Browse Category: life


It’s April 2nd and Day 17 of the Bay Area Shelter in Place. I’ve been meaning to document what’s been happening so far this year but hadn’t gotten around to it until now.  Unfortunately, we are still bracing for the worst of it here.

In late January, we were hearing about a virus that had originated in Wuhan, China. At work, we had regular huddles to discuss new screening processes at the front desk. We were still seeing patients in our clinic and it was mostly business as usual. At home, we were still going to large gatherings for Super Bowl and Chinese New Year.  The kids were in school and we had just signed up KK for Spring Soccer.

It was around this same time (end of January through Chinese New Year), Jia and the twins went to Beijing for a trip and they arrived with everyone starting to wear masks all day long. She would send us photos and updates from Beijing and saw that they was quarantined to their relative’s home for the last part of their stay. She also sent photos of what it was like to go to the grocery store with everyone getting their temps taken before entering. We were wondering if she would even be able to fly back to the states. They got home safely but had  to fly through Japan and Dallas before arriving in LA. They also self-quarantined at home for 14 days with Jason staying away at a different house.

We went to Vancouver for ski week (2/15-2/22) and the usual bustling parts of Vancouver were already getting quiet. We went to a Chinese restaurant where they had a sign on the door that said it had been “fully disinfected”. We also went to Cypress Mountain on the busiest day of the year. The crowds were annoying but had different meaning to us then.  We got lots of time on the ski slopes that week and were excited for the rest of the season now that the kids were getting a lot better.

At the end of February, we drove down to Cerritos to take care of our taxes and spend some time with the family. That feels like it was so long ago. We were also relieved that my mom canceled her trip to Italy. She was supposed to go a couple days before that weekend and just days later there was a surge of cases and Italy was experiencing an outbreak.

By March, there were some new reports of cases in Washington state. We were JUST THERE traveling through Seattle to come home from Vancouver. Work was getting a little more stressful with an increasing number of memos and changes to screening procedures at our registration desks. People were asking for masks and stealing the hand sanitizer off our receptionist’s desk while she was on her lunch break. At that point, Jes’ company was having some trial “work from home” days and other companies already started closing their offices. There was also a cruise ship that had 9 positive cases on board and they were going to dock in Oakland sometime around 3/9/20…scary!

On 3/8/20, we were still hearing about cases outside of California and I even had some friends over for brunch that morning. That would be the last I would see of them (except Teresa) for a while. Later the following week at work, we had converted all our in-person therapy appointments to video or telephone visits.

On 3/12/20, Jes worked from home and I was off so we took a casual trip to Costco while the kids were in school. We hadn’t gone for a while and we were out of chicken and running low on toilet paper.  When we arrived, we saw that all the whole chickens and toilet paper were sold out and there was only one flat of bottle water left. The panic-buying has started and most stores were running out of hand soap, toilet paper, sanitizer, and rice. On the evening of 3/12/2020, the school district announced that if parents chose to keep their children home from school that they were be “excused absences”.

We still sent KK to school on 3/13/20 and she was only one of 6 in her class that attended. On that same day, it was announced that school would be closed starting 3/16 and continue through Spring Break (4/3). Earlier that week, there was an increasing number of reports of COVID-19 cases – mostly in Washington state and the Bay Area was starting to prepare for its inevitable arrival. By that weekend, Disneyland announced they would close (!), the NBA season ended (with one player already testing positive for the virus), and large gatherings in the Bay Area were already canceled.

That weekend, we took the kids to their last swim class and last kung fu class that had only 1 other kid in Peanut’s class and a handful in KK’s class. I did my best that weekend to keep it together but things were sounding worse and worse on the news. By Sunday evening, the governor asked all at-risk people (including people over 65) to stay home as much as possible. I was also getting emails from various organizations and companies announcing they were be closed for a while – including the Tahoe resorts. NOOOOO!! It was JUST STARTING TO SNOW AGAIN!!!

I couldn’t sleep on Sunday night. These memes I found truly depicted how I felt.

Everyone was going to be staying home but I had to go to work on Monday.

