Browse Category: projects

Tendonitis anyone?

Going against Jes’ suggestion of sticking to one hobby at a time, I thought I’d put photography aside every once in a while and learn how to knit. On Saturday, I went to Costco and bought a knitting starter’s kit complete with size-8 circular needles, yarn needle, stitch markers, a handy dandy instruction booklet, and 25 pattern cards. All of it came in a neat little box that suits my style. Anyway, I was so excited about going to Tall Mouse this afternoon. Oh the possibilities! Unfortunately, since I am just a newbie, I had to purchase the standard Sport Weight yarn. I did get it in baby blue though, which seemed the most subdued amongst bright yellows and icky browns.
When I got home, I left the bag of yarn and the kit on my bed so that I would at least try to get started tonight. I knew I had to get other things done before I sat down to cramp up my fingers and make myself cross-eyed. So, after my afternoon jog and dinner with the husband, I took a shower and jumped into bed with needles and yarn in hand. I turned on my laptop and went to the link that I had already bookmarked a couple days ago. It’s a website called that contains step-by-step instructions and videos on how to knit. Awesome…I’ll be making sweaters for everyone in no time!Anway, I got started with casting on. Easy enough…I chose Continental style instead of American style since it was the first one on the page. Not bad…I made 15 stitches and moved on. Next was the basic knit stitch. That was a little more confusing at first but once I got the hang of it, I made about 4 rows. It looked like a mess but I did it! Unfortunately, my forearm began to ache and I was getting a little bit of an eye strain from all the scowling I was doing. Now it’s about 12:59 am and I have to go to bed.
On the next episode of “Tendonitis anyone?”, beakatude learns the purl stitch…will she do it or keep practicing her knit stitch? Stay tuned.

What’s a bobbin again?

Last Friday I took out my sewing machine and spent about an hour just trying to figure out how to get it all set up again. I found myself scratching my head and talking to myself. It’s been about 4 years since I last used it so it took a while. Well, I finally got it set-up and along with PVC pipes and my neighbor’s pipe cutter, I was ready to go this afternoon. Wanna see what I made??
Back in September, I recruited Jesse and Jason to help me cut PVC pipes at Home Depot. Then I took them to work and figured out how to make room dividers. Once the frame was ready, it needed tweaking and cutting because the original frame was way too big…taller than me. The last step was the fabric…that took a little work. But I managed to figure out how to make a simple stitch and the project took off!! Here’s the room divider. Then I made a shelf curtain to hide cleaning products and storage items from the kids. I also used the left over pink fabric to make a little sink skirt to hide the ugly pipes and water heater that sits underneath it.
When I thought I was all done, I figured out how to use the remaining short pipes and connectors to make a ball rack. How cool is that?! Now I won’t have these stupid therapy balls wandering around the room. Ah…it’s fun creating stuff with your hands. I can’t wait to get back to work on some new projects! Don’t be surprised if you all get some handmade Christmas presents!!

How to Build a Better Clinic

Top Left: My Door; Top Right: Fine Motor/Messy Area
Bottom Left: Sensory/Gross Motor Area; Bottom Right: My “Office”
My clinic is just about finished! I’ve spent the past week reconfiguring my 15’x39′ portable into a safer, more functional space. Now it’s up to the kids to make some cool art projects to decorate the walls. School starts tomorrow…let’s see how it all works out!