Browse Category: photos

Baby Avia

DSC_4936 I got a text from Ranee on Saturday afternoon saying that she was going in to the hospital due to some minor complications.  They decided to do a c-section that night and Baby Avia Ema was born!  On Monday, I went to visit them in the hospital and it was so fun to see a newborn again.  DSC_4941DSC_4947DSC_4970She was so small next to big sister Sophie.  Ranee looked great and the baby was already eating like a champ.DSC_4975IMG_5468

Click here for the album.

Baby Henry

DSC_4420This morning, I went to Teresa’s house to take some photos of James Henry.

DSC_4414He turned one month old today and he’s now a pound over his birth weight.  Yay!

DSC_4439 DSC_4447Teresa and Aaron are doing well and it was so good to spend some time with T and Henry.

DSC_4470 DSC_4478 This little boy is such a cutie.

DSC_4491Click here to view the album.

6:30 am

IMG_7137 This morning I was up really early again so I went for another early run before the rest of the family woke up.  I took these on my run today.  The lights on Embarcadero and on the Bay Bridge hadn’t even been turned off yet.IMG_7138


IMG_2462On Sunday, I took some portraits of little Alice.  DSC_3768I caught this one while she was napping.

DSC_3772When she woke up, Joy handed her over to me and started out a little fussy.  Then I got her in the zone and she was able to hang out on the dining table for a quick photo shoot.  Here’s what I got in just 10 minutes.

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public transportation

This week, I’ve had to take public transportation to and from work because the car has been out of commission.  I’ve had to leave the house before the sun comes up and the commute each way has doubled.  Once I’m on the train, it’s a pretty peaceful ride and I’m able to catch up on emails and just relax before walking into the hospital.  Here are some photos I captured over the past 5 days.

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 Happy Friday!

Sophie’s Family

DSC_2560Sophie recently turned 18 months old so we went on a photo excursion to Chrissy Field for some family portraits.  It’s was cold and cloudy but it made it super easy for photo-taking.  Sophie did a great job and her parents did a pretty good job themselves.  😉

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DSC_2582Next stop was The Embarcadero.  It got warmer out there and the sun actually started to come out.

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DSC_2699Here’s my attempt at recreating Sophie and Jamie’s engagement photo with Sophie included.DSC_2679Here’s the original photo. It’s not quite the same angle but it was the best we could do.


And now for some cute outtakes.  Sophie loved showing off her tummy and I couldn’t resist snapping a few.

DSC_2789Maybe Ranee can frame it next to her one of her preggo portraits that I took a couple years ago.DSC_2798I had so much fun.  Hope you guys like the photos!!

Click here for the full album.