able to play with Alice more and she had a good time trying to be a big kid with Kumquat.
IMG_4803Here they are “watching” a YouTube video together.  So cute…

IMG_4825On Monday morning, we took our time getting up and Kumquat even had enough time to go play at the park nearby.  IMG_4847We had a smooth drive up to SF with no traffic and we also stopped at Gilroy for some outlet shopping and dinner.  So, we ended up getting home around 9pm instead of the estimated 5pm time.  Oh well.  At least it was a good weekend.

Rest in Peace, PoPo.

20140530-140716-50836073.jpgToday is a very sad day for us. We lost PoPo this morning and her family was able to be at her bedside to say goodbye.  This photo was taken back in 2007 on Christmas Day.

IMG_4436PoPo was very special to Jesse since she was very involved in his care when he was a baby.  I met her a very long time ago at a family function back in 1995 when she was still living by herself and was a fantastic cook.  Little by little her health declined until the family had to move her to a place where she could be taken care of 24 hours per day.  At that point, she was still rather independent and going to church down the street.  Around that time, she still recognized her family and I remember one wedding that we went to in 2005 where we had our last real interaction with her.  Here is the post.  I’m so thankful that I wrote about it because I wouldn’t have remembered every detail.

DSC_9409Eventually, she needed a higher level of care so she moved to a different place.  Here was the one and only time all four generations were together.  It was in 2012 around Christmas again.  It was the last time Jes and I saw her.

Hannah, Jesse’s cousin, said it perfectly when she posted this on FB today:


IMG_4163Our department got a new therapy dog from Canine Companions and she had her first day today.  Her name is Trinity and she’s a labrador+golden mix.  I met her this morning on my way to the cafeteria and we got to hang out for a bit in the hall.  As I walked away to buy my coffee, I nearly lost it.  Tears began to well up in my eyes and I had to take a moment to regroup.  I guess I still miss Koa.  I guess this therapy dog will be good for not only the patients but for the staff too.

I love the Olympics.

I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics online and the same 3-4 commercials come on all the time.  One of them is this one about a woman who is a full-time mom and full-time Olympic athlete training for the skeleton event at the Sochi Games.

I looked her up and her story is pretty crazy.  She missed the 2006 Torino Games because of a freak accident involving a bobsled that crashed into her at practice and broke her leg in multiple places.  Then she got back to training in time for 2010 in Vancouver and lost the bronze medal by 0.10 seconds.   She then retired to be a mom and had a second child.  She later became pregnant with #3 but then miscarried at 18 weeks.  Whoa.  After that happened, she and her husband had a long talk and decided they’d get her back in training.  Her husband even designed and made her skeleton sled (works for a steel manufacturing company).  She trained early in the morning, took care of the kids during the day, and then trained more after they went to bed.  That’s some dedication and stamina!  Sliding down a icy course head first and on your stomach on a tiny sled is not something you can do when you’re exhausted from a full day!

Anyway, after all that, she went to the 2014 games and won silver yesterday.  Here’s a link to the article. I’m officially inspired.