Browse Category: outings

Dinner with the Big Kids

Kumquat and I had dinner with Michelle, Reese, and Jack tonight.  We met up at Brickhouse Cafe and had a nice time catching up.  It’s amazing how much the kids have grown and changed since we last saw them back in February.  I miss the days when they lived just a few steps away but I’m glad that they still have to come into SF from Orinda each day for work and school.

jackJack was such a big boy coloring quietly while we waited for our food.

reeseReese joined in too and she’s doing great at just 2 years of age!!

kumquatKumquat sat and ate her orange dinner today.  It was a funny coincidence that the stuff I had in the fridge for her were carrots, sweet potatoes, and salmon.  Even her fork is orange!  Weird.

Anyway, it was fun to hang out with you guys this evening!  Can’t wait to see your new house!


doorApril is OT Month and every year we spend an afternoon in a team building activity and then finish the day with a dinner.

taikoThis year, we went KM’s taiko studio on Thursday for an afternoon of drumming. The group actually made these drums by hand!  Amazing.

drummingI had always wanted to try taiko and it was so much fun!  We made lots of noise and everyone caught on rather quickly.  My T-Rex arms got quite a workout too!

Here’s a quick video of us in action.  Not bad for our first time, huh?!  Of course I’m not in the video since I was behind the camera but I was on the drum on the high stand, which was my favorite.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

groupHappy Occupational Therapy Month!!

Bay Bridge

bridge lightsThe Bay Bridge has a special light display that started last month.  It’s on the western span of the bridge and you can see if from The Embarcadero.  I hadn’t seen it yet so after the baby went to sleep, I took Koa for a long walk down to see the lights.

Here’s one part of the show.

Here’s another part of the show.

It’s going to be on display until 2015 and turns on a dusk and turns off at 2am everyday.  Pretty cool!

muniIt was pretty late when it was time to head back so the dog and I took Muni home.  Koa’s ridden Muni and the bus before but I guess it had been a while because when we got on, he was shakin’ in his britches the whole way home.  Silly dog.

Jingle Jangs

jangsOn Tuesday, I got a text message: “Getting off at the king exit at 4th.  Waving to you and Kaylee!”  How cool!  The Jangs are in town for the week to help Micah move to San Jose for a new internship.  So, we made arrangements to meet up and they all came over tonight for dinner.

brothersAt the last minute, Jason and Jia also decided to come up too!  Perfect!  It was great seeing all of them and it’ll be nice to have Micah around in the Bay Area for a little while.  And thanks to the Jangs for the big bag of Belly Flops!  Hope you guys had fun at the factory this afternoon!

SF Zoo

giraffe We’ve lived in SF for almost 6 years and I’ve been wanting to visit the local zoo but never got around to it.  Well, now that we have a little tot, it was the perfect time to go!  I admit, I was way more excited than Kumquat.  😉

DSC_0901I LOVED the giraffe exhibit.  They place the giraffes really close and the grass and trees made it looks so picturesque.

grizzly bearGrizzly Gulch was cool too.  They had two sister grizzly bears on display and this one was snacking in the water right in front of the glass.  I hope I never bump into one of these on a camping trip.


We saw a pair of gorillas and Jesse sized himself up.

prairie dogsThis was a fun place to bring Kumquat.  Now that she can cruise and stand on her own, this prairie dog exhibit was perfect.  They were so cute!

mommy and baby

The weather cooperated with us this afternoon and since it was a semi-rainy day, there weren’t any crowds.  For $12 per adult (SF resident price), it was a pretty nice zoo with so much to see.  We’ll have to bring Kumquat back once they finish their new playground.


brunchI just had to post this photo of the four kids ready to eat at a fancy brunch spot in Walnut Creek.  They all look so serious.  Makes me laugh each time I look at it.

By the way, the food was delicious and we got complimentary bengeits and fruit!  AAAAND my mimosa was only ONE DOLLAR!!!  Whut?!

I had a great time catching up with the grown-ups!  Let’s do it again soon!