Browse Category: outings

Social Saturday

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On Saturday, I felt like I was part of a social buffet. In the early afternoon, we went to the Sokol-Juns for some BBQ/Pre-Game hanging out. I got to play with Mr. Jack while the Bangs did some laundry.

Right afterwards, I walked over to Pete’s to watch a very depressing UCLA game with the Masayas. At least I was in good company while I watched the Briuns get spanked by the Tigers. *sigh*



After a good 2-hour nap, I was off to Medjool for Old Man Chu’s 30th Birthday Party complete with a lounge area upstairs, plenty of food to go around, never-ending drinks, and an awesome-tasting birthday cake. Ishya did a great job with planning the event and it was great to finally get to hang out and catch up with the cousins again.

Back to the Beach


With the fear of rain today, we still managed to meet up with the Lams for an afternoon at Fort Funston. We hadn’t been back since last October so this was a nice treat for all of us. Koa did a good job staying nearby as we walked and hiked along the coast. He also climbed up a cliff, ran back down, but misjudged his final jump and took a nosedive and got a face and mouth full of sand. I hope his neck feels ok tomorrow. Here are some photos.



We also went to Pete’s for another UCLA game. The Bruins are headed to the Final Four, Baby!

next door


Two great things have come together for us this week…Bruins Bball and a sports bar that’s just next door to where I live. It also doesn’t hurt that Bud Light came in a bucket at 5 for $15.  So, last night we headed over to watch the Sweet 16 games last night and there was a huge Bruins gathering complete with UCLA sweatshirts and 8-claps.


The Sokol-Juns tried to join us but the bar was way too loud for little Jack so they came in to say “hi” and left. Boo…too bad.


Anyway, it was nice to see that we once again squeaked our way up the ladder and now I can return to the “Tav” tomorrow afternoon for another heart-wrenching game.

A Little More Interesting


Making the 6-hour drive up and down Interstate 5 can be pretty painful. Fortunately for us this time around, it’s almost Spring so there was a lot more to see along the way. The almond and cherry trees were all in bloom so the highway was lined with pink and white trees, which was quite a sight.


I don’t know why but I’m often fascinated by the patterns and tidy rows that farmers make with their trees.  I think that may be one of the reasons why I love driving through Wine Country so much.


The hills were all green from the abundant rainfall we’ve had this season and some of them were sprinkled with some “happy” black cows having some lunch. It kinda makes me want to eat some cheese.


I also enjoy watching the wind mills along Interstate 580 on our last stretch towards the Bay Area. It’s like a nice welcome party for us each time we make this monotonous drive.

baby timer


Michelle called me the other day and offered to take me along on her Target run.  It was a nice little outing but definitely much shorter than I would normal stay.  Since we had Jack in tow, we were shopping on his time schedule.  Fortunately, we made it all the way around the store just as he was starting to get grumpy.  Shopping on baby time can be challenging but it can also be loads of fun.

green noises

On Monday, we tried to reserve a zipcar but none were available next door so the next best choice was a Prius just around the corner. I thought it would be fun to try out a hybrid but it turned out to be a little awkward. It uses a little rectangular pseudo-key that inserts into a little slot and has a START button. Once you push the button, nothing happens…at least not for a few seconds when you finally hear something that sorta sounds like an engine. When you drive the car, it’s soooo quiet. But then it makes random sounds like a light honk, a squeak that sounds like a little mouse is in the trunk, and another strange creaking sound. The engine stays on for only a few seconds at a time and it’s a takes a little getting used to when you’re idling at a red light and the engine turns off. It’s hard not to think that the car has turned off or has broken down. I’d say that it’s really an ideal car for driving around in SF since it doesn’t have much power when you accelerate and feels kinda unstable at 40 mph.

Anyway, now I can say that I have had a true experience with “going green”. Not only are we participating in car sharing but we’re sharing a stinkin’ hybrid. All I need now is a composter in my kitchen and a solar-powered TV! I hate myself.