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First Date

A couple years ago when Michelle and I went to the watch the movie “Up”, we saw a trailer for “G-Force”.  It’s about a bunch of guinea pigs fighting crime.  Sounds ridiculous but I actually laughed at their antics.  So, Michelle said that I was the official person to take Jack to see these zany kid movies once he’s old enough.

Well, he’s finally old enough so they enlisted me to take him to see “Hop” with Jack.  I actually wanted to see it so it worked out for both of us.  Michelle dropped Jack and I off at the Metreon yesterday afternoon and we were both super excited.  After buying our tickets and a small popcorn, we headed to Theater 12 for a fun-filled bunny movie.

Jack had a great time gobbling up all the popcorn and playing the “air drums” along with the bunny in the movie.  It’s a good thing he packed a juice box in his pocket cuz he ate A LOT of popcorn.

Afterward, we pretended to play some arcade games (playing with the wheel of the car game) and also took a little booth photo.

We also wandered the Yerba Buena Garden a bit before catching the bus home.

Jack did a great job through the whole movie and got a real kick out of riding the bus.  I’d say we had a pretty successful “first date”.  He also found the movies he’s gonna want to see next.  Sweeeet.

Here are the rest of the photos.


It had been pretty warm in SF these past couple days so we all agreed to a bonfire on Saturday night. Dayantha and Krissy were coming for the weekend so we called up the Masayas and they came along too.  We all met up with the Sokol-Juns and Darbys at Ocean Beach to find some crazy wind, crazy waves, and a lot of sand…everywhere.  The Bangs didn’t make it since their little guy wasn’t cooperating and they were probably better off not braving the elements with him.

At the waterline, there was a collection of foam on the beach and the wind was so strong that it blew the foam into the air and across the sand.  We had a spectacular sunset and plenty of light to get the fire started and the hamburgers cooked.

Unfortunately the wind was blowing sand onto everything and I ended up with sand in my beer, sand in my burger, and sand in all of our stuff.  Just take a look at Michelle’s expression as she crunches on her sandy burger.  We’ve been home for 24 hours and I’m still finding sand in my stuff.  When I took a shower, I had sand in my ears.

Despite all that, we had a fun time.  Jack did a good job entertaining himself and I got a few shots of him being cute as ever.  Victor also taught him how to body-check Jes but Jack just ended up headbutting him in the leg.

I think he hurt himself more than anyone else.

Dog came along too and he got to dig in the sand and he barked at everything that walked by.  At one point a strange man walked toward us from the darkness while Koa barked at him.  Meanwhile, he said to us “Dimitri is gonna kill us all!”  So, we kept Koa on the lookout for Dimitri the rest of the night.

Here are the rest of the photos from that evening.

It’s just the beginning…

About a month ago, Teresa and I were talking about running the Oakland Twilight 5K.  It’s a fun run that occurs the night before the Marathon on Sunday.  After deciding to sign up, we recruited the rest of the Rehab crew to play along and they all agreed!  None of them were regular runners but they had enough time to train.  So, on Saturday evening, I took BART to Oakland 12th St. Station and picked up my bib at the Expo.  That’s where we met up and took the school bus to to race at Jack London Square.  The race was a “scenic” Oakland race through the ghetto and along the water and it was super flat.  We all had a blast and were rewarded at the end with free PopChips and MGD 64s.  Woo!  To celebrate, we had margaritas and tapas at Cocina Poblana.  Good times…good times.  Since everyone had such as good time, we decided to start a casual running club.  It starts Tuesday and we’re heading out to Lake Merritt for our first 3-mile run around the lake.

Here are the rest of the photos.  They’re all kinda blurry since I brought my waterproof camera.

On the Beach

Our last full day in Hawaii (3/14) was a very relaxing one. We got up, had breakfast at Lulu’s with a nice view from our seats. We snagged an umbrella spot at the hotel and enjoyed a couple naps, had some tasty fruity drinks, and read our books until the sun went down. We were literally the last ones to leave. The pool girl even asked to put away our chairs and we just kept the towels and laid out under the umbrella until the sun was too low.

After a little rest break in the hotel room, Yoon picked us up for some grub at Home Bar. It’s a Sports Bar but has a very Korean Bar vibe. We shared tater tot nachos, kimchee fried rice, wasabi poke, and spicy fried wings. Awesome. What a great way to end a long weekend in paradise.

The next morning (3/15) we had our usual Spam, Rice, and Eggs Platter with a side of pinapple at McDonald’s and then headed out to the airport.  The flight home was smooth and Jason and Jia were in town so they picked us up.  Woohoo!

It was another awesome weekend in Hawaii and I’m already looking forward to the next one.  Thanks for everything, Yoon!  It’s always fun to visit you on the rock!

Here are the photos from our 5 days in Hawaii.

Time Capsule

I’ve had a roll of black and white 120 film sitting on my shelf for a couple years now.  I also had another roll in my Holga, which I finally finished earlier this month.  On my random day off, I took the two rolls to the photo store and have only gotten around to picking up the prints this afternoon on my way home from the gym.  I had the film processed, scanned onto a CD, and the photos printed.  Here are a couple of my favorites.  Times like these remind me of how fun film can be.  There’s no time stamp, there’s no screen to see if your photo came out well or not, and you have prints that you can hold in your hand.

South Lake Tahoe – March 2009

Fort Funston – Fall 2007

Jack in the park – 2008?

Koa – 2007?

Brother and Jia in SF

After our trip to Hawaii, we arrived at SFO on Tuesday evening.  Jia and Jason had arrived earlier that day and picked us up with our car.  The next day I went to work still a bit sick and was told to stay home the next day because I still sounded terrible.

That evening as the boys were finishing up their WoW game, I took Jia to a Yelp Elite Event for some free cupcakes.

On Thursday, after sleeping in, I took Jason and Jia to the Ferry Plaza where we met up with Jes in front of the Roli Roti truck for a porchetta sammich.

Jes went back to work and we stayed to walk around the Ferry Plaza.

For the afternoon, we took a drive across the GG Bridge to Sausalito.

We got back in time for dinner at La Briciola and then went to the CA Academy of Science for their evening event.  On Thursday nights, they open the Academy for a few hours and feature DJs and serve alcohol.  It was definitely a different feel with no kids around and most of the exhibits didn’t have their lights on.

We made it into the Rainforest before they cut off the line and then spent the rest of the night in the aquarium downstairs.

Here are the rest of the photos from our couple days together.