Browse Category: outings

Hog Island is back!

IMG_3687Hog Island has been closed for a couple months now for an expansion.  They took over the space next door when it closed and renovated everything.  It’s now bigger, has an actual bar area, and has lots more seating.  We found it open this weekend and since it was their first weekend, they were still working out some kinks.  Luckily they still serve drinks while you wait but there was a little confusion about who to order from.

IMG_3690Once seated, we discovered a whole new menu with some favorites still on there.  We ordered a dozen kumamotos and clam chowder at first but they had run out of clams!!  Whaat!?  I was so disappointed.  So, we ordered a bunch of other stuff and they were all still very good.

Here’s what we ate:


Smoked SurgeonIMG_3696

Seafood StewIMG_3698

Salad with pickled onions, fried shiitake, and soft-boiled eggIMG_3699

Mussels and fries


Yum.  We’ll just have to come back again for the chowder very soon.

carb overload

IMG_2392Since Humphry Slocombe opened in the Ferry Plaza, it was the perfect opportunity for the girls to meet up with me for a Saturday morning food crawl.  IMG_2349Ranee and Stephanie brought their families over from Walnut Creek and we had quite a feast.

IMG_2375It started out with Roli Roti.  You can never go wrong with starting your day with a porchetta sandwich.

IMG_2358Next stop was Blue Bottle for some coffee and a piping-hot waffle straight out of the griddle.


The best part of the morning was the ice cream.  I love this photo of the two toddlers begging their daddies for ice cream.  Their techniques are very similar and very effective.


Kumquat also received this cute bunch of tulips from someone promoting a flower service in SF.

What a fun morning.  We did all that eating in about 2 hours before we had to part ways and Kumquat fell asleep for a 2-hour nap. Let’s do this again soon, Ladies!!

weekend recap


We had a beautiful weekend.  On Saturday morning, I went for a 3-mile run and then hung out along Embarcadero with my little girl.

IMG_2063We also stopped for breakfast and a little street music.


We had a fun morning before heading home for her nap.

IMG_2115Later that day, we jumped on Caltrain and sat on the floor in the bike car like peasants.  Actually, we felt more like cattle.  Heh heh.

IMG_2136We had dinner at Blue Line Pizza and ordered a thin crust AND deep dish pizza for the 5 of us.  I liked the deep dish one better than the thin but they were both pretty good.  Unfortunately, our table was a bit crowded and I ended up knocking over (AND BREAKING) a wine glass by the end of the meal.  Doh!IMG_2150

After dinner, we took a walk down the street and I got this cute photo of Kumquat with her uncle and daddy.

IMG_2175Our ride home was a lot more comfortable and I was surprised to look down and find the little one asleep next to me.  Maybe there’s hope for our 6-hour flight to Hawaii in a couple weeks.

IMG_2198Sunday was more laid back.  We were home in our pjs for most of the morning.  We did make it outside at least once and I’m glad we did.  It was so sunny and warm!  Who says SF has terrible weather?!

Sunday Playdate

IMG_1954On Sunday, I had a playdate with my friends while Kumquat had a playdate with hers.  It started out with dim sum in the morning at East Ocean.  Vivian played peek-a-boo with me across the table all morning and she was a riot.  It’s so funny how at 9 months, she can already let me know that she’s not done playing and that she needs to be the center of attention.  Any time I looked away from our peek-a-boo game, she’d squawk across the table to get my attention.  As soon as I’d look over, she’d give me a cute but very sly look.  She also enjoyed some of the rice porridge that we ordered.


It was fun hanging out with the girls outside of work and I’m glad that Kumquat was able to spend more quality time with her aunties.  I love this picture of her and Mai.  Hilarious.

IMG_1967Here’s a picture of Kumquat and Vivian together.  Their expressions are so funny.  This is one of those photos that will need to be reenacted later when they’re older.

IMG_1968Afterward, I met up with Eleen and Zoe.  They were already at the shopping center so it worked out great!  I even got to stop by Eleen’s shop.  I hadn’t been there since they moved locations.  The girls got reacquainted while I shopped.

IMG_1971Later I let Kumquat out of the stroller and I loved watching her run free.  It’s not everyday that she gets to run around outside like this without my having to worry about her getting hit by a car or bicycle.  It sounds terrible but it reminded me of the days I used to take Koa to the dog park in Irvine.

IMG_1975It was such a nice sunny day.  I tried to get a photo of Kumquat and Zoe together but Zoe wasn’t having it that afternoon.  Oh well, we’ll have to try again next time.

Thanks to Mai, Stephanie, and Eleen for meeting up with us!

Weekend Sunshine

IMG_1885Weekends are great and they’re even better when the sun is out like it was this past weekend.

IMG_1875On Saturday, we went to our favorite place, the Farmer’s Market.  For breakfast, we shared a red lox open-faced sandwich that had a thinly sliced Meyer lemon that was edible.  Yum.

IMG_1898After lunch at Il Cane Rosso (no photos of lunch today), I picked up two scoops of Secret Breakfast for Jes and I to eat on our walk home.

IMG_1903The kid fell asleep so we took advantage of the quiet time and spent the next two hours at Hi-Dive.

IMG_1920Three beers and two glasses of wine later (between the two of us), the kid woke up and we were on our way home finally.  Aaaah…what a fun morning.


the kindness of strangers

IMG_1841On Friday afternoon, I came home from work, packed up the kid and her stuff, and headed back out to Oakland for a little Happy Hour with co-workers.  When we transferred between Muni and BART, the escalator that does down to the train platform was out of service.  That meant we’d have to walk down two flights of stairs together with the stroller.  So, I packed everything up, folded the stroller, and took Kumquat by the hand.  We didn’t take more than 4 steps before a nice man behind me offered to take the stroller down for me.  It was so helpful because then I was able to pick up Kumquat and carry her down the stairs at a quicker pace.  I thanked the nice guy and we went our separate ways.

When our train arrived, it was packed with commuters heading out of the city.  I had Kumquat in one arm and the stroller in my other hand.  Once we squeezed our way in, I found a nice spot for us to stand, held the strap hanging from the bar above me, and straddled the stroller to keep it from tipping onto someone’s legs.  Before the train even moved, a nice lady got up and gave me her seat.  She was too far in the crowd for me to make it over there without plowing a few people over so I declined.  Then a lady behind me kindly said, “You should go and I’ll take the stroller over for you.”

Wow, people can be pretty nice sometimes.  Or I must have looked really pathetic.  Either way, we were snuggled safely in seat amongst the crowd of commuters heading under the bay and down 4 stops to Rockridge Station.  And thanks to some very nice strangers, we arrived safely and comfortably and made it to our destination without delay or injury.  We also had a nice time at Happy Hour but the ride into Oakland was the most memorable part of the evening.  Thank goodness the trains on the way back into the city were super empty.