Browse Category: life

Crap x10

Jes is away for a couple days so it’s just me and the dawg this weekend. I just finished the longest week EVER so when I came home, I threw some laundry in the machine, put on my PJs, and turned on some bad TV. Friday nights are my favorite part of the week because I get to just relax, waste time, stay up late, and get stuff done (if I want to). AND I still have two more days left!!

10 crappy things that happened to me this week:

  1. I had to work on NYE
  2. I had to work on New Year’s Day.
  3. It was too cold and far away to watch the NYE fireworks.
  4. The BART ticket vendors gave me a hard time for no reason.
  5. I had to walk the dog in Hurricane winds and rain.
  6. My BART train was delayed both ways in one day totaling a 3-hour commute.
  7. Coffee spilled INSIDE my backpack and all over my jacket. Don’t ask how that happened.
  8. Dropped my brand new Crackberry on the sidewalk and now it has a gigantic scuff on the front.
  9. I had 3 kids throw up on me in one day.
  10. They ran out of oatmeal at the cafeteria this morning so I had to starve until lunch.

Thank goodness for weekends.

Not Bummed Out Anymore


After living here for four months with no window coverings, we finally got some blinds installed on Saturday. We face the courtyard and most of the units still don’t have blinds either. There’s a guy that lives across the way from us that still doesn’t have any furniture.  He bums me out everyday. Our kitchens face each other so I have to watch him eat dinner (standing at his kitchen counter) while I wash the dishes. He bums me out more than the gay dudes that bought the roof deck that also faces our unit. So, on Saturday night, as I washed my dishes, I realized that I can now close the windows!!! Goodbye, Dude Without Furniture!!

On Sunday morning, Jes and I picked up our Christmas tree and I got it all gussied up with the brand new ornaments I bought at last year’s Crate & Barrel sale. For some reason, our new home has a lot more room for a tree and we also have a huge window to show it off. So now, instead of having to draw the blinds, the big sparkly tree will also help block my view. Here’s a Christmas tree in your eye, Dude Without Furniture!!


Whaddup whaddup?! I’m still alive…sorry for the lack of posts this week. I’ve just been chuggin’ along in my day-to-day activities.

On Sunday morning, I went for a little run and ended up losing my house keys. Ack! I didn’t realize it until I was done so I ended up having to run the entire route a second time. It’s amazing what fear and adrenaline can do for your performance. I ran so fast that I was passing even the skinniest, tallest guys out there. In a panic, I searched everywhere for my keys with no luck. I was so bummed out. Not only did I lose my key but it was so early in the morning that I’d have to face the wrath of the sleeping bear. After convincing the maintenance guy to let me into the building, I stood at my front door for at least 5 minutes before ringing the doorbell. *Ding Dong!* No answer. Crap! I paced the hall for another 5 minutes before ringing the doorbell again. The sleeping bear finally woke up and opened the door to find out what I had done. I think you can all guess how the rest of my day went after that.

Fast forward to Monday when I emailed the building manager for a new set of keys… At work, I got a phone call from the manager with the good news that someone found my keys at the park and turned it in to the office. Wow!! I always thought I was a little gullible thinking that someone would do a good deed in my favor but this is ridiculous. I must have done something good last week to make this happen.

Don’t forget to do your good deed for the week! It could pay off later when you least expect it!!


It’s 6:15 am and I’ve been up since 5:45. It’s completely dark outside and I’m wide awake. I was exhausted yesterday from a combination of not sleeping well the night before and having a really long day at work yesterday. So, I ate some dinner, took a hot shower, and jumped into bed at around 7:30 with my laptop and got caught up on my TiVo recordings. It was great. I was asleep by 10:00 and I feel completely rested now.

I forgot how nice it can be to wake up before your alarm goes off and you’re ready to face another day. I not only beat the alarm but also beat the coffee maker and Pasqual, who is usually rambling about the weather and news by the time I get out of bed. I’m usually hitting the snooze button once or twice before dragging myself out of bed and getting on the train in a zombie-like state. I’m going to see if I can keep this up because it’s kinda nice to have some quiet, el relaxo time in the morning. Perhaps I can even start going to the gym in the morning too!! Ok Ok, time to get a hold of myself now…I don’t want to get TOO crazy yet.

Have a great day!! 🙂

Fire Update


Last night my mom called to tell me that there was a big fire in Irvine. I was too tired to think about it last night so I sorta shrugged it off. This morning, however, I turned on the news and it made headlines. The fire is big and not yet contained. Some of the schools in the area are closed and everyone is trying to stay indoors. The photo above is a view of the smoke from the neighborhood. Alan says that it’s only 5-6 miles away. Yikes!


Here’s a view from Sand Canyon. I used to take this road to the Trader Joe’s! Check out the orange glow!


We were reassured that the neighborhood is still safe and we even got a shot of our house just to help us feel better. Thanks, Alan!

It’s raining!!

Oh man, this is awesome! This morning Pasqual told me that it was raining but I wasn’t so ready to believe him right away.  But now I’m sitting here at my workstation at the hospital staring out of the window watching the rain fall. It’s pouring! This gets me so giddy because that there’s probably snow falling in Tahoe and my sidewalks are getting washed. With last year being so dry and having only about 10 days of rain (if that) last year, this is so refreshing. It’ll just make walking the dog a little interesting. Bring it on!!