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Lights and Ice

Last night we went out to Embarcadero Center once again for Light-up Night.  We started at Osha Thai for drinks and dinner while the buildings lit up and the fireworks went off.

Then we headed over to the Hyatt where we admired the lights and hung out at the bar for a few more drinks.  Initially I was missing my usual glass of wine but we had so much fun laughing and making fun of each other that I ended up not missing it at all.

The night ended with even more laughs when Matt and Patty decided to put on ice skates at the rink nearby.  Patty’s been taking lessons this past year and Matt was just really pumped about the skating.  So, they strapped on the skates and took a spin.

It was quite a show watching Matt slip and slide around the rink in NOT the most optimal state.

He took a few crazy spills but this morning he reported back with just a sore palm and a raging headache.  I guess this is the beginning of the holiday season and I’m glad that I was able to enjoy it with my friends.

Here are a few more photos.

We passed.

A few weeks ago, Vyl convinced Jes that he needed some practice before Kumquat arrives.  So he agreed to babysit Rowan for an evening.  On Friday night, Bang and Vyl dropped him off around 6:30 and they handed him straight over to Jesse.  I paused to see if he would cry but he didn’t!  In fact, he was totally cool with him all the way up to the condo.  Vyl left quickly and Rowan didn’t even flinch.  Instead, he was busy watching Koa who was scurrying around him on the floor.

Apparently, he LOVES dogs and it was perfect.  He spent most of the first half-hour crawling around the house and Koa enjoyed it just as much.  Don’t worry, I made sure to wipe his face and hands down before bed.

When it was around his bedtime, we prepared his bottle and he guzzled that down.  Unfortunately, he was still wired from all the excitement so we hung out for a while.  Jesse even got into the mix and read him a book and then snuggled with him with the lights turned down.

He cuddled his blanket and doggie while sucking his thumb quietly all night (just like Linus) but just couldn’t fall asleep.  At one point we put him down in the pack-and-play but then he started to cry for a good 10 minutes.

I felt bad so I brought him back out and we just hung out until he fell asleep.  It only took an extra hour for him to settle and he didn’t fuss when his parents returned.

There were a few things we learned last night: 1) our house is pretty toddler-friendly, 2) the dog is good entertainment for a toddler, and 3) we can handle this kid thing together after all.  Oh and of course, Rowan is pretty darn cute.

Here are the rest of the photos from our evening with Mini Bang.

Sunday Supper

A couple Sundays ago (10/16), the Bangs invited us over for dinner.  It had been a while so it was good to catch up and see how the kids have grown and changed since the last time I saw them.

I got a few photos of Reese, Jack, and Rowan while they played.  Here are a few more photos of the kids.

Long Weekend

Brother and Joy came up to visit this past weekend and I took Friday off to enjoy the time with them.  They arrived on Thursday afternoon and I got off work in time to drive back to SF, pick up their luggage, drive home, and walk to Hog Island for HH with them.

On the walk home, there was a really pretty sunset and the sky was pink and orange.  The weather was really pleasant and it remained warm through the night…so unusual.

On Friday, we got up early and went for a short run to Chinatown.  We stopped for breakfast at Washington Bakery and had some porridge and fried dough.  Yum.

Later that day, we drove to Sausalito to check out a cute novelty shop and grabbed a quick bit to eat before heading over to the Walt Disney Family Museum.

The last stop was Humphrey Slocombe.  I was bummed that I couldn’t get a scoop of Secret Breakfast but I got to try Fluffernutter, whcih really tasted like an Abbazabba!

On Saturday, I had hula rehearsal in the morning so Brother and Joy wandered Japan Town and had brunch on Fillmore.  Afterward, we headed home and walked to lunch with Jes and Koa.  It was so warm and sunny outside. Later that night, we drove down to Redwood City for lobster rolls and clam chowder at Old Port Lobster Shack before driving down to Shoreline for the Journey concert.

It was super crowded on the lawn but we somehow found Dot and the Masayas and hung out at the top where there was an extra bar and plenty of room to spread out.  We stayed until the end and watched them perform their most famous songs.

It was a fun long weekend with Brother and Joy.  I guess it’ll hold me over until Christmas.

Here are the photos from this weekend.

NYC Photos

Finally got all my photos in order.  I realized that this is the least number of photos I’ve ever taken on a trip to New York.  Interesting.

Baby Kwak has a name!

Holly and Roy welcomed their new baby boy into the world on September 21st – just a day before Holly’s 36th birthday!  He weighed in at 6 pounds, 15 ounces.  I got a quick phone photo from them on the day it happened and then they sorta disappeared for a few days.  It wasn’t until last Friday (9/30) that they finally announced his name: Andrew Tyler.  Apparently he was nameless for the first five days of his life.

Anyway, on Saturday (10/1), Jes and I visited them in their New York apartment.  I got to meet the little guy who was just hanging out on the livingroom bed.  Holly’s mom was also there and was staying with them for a few weeks.  He was very alert and didn’t cry when I held him.  I got a few photos of him while I was there and these were some of my favorites.

Look at how small he is!!!  I always forget how tiny newborns are.

Here’s Andrew up-close.  Is he waving or giving me the Vulcan salute?  So cute!

Here are some cute shots of Holly and Roy with their new son.

And of course, I had to get one with the little guy.  Holly said we looked like a lesbian couple with a new baby.  Haha.

Here are the rest of the photos.