Family Tahoe Trip: Day Three
On Monday morning, we got up early to pack up the car and had our free breakfast at the Best Western. It was a full-service breakfast complete with banana pancakes, eggs, or whatever else that was on the menu. This hotel was a pretty good deal considering it was close to the casinos, was super clean, and had free breakfast every morning.
We then drove to Sierra-at-Tahoe but also made a quick stop by the lake for a group photo. Unfortunately, it was a little icy and it took a couple takes for us to get the timing of the camera right. I managed to slip on one of the takes and this is what we got. It makes for a pretty funny photo. Love how Brother was totally laughing at me.
Once we got to Sierra, we were one of the first ones there and I don’t think I’ve ever parked so far up in the lot before. The mountain was nice and empty and Brother and I got a few fast runs in on the blues in West Bowl before heading back to SF.
On the way home, we stopped at the Jelly Belly factory for a tour, tastings, and to pick up a big bag of “Belly Flops”, which are unlabeled, irregular Jelly Bellies that didn’t make it into the packages.
We did all this and still managed to get home by 5pm. Amazing! So for dinner, we picked Jes up from work and had the salt and pepper crab at R&G. Soooo tasty.
Here are photos from Day Three.
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