Browse Category: outings

Ow, my arm!

On Sunday, I went to hit golf balls at Strawberry Farms with my brother. It was the first time I picked up and swung a golf club in almost 3 years. The driving range was really nice and costed $12 for a bucket of balls that we shared. I forgot how many clubs I was missing. Out of the whole set I only have a 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and PW. Where did all the others go? Anyway, I took a couple swings and realized how tight I was. I made quite a few divots in the grass and made a couple nice shots that went the usual 100 yards with my 7. Then, I picked up my 5 wood and was kickin’ butt! That was my favorite club for the day. Unfortunately, I only got the ball about 150 yards. But it was nice to be out in the sun smelling fresh cut grass and hearing the satisfying sound of “ting” from a nice shot again. Too bad I now have a sore arm and a funky blister on my finger. I can’t wait to go back.

Plane – Incoming!

Happy 30th Birthday, Huy! Last night Jes and I went down to San Diego to celebrate Huy’s Big Three-O. Dinner was at Indigo Grill in Little Italy, which was not bad. The ambience was cool and we got a big oval table up front. The food had a southwestern flare and all had some “kick” to them. They also brought Huy and the rest of us 3 large platters of desserts on the house at the end of the night. The coconut creme brulee was very yummy. Afterwards we all went to Airport Lounge where Huy reserved two big booths and invited a bunch of people he worked with. He has a lot of friends! Anyway, if you were part of his “guest list” you had no cover and got to make your own vodka or rum drinks at the booth. The coolest part of the lounge was that it was right under the flight path of planes landing in San Diego airport. You can go out to the patio and watch the plane fly right over you. They flew so low that it seemed like you could reach up and touch each one. I thought it was cool…I sat there having an Autistic moment saying, “plane!” with a big grin on my face each time one flew by.

One last Christmas hurrah…

I was getting a little sad because Christmas had passed but got one last day of holiday cheer at the “Merriest Place on Earth”. We went to Disneyland on Thursday to sample some wine, fly over Yosemite Falls, and watch the snow fall. “It’s a Small World” was decorated with Christmas cheer as the dolls sang “Jingle Bells”, which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Ah, Christmas has come and gone but we have a new year to look forward to with new challenges and adventures ahead. Goodbye 2004!

Fireworks in December?

I had a nice weekend. It was a balmy 80 degrees on Saturday as we got our Christmas tree and Jes cooked a turkey dinner that night. We put up lights on our house this morning and Jay and Nikki, our neighbors, took us to Manhattan Beach Pier tonight to watch fireworks! Apparently, this is an annual thing. We walked along The Strand to check out all the nice beachfront houses and stopped at a place called Harvey Washbangers, a laundromat/pizza parlour…pretty neat concept. We then had dinner at Pancho’s for some Mexican food before dropping Jes off at LAX. Only 5 more days before Winter Break!! Yippee!!

Worst bar ever!

Thanksgiving in Michigan was nice. The weather was chilly but a nice excuse to bust out the gloves and scarf. The weekend consisted of a lot of napping and hanging out with the family. On Saturday night, we met up with Victor, Susie, and Dayantha at a bar called The Blue Martini, which seemed cool at first but soon turned into the worst bar ever. Jes, Jason, and I went in first since it was cold and rainy. The cover was $10 and the bar was filled with single middle-aged whiteys and a sucky band. I suppose the boys would agree that the only redeeming thing about the bar were the not-so-pretty-looking bartenders all dressed in skimpy white tanktops with very large boobies. We actually waited 2 hours before Dayantha called and said they had given up. The guy at the door made them wait in a line of 10-15 people for no reason. Who did they think they were? Skybar?! It’s Michigan, people! After we decided to not give them any more of our money, we hung out at a cafe down the street to end the night with dreams of opening a bar in Hawaii together and sweating Jason about his break-up.

What’s up with all the water?

We took Koa out to Huntington Dog Beach for the first time. I don’t think he really likes water but he slowly learned how to play in the waves and the other dogs. We had to pick him up and throw him in the water a few times. He didn’t seem too traumatized. It was such a nice day and the water wasn’t too cold. The water was pretty shallow too.
Afterwards, we dropped the pup off at my parents’ house and we went to Hollywood Bowl to see Air. We met up wtih Holly and Roy and had come nice $3 seats. It was a pleasant night and a packed house. Stereolab played first and then Air came on with Beck as a special guest for 2 seconds. Overall, the show was really good including the iPod commercial-looking dude in front of us doing an interpretive dance to the music.