To help me sleep, I went back downstairs and taped some butcher paper on the wall and wrote out a rough schedule for KK for her first day at home.

On 3/16/20, the Governor announced that 6 Bay Area counties would be ordered to “shelter in place” starting at midnight. That afternoon, Jes and KK went to Costco, Trader Joe’s, and Safeway to stock up. There was no toilet paper or chicken but they managed to get a good amount of fresh produce, other meat, and plenty of coffee and wine for me. 🙂 Luckily, daycare was still considered an “essential service” so Peanut was able to continue going to school. In the meantime, they also allowed families to withdraw their enrollment if they chose to keep their kids at home. So, he was one of 5 kids in his class and by the end of the week he was one of 6 kids in the entire school!

At work, the parking structure was not as crowded and the streets were not as busy around the hospital. It was also eerie to see everyone at work but no patients in the waiting area.

We were taking it all in stride and people were getting creative with their virtual visits and social distancing.

On 3/21/20, Peanut’s school sent an email saying that they too were going to close. So, starting on 3/23/20, Jes would be home with both kids and still have work to do. In the meantime, we canceled my mom’s trip to come up for Spring Break. It was a tough decision but the right thing to do. Southern California had not started their “shelter in place” until a few days after us and Los Angeles County was having a surge of positive cases.

We also upgraded from butcher paper to a large dry erase board and everyone has a section (even Jes).

KK is navigating the internet as best as she can and has become very good at texting and starting Facetime and Zoom meetings. She checks in with me and I also Facetime during the day to check on what their doing.

The kids have Zoom meetings with their classmates and KK is doing a great job helping out with Peanut during the day. They are getting better at checking the board during the day and checking off their tasks.

I am still going to work at my regular schedule and while it’s scary out there, I am comforted by the company of my co-workers and knowing that we are doing everything we can to help people while protecting ourselves. We haven’t had a surge yet and PPE is still at a good level for now.

Last week I even helped pick up donated masks, gloves, and wipes from local dentists that were no longer seeing patients.

We also managed to have a couple virtual Happy Hours last weekend, which was a nice way to stay in touch.

It is now 4/2/2020 and KK has been out of school since 3/16/20. Peanut has been out of school since 3/23/2020. Tomorrow will mark the end of the 3rd week of this new normal. School has officially closed until May 3rd but it looks like we will be out of school until fall now. I have no idea if Summer Camps will even be available by June or July. We don’t know what the next month will look like but hopefully it will be uneventful for our little family of 4.

KK will turn 8 this month and we will have to be creative with how we can make it special at home. There will be no egg hunt outside with the neighbors and who knows when the kids will be able to take their belt test (supposed to have been on 3/28). Peanut will likely not have his Preschool Graduation in June as well. Things are put on hold, other things are canceled, we are getting refunds for some things, and some costs will get eaten. We still get to go outside as a family and happy that Peanut still learned how to ride a bike through all this. I’m thankful for our health and thankful for a dual income that is not impacted by this pandemic yet. I will never take those for granted.

Can’t wait for all this to be behind us.

Stay home. Wash your hands. Stop buying all the toilet paper and chicken.

Whole30 – Halfway Done

We are on Day 16 of Whole30 and it’s supposed to be downhill from here.  So far, we’ve been surviving but I’m feeling a little bored of the food that I’m allowed to eat. Last week was also a little tough considering there was Valentine’s Day,  Chinese New Year, and the long President’s Day weekend all in one week!

Here are some of the foods we made/ate this week:

Garlic shrimp over zucchini noodles…pretty good.

We’ve been eating a lot of roasted vegetables: brussel sprouts (above), cauliflower, broccoli, romanesco, kale, sweet potato, and regular potato.

I used the spiralizer on a regular potato and ended up with the end looking like a mushroom.

We roasted the potato noodles and they ended up tasting like shoestring fries. It worked well with the pot roast that Jes made for dinner.

One thing that is compliant is Kalua Pork!! It’s a great topping for salads or just over cabbage. It’s pretty satisfying but I do miss the rice and mac salad.

