Browse Category: outings


DSC_4052My cousin Andrew is on a little break before starting the CRNA program at Duke so he came out to California to visit all his cousins.  I hadn’t seen him in over 10 years! IMG_7594 He went to see Ishya and the twins yesterday and this morning Uncle Sak drove him up to visit us!  DSC_4053We took a leisurely walk down to the Ferry Building for brunch and Andrew got to snap some photos.

His next stop will be SoCal where he’ll be visiting my parents, Brother, and Pish.  Good times…


I don’t know why but I can’t stop laughing when I see this photo. I think the caption and comments really top it off. Thanks for capturing this pose, Brother!IMG_7501

One Month!

DSC_3936Baby Alice is one month old today!  Coincidentally, we planned to have dim sum at Yank Sing this morning, which is where we celebrated Kumquat’s one month!  IMG_8955Alice slept through out meal but woke up at the end for her to placed in the baby carrier for the first time.     IMG_8957

Happy One Month, Alice!!  And congratulations to Brother and Joy for surviving your first month.  You’re both doing a wonderful job!!!  It gets better from here on out.


It’s still weird to think that Brother and I each have one kid.  I can still remember Brother at their ages.  I guess we all have to grow up eventually.

Black Friday

IMG_7371 1On Friday morning, Brother and I got up really early to go for another run.  IMG_7373 1It was nice to be out before the sun came up.  We finished three miles in time to then hop into the car and head over to Tartine.

IMG_7374 1 This is our version of standing in line for Black Friday.

IMG_7378 1We got there about 15 minutes before the doors opened and left with a butter crossaint, pan du chocolat, coconut macaroons, 2 morning buns, two slices of ham and cheese quiche, and a chocolate hazelnut tart.

IMG_7385 1Later that morning, we all packed up for a walk along Embarcadero to Hog Island Oyster Co.  There was a bit of a wait but it was just enough for us to to enjoy a glass of wine and to build up an appetite.  IMG_7398They gave us a big table for all 8 of us and we feasted on oysters and clam chowder. IMG_7402IMG_7403 1

What a tasty meal!!  Once that was all done, we took a walk to Union Square to do a little shopping.

IMG_8545Brother went back to Uniqlo to exchange something while Jes and I went to the Apple Store to get me a brand new Macbook Pro, which came with a $150 Apple Store gift card!!  Woot!  Merry Christmas to me!

DSC_4000 DSC_4005The afternoon was then spent at home resting and cleaning up.  Kumquat enjoyed hanging out with Cousin Alice and it was so cute to see how curious she is around her.

IMG_8948For dinner, we all piled into the SUV that Brother rented and went to R&G Lounge for some salt and pepper crab.  Daddy really enjoyed the crab and we were all wondering why we hadn’t yet taken him there after all these years.

Thanksgiving Day

IMG_7326Thanksgiving Day was filled with family and food.  In the morning, we took a drive down to San Jose to visit my uncle and aunt.  It was fun to see the two little girls in their carseats side-by-side.

IMG_2509While we were there, Pa Peed (my aunt) took out some old photos for us and it was fun to see us all as little kids.

IMG_7353This is a photo of the cousins while we were visiting them in Thailand.  From left to right: Pish (5), me (5), Ishya (3), John (3), Johnny (1). 

IMG_7349This is a photo of me when I was about 2 months old.  It was on a Christmas card that my aunt received the year I was born.  I guess I my very own set of chubby cheeks.cousins_02This is a photo of me and Pish when during my first visit to Thailand.  We were both almost a year old.  My mom and uncle were so cute as first-time parents.

IMG_3746 IMG_7360 After our drive back up to SF, we stopped in Chinatown for our favorite breakfast – porridge and fried dough.  Yum.  IMG_2513Kumquat thoroughly enjoyed the porridge and some of uncle’s noodles too.

IMG_2518Meanwhile, Jes was home preparing our giant turkey feast.  DSC_3999We had a 23-lb turkey and all the fixings – my favorite meal of the year!

DSC_3995The only piece of the meal that was missing were Susie and Victor.  We’ve had Thanksgiving with the for the past 6 years and this year they’re out of town.  Oh well.

Thanksgiving Eve

IMG_7298On Tuesday, the family drove up from Southern CA.  It was Baby Alice’s first road trip and she did a good job sleeping the whole way.  They also made it up in about 6 hours.

IMG_7324This afternoon, I got off work early and had time to go on a 3-mile run with Brother before dinner. It was a beautiful evening and so fun to have company and NO stroller!  I felt so fast!!  What a great way to start my 4-day Thanksgiving Weekend.

IMG_7322The Grandparents also got to hang out with their two grandkids at the same time.  Cute.