Browse Category: outings

Morning with Friends

peonyI had a craving for dim sum the other day at work and made plans to go with Stephanie this weekend.  Her husband Nathan had never tried it and came along too.  In the process of planning, we also asked if Ranee wanted to join us.  So, this morning we met up at Restaurant Peony in Oakland Chinatown for some dumplings.  By the way, they also had fried milk there.  Yum.

It was fun to have everyone together to catch up and the girls got to wander around outside for a while afterward.  What a great way to start the Memorial Day Weekend!!

Here’s a link to some videos of Kumquat and Sophie.

Mother’s Day #2

mothersdayHappy Mother’s Day!  With some of the alone time I had today, I had the chance to sit and reflect upon all that has happened this past year.  Last year I was in a bit of a daze being a mom for only less than a month.  This year, being a mom has really sunk in and I couldn’t be prouder of my little girl.  I have to admit that I’m proud of myself too.  I’ve managed to keep up with breastfeeding for over a year and on May 7th we were done.  It was hard but it was time. I also cannot believe that I’m still sane after going back to work full-time and coming home everyday to take care of my little munchkin.  It definitely gives me a greater appreciation for everything that my mom did for us.

cookingThis morning, Jes got up early, went to the store, and came back to fix me a tasty breakfast.

DSC_1681He made eggs benedict with smoked salmon and paired it with mimosas.  Yum.

mimosasHere are the Mommy & Me Mimosas.  Tee hee!

tulipsI also got some tulips!  Aren’t they pretty?  Thank you for a lovely morning, Husband!

Once Kumquat went down for her nap, I got the chance to go out for run on my own.  It was so liberating to be out there without a stroller and leash.  I even had the chance to go to the gym to stretch and workout a bit more.IMG_2346

At 2pm, I met up with Michelle and Amy at Four Seasons to celebrate and got another tasty mimosa with a view of Market St.


It was a good thing I went for a run because we were treated with quite a feast!  Amy’s husband is now the GM of the restaurant and he hooked us up with a variety of savory and sweet dishes.  I felt so spoiled!

friendsI had a wonderful time and it was such a fun way to celebrate motherhood.

Birthday Dinner

birthdayOn Monday night, we went out to celebrate Jimmy’s birthday.  We all met up at Hillstone and the little girls came too.  It was a late evening but they both handled it well.

AgustinsThe Agustins are heading to Hong Kong for 6 weeks next week so it was really nice to hang out with them before they take off.

candleHappy Birthday, Old Man!

Cinco de Mayo Shower

beesI spent my Cinco de Mayo at Stephanie’s Baby Shower and it was a lot of fun!

guessing gameWe don’t know the baby’s gender yet so the theme was BEES and we all got to guess the gender and baby’s birthday.

gameThere were lots of games and activities including making a collage of the baby and “Pin the Sperm on the Egg”.

onesiesWe also made onesies and they were all so clever and cute!

stephI’m going to miss Steph so much when she goes on maternity leave but I’m so excited for her and Nathan.  I can’t wait to meet Baby Osborne!!


Crabby Dinner

chinatownJes had been craving crab for a week now so we went to R&G Lounge on Saturday evening with Jason and Jia.

waitingThere was a short wait despite them telling us it would take 45 minutes.  This photo cracks me up.

crabThe crab was delicious, as usual, and our little girl was extra crabby by the end.  It was WAY past her bedtime.

5 years

IMG_2191 On Friday evening, I took BART to Oakland for this year’s Employee Recognition Dinner.  Everyone who has worked for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years at Children’s was invited to attend and I was one of them!  IMG_2099Teresa was my +1 since Jes stayed home with Kumquat and we had a fun time.  It was at the Oakland Marriott and set up similar to a wedding reception.  There was a live band, dinner, a very expensive cash bar, and a little dancing at the end.  A glass of wine was a whoppin’ $12 but we discovered that a bottle was only $26.  So we went all out and bought a bottle to share.  After the boys heard what kind of deal it was, we ended up with 2 more bottles.  Heh heh.  Afterward, we went down the street to District for one more glass of wine before heading home.

shoesIt was a long journey back to SF and I was so glad I packed a pair of flats.  Good times…