Browse Category: life

Man, it’s September already.

Where did August go? Now that it’s September, I am back to work but it’s pretend work for a little bit. The first day of school for the kiddies is September 14th so until then, I’ll be giving inservices, attending staff meetings, rearranging my clinic, and psyching myself up for another school year.
Last night, we picked up Jason from the airport. It was crazy-crowded! I forgot it was Labor Day Weekend. He’s here for a friend’s wedding and Jes’ birthday party. As usual, we woke up this morning, turned on our laptops, and had another day of “working from home”. 🙂 Poor Jes had to actually go to work.

Are we that old already?

Last night we went to The Harp Inn in Newport Beach to watch one of Jes’ co-workers play in his band called “Velicious”. They’re a group of old guys having a good time on stage playing and singing covers all night while we sit around and drink beer. Huy also met up with us and it sounded like he had an awesome month in Peru (he just got back).
As we watched the band play, we noticed how old the crowd was…I’d say late 30’s, some early 40’s. Although I recognized 75% of the songs they played, I was about done and ready to go home by the first act. It was somewhat entertaining to see a handful of women who looked like former-sorority girls trying to dance and “party on” to covers of Guns and Roses and Iron Maiden. This was not exactly my idea of a good time but they were obviously enjoying themselves. Huy, don’t worry, we’re not that old yet. I’ll let you know when we are.


We had a rather laid back Sunday today. I slept in for the first time in weeks. We had some brunch at a nearby cafe. Jes worked on his computer for most of the day while I uploaded photos and did some laundry. Koa even got to run at the dog park today. The best part of the day was that we finally booked our flight to Thailand. We’ve been trying to go for the past 4 years and have finally committed. We’ll be going from December 27th to January 10th. I can’t wait!

hanging out at home

I had a pleasant Saturday. Not only did I sleep in until 9:30 (and postponed my long run ’til tomorrow) but hung out at home all day. Koa got a nice bath, I got some stuff at Costco for Camp, and Marie/Kenji/Cole came over in the evening. Now it’s time to go to bed early so I can run 16 miles tomorrow.

“Eh, you’re fine”

For those of you who don’t know, I passed out in the middle of brushing my teeth one night last May. Over a year later, I’m still alive, got my driving privileges back, continue to have heart palpitations on a daily basis, and recently started getting chest pains while I run. So, I decided that before I go any further in my marathon training, I should get a check-up with my cardiologist. My appointment was this morning and I told him everything that has been going on. He paused and said, “ok, let’s check you out”. I’m thinking he did that just to humor me so that I didn’t feel like seeing him was a waste of time. With the stethescope in hand, he told me to take a few deep breaths, palpated my chest and abdomen, had me sit up, and said, “eh, you’re fine.” Thanks, doc. Anyway, he decided to hooked me up to a Holter Monitor for the next 24 hours since I was getting palpitations during my runs, which I never had before. As he left the examination room, he said to me, “run hard and make your heart thump”. Haha…that’s pretty ironic.
Well, this Holter Monitor has become a good friend of mine this past year. We’re actually on our 3rd “date” now. I suppose it’s not that bad…aside from the sticky electrodes on my chest that make me itchy (I think I’m allergic to the adhesive), long wires that hang out from under my shirt, and a coolio walkman looking thing strapped to my waist. This afternoon, I went for my hill run and I ran hard! In fact, I managed to run 5K under 30 minutes…29:07 to be exact. That’s a 9:24/mile pace or 6.39 mph. It sounds pretty wimpy but it’s a first for me. And did I make my heart thump? Yep Yep Yep! I’ll just have to wear it until 9:15 tomorrow morning, turn it in, and wait a week for the results. I just wish I could take a shower right now…I’m not allowed to get the electrodes wet…boo…I’m stinky.


I’m so tired. This month has been stupid busy and it’s only June 3rd. With the end of the school year approaching, I have a million parent conferences and reports to write. I’m so happy that it’s Friday and the workday is almost over.
Plans for the weekend: 1) I have 8 miles to run. 2) I’m going to Patty’s house to celebrate her 30th birthday. Gosh, one by one, they’re turning 30. Pretty soon it’ll be my turn. I think it’ll be fine. I’m healthy, still running, no major life issues, decent job, and I’m feeling young enough to play with kids. Can’t complain…yet.