Browse Category: outings

Longest Day of the Year

IMG_5207It’s the first day of summer and the longest day of the year!  In the morning, we went to the SF Zoo and met up with Ranee, Jamie, and Sophie.  It was so fun to see the girls interacting and it seemed like it didn’t take as long for them to warm up to each other.  It was also nice to catch up with Ranee since I hadn’t seen her since the beginning of the month before she started her maternity leave.


After dinner at SuperDuper, we watched the sun set around 8:30pm as Kumquat ran up and down Pier 14.IMG_5241We then walked home down The Embarcadero and it still wasn’t dark.  What a nice way to kick off the summer!

Father’s Day Weekend


This past weekend was filled with lots of family time in the city.  On Saturday afternoon, we went out for a long walk and dinner at Hog Island.  Our party of 3 enjoyed the warm weather that day and took this photo together on Pier 14 with the GoPro.IMG_5010

On Sunday morning, I made spam, eggs, and rice for the family.  Yum.

IMG_5026 For the day, we went down to Golden Gate Park for a morning at the CA Academy of Sciences and then an afternoon at the SF Botanical Garden.  Jes also took a work call at 1pm from the garden so I walked around the entire garden while Kumquat settled down in the stroller for a nap.


IMG_5075We even had a little cocktail hour at Pacific Catch while Kumquat slept and we reenacted one of our many afternoons in Hawaii with some mai tais and poke.  IMG_5087

We also got ice cream from the Twirl n Dip truck parked just around the corner from the museum.


For dinner, we went to Hillstone, our usual celebration spot, and these two were so cute together that evening.

Happy Father’s Day, Jes!  Hope you had a fun day!


DCIM100GOPROOn our way to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, we were talking about how fun it would be to have a GoPro for outings like these.  So, to satisfy the itch, we stopped at Sports Basement to check them out.

IMG_4452They had the model we were considering AND it was at a slight discount AND I got 15% off for being a therapist.  Woot!  Jes sat down in the store and put it together.  We charged it on the drive to the museum and when we arrived it was ready to go!


Here are some of the photos we took today. Love the wide angle for family selfies.  DCIM100GOPRO We also captured video, of course.

This one I took in the car by controlling the camera with my phone.  The iPhone app is pretty cool.  The GoPro doesn’t have a viewfinder or a playback screen so using the app allows you to watch the video in real time as you record.  You can also use it to view the videos/photos you’ve taken on the device.

The best one was of Kumquat on her scooter.  Jes mounted it onto the handlebars with zip ties and we were in business!  I even gave iMovie a try and managed to put together a little something special for our first experiment.

Baby Sprinkle

DSC_4900We had little party for Ranee who is expecting Baby #2 next month.

DSC_4893Lucy, our lovely hostess, prepared a bunch of yummy cocktails and we all pitched in on food, which is what we do best.


IMG_4303The little girls got to play and even little Henry joined in on the fun.

DSC_4906As with any baby party, there were cupcakes, gifts, and games.

DSC_4884Can’t wait to meet your little cupcake, Ranee!!

Mother’s Day Weekend

IMG_3858I had a really nice Mother’s Day weekend.  On Saturday, we rode the train to the zoo and had fun watching Kumquat play and explore.  IMG_3885On our way home, we stopped at Hog Island a second time in two weeks to have the clam chowder that I didn’t get last weekend.


It was delicious and this little kid tried it for the first time and loved it.IMG_3900

We sat outside with a gorgeous view and awesome weather that evening.

On Sunday morning, I was up with the kid but Jes got up shortly to make me corned beef hash with an oozy egg on top.

IMG_3916After some coffee, we popped open a bottle of champagne that we worked on for the rest of the day.

IMG_3910We also finally watched “Frozen”, which we all really enjoyed.  Even Kumquat seemed to appreciate the slapstick humor, music, and loveable characters.

IMG_3914The rest of the day was spent hanging out at home.  I literally did not change out of my glasses and PJs all day.  Heck, Kumquat ran around with no pants on too!

For dinner, all I wanted was spaghetti so Jes made a homemade sauce and cooked up a mean bowl of pasta.  It was perfect.  As if this weekend wasn’t enough, Jes also made a dinner reservation for Thursday night at Saison.  Awesome.

Jimmy’s 39th

IMG_3745We went to Jimmy and Eleen’s to celebrate his birthday today.  It’s crazy how it’s become a kidfest nowadays.

IMG_3749Zoe was scared of the kids but had a good time hanging out with Jes this afternoon.

IMG_3752They had Hawaiian food and two fancy cakes for the birthday boy.

IMG_3756We also made Jimmy do his birthday push-ups but didn’t quite make it to 39.

IMG_3758Happy Birthday, Jimmy!