Browse Category: life

I’m here. I’m OK.

After a long conversation with a close friend over the phone last night, I realized that I’ve become a little hermit in my “hermit world”. I suppose it hasn’t felt like it to me since I’ve been spending more time with my immediate family who also live in Orange County. It’s been so long since I have been able to just stop by at a friend’s house to say, “hey, what are you doing?” For those who aren’t a five-minute drive away haven’t heard much from us, have only rumors to go by, and some are hurt or concerned that they never hear from me or Jes. I’m here, guys. I’m OK. Jes and I have been living day-to-day and don’t use the phone much with the exception of calling to say “I’m coming home”. I suppose it’s time to reach out to friends just for the sake of reaching out. I guess I’ve taken them all for granted and assume that they’re all busy and the next time we see each other that all will be the same with just a few hours of catching up. I often wonder what they are all up to and my friends actually do wonder about me too. OK…I understand now. I’ll be a better friend.

The Circle of Life

I had an eerie weekend. On Saturday morning Jes and I attended a funeral for a high school friend’s dad who passed away earlier this week. He was only 61 and left behind a wife and 2 daughters. It was very sad. Meanwhile, I got to catch up with some other people from my past and found out that one is getting married in two weeks. Then, this morning I got a phone call from Marie, who announced that she had her baby boy on Friday afternoon! With all these life-changing events, I got an eerie view of how life goes through stages and just keeps moving on whether you’re ready for it or not. I think it’s mostly scary…but it’s pretty exciting at the same time…I can’t help wonder what’s going to happen next.

Congratulations to Marie & Kenji for their new baby boy, Cole Takumi Sumino.

Jes’ Fun Little Game

We have lots of cool neighbors. We even consider some of them our friends. Unfortunately, there is an older couple who haven’t been very friendly to us. In the past year and a half we’ve lived here, they’ve never waved “hi” or even cracked a smile. They live right across the street and we have to see them quite often when we walk Koa. No problem…it’s cool.
Anyway, we have the X3 now and have to park the CL out on the street until we sell the RSX. When this started, Jes decided to park it right in front of the grumpy couple’s house for fun and left it there for a week. The poor wife couldn’t park her precious car in front and had to walk an extra few steps to her house each day. When we got back from Mammoth one day, we found a note on the windshield. It basically said to move our car because it was taking up a “premium space” used for their convenience. It was signed “Your Neighbor” but we know who it came from. These are people who have 3 cars, a 2-car garage, and park only 1 of them inside!! Boy, this made Jes’ blood boil and has created a little monster out of him. So since our little note incident, Jes has made an extra special effort to put the car in “their spot” as much as possible.
Just this afternoon, I moved the CL to the driveway to give it a wash. The grumpy wife came home with her daughter, parked in the “premium spot”, and pointed me out to her. Now she thinks it’s me!! To make things worse, when I finished washing the car, Jes drove the CL away and parked it back in that spot as soon as the daughter left. Mind you, the street was completely empty *sigh*…so the game continues.

The sun is back!!

It has been sunny and warm this weekend and we took full advantage of it. On Saturday, we took Koa to the dog park. I also did some gardening/pruning out in the patio while Jes cleaned out the filter in the fish pond. This morning I went for a 22-mile bike ride with Jes and our two neighbors. Irvine is an awesome place for bicyclists!! The bike trail is well-paved and by-passes all the street lights. It was a good workout and a great way to enjoy the Southern California weather that I forgot about.

It just keeps coming down.

It’s been raining for almost 2 straight weeks here in the O.C. It’s quite nice. My plants don’t need watering, our house is being tested for leakage, and my car is always clean. We were supposed to go snowboarding in Mammoth with Hols this weekend but we bailed due to the weather and we didn’t feel like sleeping on the floor again. Then we were thinking of making a day trip to Bear Mountain but fortunately we didn’t. We turned on the news on Saturday morning to find out that 200+ cars were stuck in the snow on Highway 18 on their way to Big Bear. Whew!! We could have been stuck in a shelter all weekend. Instead, Jes made rib eye for the brothers and our neighbors on Saturday night; we went to the bike store to look for bicycle trainers; Jes exchanged his TV; and we had Korean BBQ last night with Jes’ family.

tick tick tick…

I’m a bit weirded out about a recent baby boom. First, Linda (college roommate) had her baby boy in October. Then, Patti (highschool friend) had her baby girl on Thanksgiving. Now, my cousin (only 3 months younger than me) is expecting a boy in March! Sheesh…this is very surreal.