Browse Category: photos

Baby Sabrina

IMG_4200Last night after work, I drove up to Walnut Creek to visit Mai and her 2-week-old baby girl Sabrina.

DSC_6203DSC_6179I tried to get some portraits taken but she was either sleeping or fussing.

DSC_6185Mai looks great and has been adjusting to motherhood so gracefully.

IMG_4192It was also fun to have Ranee and her girls there.  Avia is 9 months now and just started crawling.

IMG_4206Our little group of babies from work is certainly growing and so much fun to watch through their milestones.

Congratulations to Mai and Dennis!!

Still got it.

IMG_2015This morning, I went for a solo run.  I didn’t know how far I would be able to go since I had only been running with the stroller this past month.  On my way down toward the Ferry Building, the sun was rising.

IMG_2010I got a very cool view of the sun coming up as I went under the bridge and caught a few photos of the bay.  You can click the panaramic photo to get the full size.

IMG_2012I ran most of the way and finished 3 miles in 37 minutes.  Yes, it’s a snail’s pace but I finished and didn’t feel too bad considering I’m 13 weeks preggo.  For some reason, running doesn’t bother my bladder so much this time around.  I remember running with KK and felt like I had to pee the whole way.  Anyway, I’m happy to know that I can still run comfortably.  I also know now that I need a fat nap afterward because that’s what I did a couple hours later – fell asleep around 10 and didn’t wake up until after 12.

Family Photos

DSC_5797I’ve become the unofficial family photographer for my friends up here and it’s so much fun.  This morning, I took a few photos of Vivian and her parents before Sophie’s birthday party. The overcast lighting was perfect!!

DSC_5863At the end of the party, I got a cute shot of Sophie with her parents.

Vivian & Family

DSC_5295Right after my visit to Ranee’s, I headed down the street to meet up with Steph, Nathan, and Vivian for her 1st birthday portraits.  DSC_5268This red two-piece was from the Bahamas and has been worn by her older cousins when they were her size and passed down to her.DSC_5335

The second outfit was a birthday gift and the purple in the dress really complimented her skin color.




Hopkins Family

DSC_4993Henry turned 6 months last week and Teresa wanted photos of him.  So, they came over on Sunday morning and we headed out to Brannan Street Wharf for a quick photoshoot.  Henry was so smiley and in a great mood.

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Click here for the album.