Browse Category: outings

Running Errands

IMG_7280Our afternoon errands ran a little long and Kumquat was desperately asking for milk.  So, I had to buy small milk cartons while at Target.  Luckily they had a mini register in the grocery section so I could pay for it and not feel weird about breaking open the package in the middle of the store.

I am also guilty of taking out the iPad during checkout.  I’m one of THOSE parents now.

By the way, I figured out how to rig the iPad mini with toy links connected to the shopping cart and a clear pencil pouch.  Worked like a charm without having to worry about Kumquat dropping it on the floor.  I forgot to take a photo of it today.

6:30 am

IMG_7137 This morning I was up really early again so I went for another early run before the rest of the family woke up.  I took these on my run today.  The lights on Embarcadero and on the Bay Bridge hadn’t even been turned off yet.IMG_7138

48 hours in SoCal

IMG_6907On Saturday morning, I flew down to Cerritos.  It was really weird flying solo.  It was so easy and I actually got some reading done.  I arrived at Long Beach Airport, which had just gone through a big renovation.  I love flying through that airport because it’s so close to the Magical House and they let us deplane from the back.

IMG_6906Before heading over to the Buena Park house, we stopped at a local Target.  Apparently there was a special deal that involved Target taking old iPads in exchange for a $200 gift card.  Initially I thought the transaction wouldn’t go through because the lady couldn’t get the register open.  Fortunately for us, she found a bunch of the trade-in cards in another cabinet.  Score!

IMG_6919Later that afternoon, we went to Janelle and Stan’s wedding.  It was a very touching ceremony in a beautiful church.

IMG_8827In the evening, there was a reception at the Hyatt in Garden Grove.  They had a full Chinese banquet and it took FOREVER for all the food to come.  We were there pretty late that night and Kumquat held it together as well as she could.

IMG_6990On Sunday morning, we went to the Magical House and met up with Brother, Joy, and the Chamkasems.  My mom ordered a bunch of Thai food and we had such a feast!

IMG_6989The best part of the day was meeting my little niece Alice!!  She is so cute and it was interesting to see Kumquat’s response to meeting her.

IMG_7004It seemed like she had no idea who or what she was but she was also showing a little jealousy.  Then again, she was a little grouchy and clingy that morning already.


IMG_7010  IMG_7006IMG_7007That evening, we went to Lawry’s for Jason’s birthday and left Kumquat at Jes’ parents’ house.  Then it was back to SF early Monday morning and straight to work.  It was a busy weekend but totally worth it.

24 hours

IMG_6839Jes and Kumquat drove down to SoCal today while I went to work.  At lunch, they stopped by on their way out and I got one last hug.  It’s my first night without my baby and it was really weird to come home to an empty house.  There was no baby, no dog, and no husband.  The house was so quiet and lifeless.  Since I had not company and no responsibilities, I took full advantage of my Friday night.  IMG_6881I went down the street to get a pedicure and then took the train to the mall.  I stopped at Gap for the Friends and Family sale and then strolled the mall for a bit.  It was so strange to be able to take the train and ride the escalator without a stroller.  I had barely anything in my bag and carried nothing in my hands.  I didn’t have to push a stroller and I took my time browsing the clothing racks.  When I got home, I ate some leftovers, opened a bottle of wine, and turned on a week’s worth of tv.  I’m flying down tomorrow morning and can’t wait to see my baby again.

IMG_6837I also get to meet my little niece for the first time!!!  Happy Weekend to me!!!


IMG_6712I’ve been so used to bringing Kumquat around with me everywhere I go that this weekend felt a little weird.  On Saturday morning, I had a hair appointment so Jes took her along to Costco to get the car fixed.  I had an hour to kill before my appointment and I didn’t seem to know what to do with myself.

IMG_6644So, I did some laundry and went out for a cup of coffee.

On Sunday morning, Kumquat was supposed to join me for brunch with Vyl and Michelle.  It was going to be a mother-daughter brunch but since she had a cold, I had to leave her behind with Jes.  I had some time to have a meal without having to feed another little human and she got some more time with her dad.

IMG_6716 Later that afternoon, I had plans to go to Patty’s house for dinner.  She invited a few of us over to her cute little apartment for a pseudo book club evening.  IMG_6719Kumquat was supposed to come and hang out with Vivian but again, she had to stay home.  Patty prepared a full dinner complete with a pork roast, veggies, and a poached pear dessert!  IMG_6722IMG_6727

It was weird having my little shadow separated from me for half of my weekend but I’m glad that she was able to spend some quality time with Jes too.

11 years

IMG_6688 We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary this evening by having a tasty steak dinner and bringing our little girl with us.  Kumquat came along this year and it was certainly the shortest and cheapest anniversary dinner we’ve ever had.  We usually go out for a drawn out multi-course dinner at a fancy restaurant but not this year.  I suppose we’ve had 10 good years to ourselves and now it’s the beginning of a new chapter in our marriage.  Besides, I can’t think of a more fitting way to kick off the next chapter than to have a little person clinking her sippy cup to our wine glasses!!  On top of that, Kumquat is such a good little diner and she adds a little extra something to the mix when we go out nowadays.

IMG_0608Here she is double fisting her milk and water.

IMG_0610And here I am making fun of her.

Happy Anniversary, Jes!  The next few years will be quite an adventure and there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side.  Love you!