Browse Category: life

stayin’ afloat

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. You can say that I’m in survival mode at this point. Summer school is in full swing with plenty of work to do. Holly’s wedding is this Saturday and I’m running around getting my bridesmaid dress fixed, shopping for shoes, and getting the house ready for guests. Yong, Helen, and Yoon are campin’ out in our little birdhouse and it needs to at least have room to walk in. I’m also busy with Camp stuff. I was supposed to attend an evening orientation meeting in Torrance tomorrow night but it’s the same time as Holly’s rehearsal and dinner. I can’t miss THAT!

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I’m still alive but barely hangin’ on. I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and this nauseating feeling that I usually get when I pull an all-nighter. I got about 7 hours of sleep but it really didn’t feel like it. With a quick snooze on the couch this morning until 8 and a couple Motrins, I was back in action. When is summer-fun going to begin?!

Fun with Mud

Now that it’s summer, we decided to spruce up the patio a bit. Unfortunately, it required quite a bit of digging in the mud and I certainly got my hands dirty. We later visited Rogers Gardens in Corona Del Mar to get some ideas for the fish pond and flower bed. By the way, this nursery place was ridiculously huge. It certainly was the right place to go to for some inspiration. Ah, doesn’t homeownership sound fun?! Anyway, we ended up buying a large pot and a lush bamboo tree to go in it. We also went to Costco and bought these solar-powered cheesy fakey pagodas. We left them out in the evening sun for about an hour and they actually stayed lit for 4-5 hours…hm…not bad.

I can feel it…

…summer is here and it’s the longest day of the year! The sun is out, the AC is on, our last day of school is tomorrow, and I bought tickets to Hollywood Bowl. Awesome. This month has been really crazy and I’m finally seeing the end of the tunnel. We have graduation tomorrow and then an easy day on Friday. THEN, I’ll have a week and a half off before starting summer school on July 5th. Here are some summer plans so far:

  • Hollywood Bowl on Sunday to see Sergio Mendes et. al
  • Loooooooong roadtrip and camping in Yellowstone.

Perhaps we should reinstate Bonfire Wednesdays again. Anyone want to join us?

I have #2 and #4.

I went to see the chiropractor today. I was surprised to see that the address she gave me was a house. She converted her garage into a little sanctuary that is air-conditioned, decorated with flowers, and the room was filled with jazz music. Not bad. She was actually very nice and thorough. I even received a little therapy with my consultation. According to her findings, I’m crooked. My shoulders are misaligned and so are my hips. Awesome. Anyway, I’m going back to see her tomorrow and so far I’m feeling slightly better after my visit. Maybe this will force me to get back into pilates and strengthen my “core”.
I was browsing through some websites the other day and found this link. I have bad habits #2 and #4. You would think that as a therapist I would listen to my own advice…stretch, strengthen, and use good body mechanics. Eh…what do I know? Just six months ago, I drew him some figures of how to stretch his back. I guess it’s time for me to find those stick drawings.

so hurty…

I don’t know what exactly happened but yesterday I got to work and noticed that my back was a little sore. As the day progressed it bothered me more and more. Now I’m at the point of waking up to find myself unable to put my pants on without leaning on the bed. I even wimpered and cried a bit this morning. I haven’t had it this bad since the first time my back went out over 4 years ago. I didn’t treat any kids today and waddled my way around the school all day. Luckily I was in meetings all day but somehow that makes it a little worse when I have to get up out of the chair again. Just call me granny…that’s literally what I look like when I’m walking around the house…one hand on my back, hunched over, feet in the waddle position, and a funny grimace on my face. *sigh* I’m only 30 and already walking around like I’m 75. Fortunately, I got an appointment with a chiropractor who takes my insurance. It’ll be awesome if it turns out that I can get massages whenever I want for a mere $15 co-pay. But for now, I’ll be happy just to put my pants on.

home cookin’

On Sunday, we stopped by the Magical House to pick up the dog.  Before leaving, my mom handed us a container filled with spicy ground chicken to take home.  When we got home, I decided to make dinner.  Huh?  Me cooking?  Yes, I actually prepared Thai yellow curry and a chicken/cabbage dish that my mom used to make for me all the time.  So, we actually sat down on Sunday night for some home cookin’ consisting of my two dishes, my mom’s chicken dish, and some rice.  Ah…it almost felt like I was eating at the Magical House.  By the way, Jes was rather impressed…no gagging or grimacing noted.  😉