Browse Category: outings

Isla’s 1st Bday


Isla’s birthday is this week and we celebrated on Saturday.  There were lots of kids and Vyl did a great job with the decorations.  Isla stayed awake just long enough for the birthday cake and certainly didn’t wait for the candle and singing. IMG_1284

Big Brother Rowan helped blow out the candle.IMG_1288

She hesitated at first but eventually got handfuls of cake in her mouth by the end.IMG_1291

too short

Weekends are too short.  We’ve had some nice weather lately and we made the most of it on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday we went out for brunch and to do a little shopping.  I love it when the Gap Friends and Family Sale rolls around.  IMG_1031The St. Patrick’s Day Parade also rolled down Market Street and there were a bunch of people dressed in green and ready to party.

IMG_1065After Kumquat’s nap in the afternoon, we went back outside and had a few drinks at Hi-Dive.  We were all in shorts that day!

IMG_1067On Sunday, I went out for a run in the morning and ran past the burned down construction site that made the news last week.  It’s crazy how close it was to home.

IMG_1102Later in the morning, we went to the California Academy of Sciences. Then we took a long lunch at Pacific Catch where the rolls and poke were pretty ono.  I can’t wait for our trip to Hawaii next month!

When we got home, everyone took a good nap (including me!) and I still managed to get the laundry done.  Oh how I wish I still had one more day.



We got an email a few weeks ago from Dad saying that he and Mom would be taking a 24-hour layover in SF on their way back from a pastor’s conference in Florida.  That was just this past weekend so we got to see them on Sunday.  IMG_0801We met up at Beach Chalet for brunch and were treated to a table right by the window with a clear view of the beach across the street.

IMG_0803We ordered beignets and I had the corned beef hash and eggs.

IMG_0809Yum.  Jia’s eggs benedict with crab was also tasty.IMG_9503

Afterward, we took at walk around the SF Zoo, which was just down the street from the restaurant.  It was fun to see Kumquat run around with her grandpa who got  A LOT of exercise that afternoon.

IMG_0849For dinner, we went to Silver House and feasted on noodles, pork, fish, rice, veggies, and everything else you can think of.  So glad they were able to make a stop to see us!

yummy treat

IMG_0723Look what’s in my neighborhood!  Humphry Slocombe just opened in the Ferry Plaza in place of the my favorite gelato place.  I lost my passionfruit sorbet for a scoop of Secret Breakfast.  Yippee!

IMG_0750I got a scoop today and managed to eat the whole thing without Kumquat noticing.  It was mine…all mine…  🙂

Jia’s Birthday

IMG_0500Jia’s birthday was on Thursday but we celebrated on Friday night with Japanese tapas in Berkeley.  Jason made a reservation for Kiraku and it was a good thing because they had an hour-long wait for those who did not.

IMG_0516We ordered so many items that I lost track but here is a collection of most of the dishes: 1) Sashimi – including fatty snapper, 2) Salmon with Vinegar Sauce (my favorite of the night), 3) corn tempura with green sea salt, 4) scallops with pesto, 5) raw clam and snow crab salad, 6) pork belly with a soft boiled soy sauce egg on top.  One dish that I also really liked and forgot to take a photo of was the anchovy brocolli – yum.

IMG_0509 We had a really fun and tasty dinner last night.  We also tried to go to CREAM for dessert but the line was out the door and around the corner.  Maybe next time.  Kumquat was also a good sport because we didn’t get home until 10:30!

Happy Birthday, Jia!!

Team Tiger Happy Hour

With Teresa out on her maternity leave, I haven’t been able to really hang out with her much lately.  So, we made plans for a Happy Hour this past Wednesday.  We were all set to go until T got stuck at the West Oakland BART station because of some police activity in the city.  So, she headed home and we had to postpone it to Thursday.  On Thursday, she was able to hitch a ride back to SF with me after I got off work so it was go for Team Tiger HH!!  We picked up Kumquat and we headed over to Pedro’s.  They were closed for a private party so we went to Pete’s instead.  IMG_0442Happy Hour was still going so we ordered some wine and appetizers.  What fun!  It was almost like old times – the only difference was a third wheel named Kumquat.  IMG_0449Luckily she was well-behaved and it was fun watching to her try her first mini corn dog.

IMG_0451Ah…good times.