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Amy & Jay’s Wedding

Oh man. I’m so behind. I’m JUST posting photos from Amy and Jay’s wedding in Vancouver. They married on June 11th at an old mansion up on the hill. Jes’ dad was the officiant and the back patio was decorated with the prettiest peonies and hydrangeas.  Amy does wedding flowers so she knew exactly what she wanted. The wedding was held in the morning and the weather cooperated.  There was a chance of rain that day and luckily it stayed overcast in the morning and the sun came out later in the afternoon.

Later that day, we met up with the bridal party at their hotel where they had a private dining room where they all hung out and had some drinks.

Once it was time to head out to the reception, we all piled into the limo bus that drove us a good 20 miles to the Chinese restaurant.  Champagne was flowing all the way there.

Amy did a lot of the set-up herself and made sure even the self-serve candy bar was perfect.

At dinner, we met Jesse’s oldest living relative who is supposedly 100 years old.  I still don’t actually know who she is exactly.

Here’s Jay and Amy having their first dance…very sweet.

They served the usual 10-course dinner but I think I only got through the first 6. The evening started out well until I decided to mix what I was drinking and then it all went downhill from there. Without going into a lot of detail, let’s just say that I spent some time hiding in a bathroom stall and when we had to leave early Jes forked over $50 for cab ride back to the hotel. *sigh* He was NOT happy.

Here’s the last photo taken of the night before I turned into a hot mess.

Here are photos from the wedding and reception.

Krissy & Dayantha’s Party

On July 16th, Dayantha married the love of his life and we were all there to celebrate with them at Lakewood Country Club.  The ceremony was outside on the lawn and still had a very traditional Catholic touch.

All the babies were included in the wedding including Titus, who had started walking just in time for the ceremony.

They had a cocktail hour inside the clubhouse and in the patio.  It was so fun to have all my old friends together in one place again.

The reception started with Dayantha performing “Ditty” with his new wife.

The rest of the night was filled with music, dancing, and lots of toasts.   Jes was also reunited with his little friend Makenzie.

With all free-flowing drinks and long night of dancing, we also witnessed the progressive deconstruction of Victor: jacket off, tie off, unbuttoned, untucked, and finally shoes off.  Classic.

At the end of the night, the happy couple danced among drums and bubbles in a very joyful celebration/send off.  We all had a great time that night and I gotta say that the Fernandos really know how to throw a party.

Here is the full album of photos from this memorable (maybe not for some) evening.

July 4th Weekend

We stayed in SF for the long weekend and it was lots of fun and pretty relaxing. The weather was GORGEOUS and I got lots of Vitamin D.

On Saturday, I had a slow start and was feeling EXTRA lazy but somehow I got my butt out the door and ran 5 miles in under 50 minutes. I was shocked. So, I stopped at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and bought some fresh produce and cheese.

Later that afternoon, the Sokol-Juns came over to play in the pool for a bit. It was fun to watch Jack and Reese play in the water while I got some sunshine.

I caught this photo of Reese and Jack together at the end of their swim.  So cute.

On Sunday, Jason came over and we went to the Fillmore Jazz Festival. We watched a few performers including Kim Nalley and also stopped by Matt’s apartment down the street for some respite from the sun and Jes borrowed a pair of shorts.

When we got home that evening, we met up down in the courtyard for a Korean BBQ with the Masayas. Susie’s mom packed her a huge cooler of spicy pork and kimchi last weekend and we were lucky enough to enjoy it. Susie prepared and bought all the sides for a complete meal.

On Monday, it was July 4th and I actually had the day off. We had a lazy morning and afternoon while I made chicken tortilla soup for Jes who has been sick all week. Then around 7:00, we walked over to the Caltrain station where a shuttle drove us all the way to Pier 39. We walked down to Aquatic Park and Ghiradelli Square and found a small spot on the lawn. We’ve tried to watch fireworks a few times in the past but always ended up with colored fog.

This year, it was clear and we were situated in the middle of the action with music and a perfect view of the show.

Here is a video of the finale.  I love fireworks.

Here are the rest of the photos from this weekend.

I’m stuffed.

Mai was in town this weekend and we ate very well.  On Friday, we had Korean BBQ at Koryo and then sorbet from Scream down the street.  We ordered the combo meal for 6 but it was enough to feed all 10 of us.

On Sunday, we met up for a special brunch at Mission Beach Cafe.  We happen to know the Executive Pastry Chef who happens to live just upstairs from the restaurant.  While the restaurant was filled and there were lots of people waiting outside for a table, Ryan escorted us upstairs to the apartment and we got to hang out in Alan’s kitchen where lots of the desserts are created.  We ordered pretty much everything on the menu and they delivered the tasty dishes upstairs for us to enjoy family style.

This place is famous for their brunch and desserts and boy did we stuff ourselves silly with pancakes and bourbon syrup, short rib hash and eggs, and crab eggs benedict to name just a few.  It was quite a treat and we had a fun time hanging out.

Here are photos from our meals with Mai.

Dayantha & Krissy: Engagement Session

On Saturday morning, I did a brief Engagement Photo Session for Dayantha and Krissy.  I offered to meet them at the beach but they opted for the Cerritos Towne Center.  Dayantha hates taking photos and didn’t want to do it in the first place but it was urged by his mother that they should have photos taken.

I got some more formal/posed photos, some cute candids, and finally a more natural one of the two of them smiling.

Here’s rest of their photos.

Family Time!

Saturday was filled with family time.  In the morning, I gave the dog a bath in the backyard and he was NOT happy.  It was sunnier on the driveway out front so we tied him up there to dry off and I busted out my picnic blanket from the trunk to join him.  I took the sunshine for granted when I lived in SoCal but now it’s like a luxury to me.  So sad.  I laid out while reading my Kindle and later my mom joined me with a lawnchair.  Yes, it’s pretty ghetto to be hanging out on the driveway (not even the lawn) but it was awesome and I got my Vitamin D for the weekend.

Later, we all went to the Cerritos Mall and watched Kung Fu Panda 2.  It was fun sneaking in my Frozen Yogurt and hanging out with my family.  The movie was pretty entertaining too!

For dinner, we drove down to OC to meet up with Marie and the boys.  Cole is so big now and was super grumpy from being out in the sun all day.  Brandon was his usual crazy self.  The sushi was awesome and it was so nice to catch up with Marie.

When I hang out with her and the boys, it makes me miss living in Irvine.

Afterward, we dropped off my mom at home and then headed over to Ti and Thilan’s condo down the street.  We were supposed to go singing in Garden Grove but this was just as good.

They were having an after-party for Titus’ 1st Bday and I got to meet Dominic, Krishani’s newborn.  Melanie’s little girl Makenzie was also there and took a liking to Jes.

Surprisingly, she was pretty much attached to him the whole night and used him as a chair while we were singing.  We were all confused and he actually didn’t mind the company.

On Sunday, we had lunch with my parents and drove back to SF.  Luckily it took only 6.5 hours and we had a whole evening to hang out with another day to spare before going back to work.  This was a good Memorial Day weekend.

Here are the photos from our weekend in Cerritos.