Browse Category: outings

Sweet Race!

IMG_8918 The girls and I woke up early this morning and headed out to Golden Gate Park for the Hot Chocolate 5/15K. IMG_8920 It was early and cold but apparently chocolate can motivate thousands of people to get up and run.  We scored a free parking spot not too far and lined up with the rest of the crowd before the sun came up.

IMG_8880Here’s the swag bag that I picked up yesterday.  Isn’t it super cute!?IMG_8886We also got this high-tech hoodie complete with zipper pocket in the back and thumb holes in the goody bag and it kept me nice and warm this morning.

IMG_8921The course went around Stow Lake and had lots of rolling hills but it kept the run fun and interesting.

IMG_8925It was Stephanie’s first race since her pregnancy and she did great!

IMG_8924Ranee is now expecting Baby #2 and she ran a strong race too!  I’m so proud of both of them.

IMG_8948At the finish, we were given a super sweet finisher’s mug. IMG_8933It had a cup of hot chocolate in the middle, a side car of melted chocolate, and an assortment of goodies to dip. Now that’s my kind of breakfast!

IMG_8944I even ate the banana and it was the best banana I’ve ever had.  Who thought that dipping it in chocolate would change my mind about that stupid fruit?!

IMG_8926I love running with my friends…and chocolate is not too bad either.

Catching up

IMG_8033One of the best parts of Christmas Break is being able to catch up with old friends.  Our closest friends are the ones we grew up with in high school and they all manage to make their way back to Cerritos around the holidays.  IMG_8032On Monday night, we met up in Irvine for a shabu shabu dinner.

Afterward, we went to Balcony for drinks.  We were warned by our waiter that it was a place for “young people” and we just laughed and thought “as long as we can get in with slippers and t-shirts, we don’t care”.

IMG_8034 IMG_8035We were probably the oldest ones at the bar and only got carded because we looked like people who would bust them for under-age drinking.  The waitress literally said that to us.  That gave me a good chuckle.  We also watched a girl stumble out of the bar and carried down the stairs at 10pm after they had had a whole bottle of vodka.  Ah…youngins.

IMG_8241On Thursday, we had lunch at Sunrise Cafe with the crew again and I also went to Holly’s house in the evening.  It’s so nice to have Holly and Roy back in California.  I loved watching the interaction between Kumquat and Andrew.  IMG_8236It was like the best date ever complete with toys, snacks, and hugs at the end of the evening.

Christmas Eve at Disneyland

IMG_9073We went to Disneyland on Christmas Eve to continue the tradition and it was a beautiful 75-80 degrees outside.  The crowds were manageable and we got some photos with the chipmunks without having to wait in line!

IMG_8090 We also rode a good number of rides without a lot of waiting thanks to FastPasses and teamwork.

IMG_8107Jes and I were pretty pumped to get the front row on Space Mountain.  IMG_8108It’s still a really fun (and fast) ride that made our eyes tear from all the wind!

IMG_8097There were plenty of hijinks and non-kid time thanks to the grandparents.

IMG_8105They often stayed with the kids while we went on the faster rides.

IMG_8059The babies also got to ride a few rides including The Jingle Cruise.

DSC_4140Kumquat rode Dumbo in the morning and seemed ok with it.

IMG_8057Waiting in line with Kumquat was not as bad as I thought it would be and she had a lot of fun climbing stairs and holding the rails.

IMG_8051It was Alice’s first trip to Disneyland and the cousins wore matching tops.  So cute!

DSC_4116Here’s a family photo with Santa.  Alice slept right through the photoshoot.

IMG_8085The two managed to nap rather well during the day and Kumquat ate better than I expected.

IMG_8082Instead of corn dogs and chicken nuggets, their kid’s meal had broccoli and whole wheat pasta!  Awesome.

IMG_2666IMG_8061Jesse bought me a tasty churro and Disneyland still makes the best churros in the world.

52146780001We spent equal time in Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure.  Luckily, Mommy knew someone who was able to hook us up with discounted Park Hopper tickets.

DSC_4188Our last ride was It’s a Small World and I simply love how they decorate it for Christmas.  IMG_8129They also feature Disney characters within their respective regions.  Here is my favorite one with Lilo and Stitch in Hawaii.

DSC_4211Disneyland at night is always so magical but it’s even more so during Christmas.  The castle is the best part.  IMG_8138So pretty…

DSC_4178We stayed up to watch the fireworks and snow at the end of the night and we all had such a fun day together as a family.IMG_2700

Here’s to family traditions!


IMG_7937On Sunday morning, we went to Sunday Service and Kumquat loved the Children’s choir performance.

Here she is during the performance.  She tried to copy their moves and added some of her own.  Click here if you can’t see this video above.

IMG_7947In the afternoon, I drove down Irvine to meet up with Patty and Patti.  I hadn’t been back to Patty’s house since my baby shower!

IMG_7946It was so fun to see Kumquat trying to join the older girls.

IMG_7943Seeing Mochi was also good for me and for Kumquat.  He’s the closest thing we have to Koa (they’re 3/4 brothers) and I just wanted to take him home with me.  It was fun watching Kumquat trying to give him snuggles like she used to to Koa.

IMG_7985This is one of the best things about Christmas time.  I get to catch up with old friends and Kumquat gets to make new ones.  Thanks for hosting, Patty!  We loved seeing all of you!!

You can see more photos here.

Winter Break

IMG_7851 Let the vacation begin!  I have 11 days off!  Woot!  I haven’t had a break this long since my maternity leave!  I feel so lucky the have the time off since we’re running really thin on staff this coming week at work.

IMG_7856On Friday night, we went out to eat and Kumquat and I shared a tomato and burrata salad and mac and cheese.  I also kicked off the break with a nice strong drink.

On Saturday morning, I had lots of laundry and packing to do.  We left around 12:45 and Kumquat slept most of the way.  IMG_7864IMG_7873We stopped once to eat and once to pick up coffee where she got to run around and got a hold of my phone for a bit.

IMG_7881It was only during the last hour that Kumquat started to get really antsy so she got to watch some videos.  The trip took a total of 7.5 hours and the drive was congested at times but overall a smooth ride.

It’s good to be back in SoCal and at The Magical House.  I love having the grandparents around to hang out with Kumquat.  Jes and I were even able to get away for a quick trip to Target late last night to buy a few things.  Aaah…I feel more relaxed already.

Dual Birthday

IMG_7716On Saturday, we went to CuriOdyssey for Bang and Rowan’s birthdays.  It was nice to catch up with old friends.  IMG_7731These boys were roommates back in college and I love that some things haven’t changed despite all these years and so many life-changing events.


I loved seeing Kumquat sitting at the kid table.  That’s Rowan, the birthday boy, eating his lunch.IMG_7730This is the picture of Reese thoroughly enjoying some cake for once.  She’s allergic to dairy and usually doesn’t get to having any birthday cake.  Vyl made a gluten-free-dairy-free cake and she loved it.

IMG_9048Happy Birthday to Bang and Rowan!!