Browse Category: outings

Sun and Low Tide


We had another fun afternoon at Fort Funston with the Lams again with plenty of sunshine this time around.  With the sun peeking out through the scattered clouds and low tide, the light was great for taking photos and the dogs had a blast running on the sand.  Koa had napped ALL DAY LONG so he had plenty of energy to run after Kona as she chased her ball down the coast.  Here are some photos from this afternoon.

Rockin’ Out


We went to The Bridge School Benefit this afternoon to watch our very own Rockstar Joel play on the Side Stage. He got us in for free before the doors opened to the public and we also got to hang out with him “backstage” before his performance.

We also inadvertently got invited to a very deep Navajo “saging” ceremony to commemorate a man that adopted Neil Young into their family/tribe many years ago. He used to bless the stage each year but passed away recently. So, his daughter and grandson were in a handmade tepee that was on display and they burned some sage to bless the concert and remember him. It was very special but a little awkward since we just happened to go inside just to check out the cool-looking tepee.

Anyhoo…The name of Joel’s band is Everest and they’re in the process of recording an album that is scheduled to release early next year. They performed on the Side Stage just next to the mainstage an hour before the concert kicked off and sounded great today. A lot of people stopped to watch the show and were interested in who they were and if they had a CD for sale. We also sat next to a few young future groupies who were getting all excited to meet the band members and thrilled to get their sample CD. It was great to see Joel up on stage doing what he loves most. I can remember him always sitting in a dark candlelit room at Roebling playing his guitar for hours and I’m pretty excited for him. Once his performance ended, we actually didn’t stay for the actual concert but I’m sure it was good…if you’re a Metallica or John Mayer fan.

Here are some photos from today’s concert.



We went to the Harvest Festival at the Ferry Building last night to taste some organic wine. The Bangs came along and we got nice and toasty by the end of the evening. For $15, I got a bracelet for 5 tastings. I’ve never actually had organic wine before and some were pretty good while others were horrible. My favorites came from Paul Dolan Vineyards, which had a pretty good Sauvignon Blanc and Deep Red. Now, Jes has always said that I’ve never met a wine that I couldn’t drink but the one I had from Clif Bar Family Winery tasted like rubbing alcohol and I actually had to pour it out after one sip. They should probably stick to making energy bars.

The food tastings were all around $2 each, which I considered pretty steep for a small toast point with stuff on it. So instead we went to Acme Bread and shared a huge onion bread slab for $2.95. The one thing that we did pay to taste, however, was the awesomest Japanese pumpkin croquette I have ever tasted. The outside was perfectly fried (not oily) with a silky smooth center and tiny lumps of pumpkin. It was from a Japanese delicatessen that I’m going to have to try for lunch one of these days.

Other stands were showcasing their olive oils. I tried a pretty interesting blood orange olive oil and another oil that was described to be “buttery with a bite” and it sure was.

Along with wine, there were organic beers to taste but I didn’t try any until the end of the night when one of stands was closing up shop and giving out beer if you happen to be standing around them (like I was). Haha. I’ve never had organic beer before and whatever I had was pretty good.

Here are some photos.

great game


On Saturday, my uncle, aunt, and cousins came up to SF for some brunch. It’s always nice to be with family. They got to see where I live and we had brunch just down the street. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them in the next few months.  And thanks for brunch and the flowers!


Right afterwards Jes and I went downstairs to Pete’s to watch the remainder of the UCLA/Cal game. With so much on the line for Cal, it was not a good game for Victor. Fortunately for us though, we won and we’re still undefeated in the Pac-10. It’s crazy how standings can change so drastically each weekend. It was nice to be with fellow Bruins in a place that’s filled with Cal fans. I was so torn since Victor was so invested in his team. But in the end, I was still screaming “RUN!” when we scored the winning touchdown. Victor was so sad that he fumbled his beer glass and it crashed on the floor resulting in Coors Light all over my bag and a cut toe for Jes. No worries though. Jes got a cool Coors Light t-shirt and can opener.

And the weekend continues…

My weekend started on Thursday night and it’s still going.  On Friday we went to a Happy Hour/Fundraiser.  The drinks were cheap and I gave $5 to a good cause.  The bar reminded me of one of my brother’s art shows.  It’s a large gallery filled with art and photographs with a DJ spinning on the 1s and 2s.  I think this is what I prefer over the bar we went to on Thursday night.  I could actually see and hear my friends without straining your eyes or ears and I wasn’t disturbed by guys and girls trying too hard to impress one another.

Since Happy Hour started right after work, we didn’t get to eat dinner until late.  Instead of going home for a bowl of cereal or stopping by the McDonald’s on the way home, we ended up at the Food Court in Berkeley.  This weekend is also a little 10-year reunion for a bunch of my friends who went to Cal and they were in the mood for a stroll down memory lane.  So, we tagged along for a late night meal of Korean BBQ and hot donuts.  It was another late night but I got to sleep in this time.

I’m SO over it.

On Thursday night, we picked up Dayantha from SFO at 11pm and headed straight for a bar in the Marina.

When we arrived at the bar, I looked at my watch and it was just before midnight. I thought to myself, “Hm…this is going to be a late night and a rough morning at work.” But I endured and had an interesting time people watching. As I sat on one of the plush suede benches located in the center of the bar, it was clear that at least 75% (if not more) of the people there were at least 5 years younger than us. It was also interesting to watch the dynamics of the crowd. There were boys and girls of all sizes and varieties. Over to my left, I was a nerdtastic group of people bumping and grinding each other as if they had been repressed for years and finally had a place to express their sexual frustrations. Behind me on the dance floor was a group of cougars dancing with a bunch of random guys. Over to my right was a group of guys oozing with hair gel and cologne trying to pick up on any female in its path. Awesome. This is when I decide that I’m too old for this. It’s late, I’m not drinking, and Shua is asleep next to me on the bench. The best part of the evening, I think, was the late-night slice of pizza we had before heading home.