Browse Category: outings

An Afternoon at the Playground


This afternoon, I was walking Koa and found Little J and his Mommy at the playground.  I was amazed at how big he’s gotten and enjoyed watching him play in the sand and on the boat.


He’s walking.



He’s explorin’.


He’s even steering a boat!!


Hi Five!!

Taste of the Good Life

window seat

On Sunday, Kev and Karrie came to SF for the day. Jes picked them up from the airport in the morning and then we were off to the Four Seasons. The brother of a very wealthy Las Vegas tycoon lives in one of the Penthouses there and I got to check it out.



It’s 4500 square feet of ridiculousness complete with a 270-degree view of the city (including OUR home), steam room, guest suite with separate entrance from the hallway, and MAID’S QUARTERS with an amazing view of its own.  Can you spot our building in the photo?!

maid's quarters

This is the view from the Maid’s Quarters…crazy, right?!

For lunch, we had dim sum at Mayflower, which appearently isn’t as good as it used to be the last time Kev was in SF but Jes and I still enjoyed it.

uni and oysters

For dinner, we went to Ozumo for the craziest omakase meal of dish after dish after dish. Everything was oh so tasty and I even tried uni (sea urchin) for the first time and enjoyed it!!

After all this indulgence and seeing what the “best of the best” looked like, I realized that I didn’t really need 4500 square feet. The view is amazing but it might not be worth the extra 8 million it would cost to live there. I went home and truly appreciated what I already had. Sure, I don’t have a million-dollar view of the city but I really like where we live and how much space we have for now. Come to think of it,  I don’t know how I maintained our 3-bedroom house in Irvine.

kev and jes

karrie and beak

Anyway, it was great to see Kevin and Karrie again. I just realized that it had been about 2 years since I last saw them and I’m looking forward to our next trip to Vegas to visit them. Their twins are adorable and I can’t wait to finally meet them.

So happy…

Running Koa

While I went running this morning, Jes was supposed to take Koa out for his am walk. But instead, he decided to take Koa to Fort Funston. It’s supposed to start raining for days tonight so it was nice to let him run free beforehand. I love to see him run and he always looks so happy.

Beak and Koa

It also interesting to see how he does his exploring while he tries to keep track of our whereabouts. At one fork in the path, we took one side and waited to see if he would take the right path. He took the other one and started looking around for us. He doesn’t have very good sight so he relied on his hearing to find us on the other side.  Jes whistled and he came around the bend.  Then I called him and he came running.  We saw him do this in the snow last weekend too. Maybe it’s time for me to get a whistle for these occasions.

Here are the photos.

Wickedly Scary


Wizard of Oz always kinda creeped me out as a kid but I was still intrigued by the story of Wicked. So, last Fall when I heard that it was returning to SF, I bought a pair of tickets. Ryan and Michelle managed to get tickets right next to us so we went together last night. It started with dinner at Home and then a quick ride on Muni to the Orpheum.

Wicked Stage

The musical had a good story and the performers were really good. It started out sounding a little like a Disney production but ended up being really entertaining. I actually had no idea what to expect and the story was really interesting and had some nice twists that went along with the original movie. It was still a little creepy but it was a fun evening out on the town.

Warm Nights


The weather has been unseasonally warm here and it’s bummin’ me out.  We need cold!  We need rain!  We need snow!  Not sure I’ll be making it to Tahoe this season afterall.  That is, unless it starts to pour for days and days in the next few weeks.


The only silver lining to it all is that it makes for very pleasant evenings outside.  So, we made reservations for a place in the Financial District that has outdoor seating.  It’s unusual for us to be able to sit outside without shiverring or defending the napkins from the wind.


We had dinner at plouf, which ended up being a fun dinner of seafood and wine.  Yum.  Isn’t it cute?!  It’s in a little alley with lights hanging above.  Ah…is this what Europe is like?

It’s a Masaya Birthday!


The Masayas’ birthdays are only 2 days apart so there was a little dinner on Monday and a big Happy Hour on Friday.


They had a pretty good showing and I even bumped into an old friend from UCLA there! By the end of the night, we were all a little tipsy since the drinks were flowin’ and there was a lack of food.  Afterwards, we met up with the Bangs at Hi-Dive for a tasty burger and fries.  Surprisingly, I’m feeling pretty good this morning but I think I might give the birthday girl a call today to check on her.

Here are photos from last night.