One day, we made bacon, lettuce, tomato, bacon wraps for lunch. With some of my homemade mayo, it was pretty tasty! Oh yeah, the only compliant bacon that we can eat is one made with no nitrates and no sugar. It is extremely hard to find bacon that’s made without sugar. I scoured Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Nob Hill Foods and ended up finding one at Safeway!!


Jesse also made some meatballs using almond flour as a substitute. Of course it had to be eaten over zucchini noodles and it was pretty painful watching the kids eat their spaghetti.

On the eve of Chinese New Year, we met up for dinner with Michelle, Vyl, and kids in the city. In preparation for dinner, Jes and I went to SuperDuper first to fill up on a bun-less burger with avocado and bacon. It was good but I missed the special sauce and ketchup. I also had to watch the kids eat the fries that I wasn’t allowed to eat. At dinner, the only thing I could eat was the steamed chicken. So sad…

Some of my favorite things I have been eating include:

  • avocado
  • homemade mayo (great for dipping cucumber slices or roasted cauliflower)
  • everything with hot sauce
  • SALT
  • roasted veggies

I also found a tasty almond butter at Trader Joe’s that’s made of just almonds and salt. It’s great for dipping apple slices.

So, I made it to the half-way mark and I’m looking forward to finishing these next two weeks. March 6th is gonna be awesome.


I don’t exactly remember the conversation but one night I mentioned the Whole30 to Jes and he looked it up that night and didn’t say anything. The next day, he said he wanted to do it so I said “why not?” If he’s going to do it with me, it’ll be a little easier.

It’s basically a short-term challenge that allows your body to reset and somewhat detox from everyday food allergens and other things that could make you unhealthy without knowing it.

For 30 days, Jes and I will be eating mostly animal protein, lots of vegetables, fruit, and eggs. We are not allowed to have soy, dairy, sugar (except for what’s in fruit), legumes, wheat, rice, corn, or alcohol. We also have to cut out sulfites, MSG, and some other chemicals/ingredients that are found in food. As an Asian, I always thought the Whole30 was impossible for us because we can’t have RICE, WHEAT, or SOY! Well, we decided to do it just to prove we could and to see if it would actually make a difference.

It started on Super Bowl Sunday, which was a somewhat inconvenient day to start. When I think of Super Bowl, I think of bar food and alcohol. Well, alcohol was going to be out and we were going to have to figure out what to eat during the game. After returning home from Tahoe on Sunday afternoon, we unloaded the car, and then headed to Costco to stock up. We bought steaks, fish, lots of fruit and veggies, and eggs. I had to say “see ya later” to the booze aisle and made sure to bypass the snacks section. What’s hard is that the kids will continue eating all the stuff we aren’t allowed to eat. So, we had to buy the pretzels and other snacks that they love.

Anyway, we got home and started planning our dinner. Apparently, Whole30 has a recipe for buffalo wings!!! Frank’s Red Hot Sauce is Whole30 compliant (as are most hot sauces) and we can have butter as long as we take out the milk solids. So, Jes made some clarified butter and made us wings!!! It was so good and I didn’t miss the Ranch dressing as much as I thought I would. I think I missed the wine more.

By the way, we also bought a new TV at Costco. It’s 58 inches, inexpensive, and the technology is so much better than the one we bought 12 years ago.

It’s now Day 5 and it’s been ok. Here are some of the meals we’ve made:

Jes grilled some chicken breast for me the first night. I cut it up and added some roasted brussel sprouts. That was my lunch on Monday and it was pretty satisfying.

On Day 2, I made some of my own mayo using egg, salt, and oil oil.

On Day 3, I made a beef chili for dinner. Jes and I ate it over baked potato and I got a nod of approval from the picky husband. Woot!

On the same night, I used a spiralizer to make some zucchini noodles (aka zoodles). I added it to the top of the leftover chili for my lunch the next day. With couple minutes in the microwave, I had a pretty tasty lunch that was almost as good as spaghetti with meat sauce.

And this is my breakfast on most days. I made some pico de gallo on the first night so that I had some for every morning. We also bought a bag of avocados at Costco and they go a long way!

So now it’s Day 5 and it seems like Day 30 is so far away.  I think our biggest challenge will be going out for Chinese New Year dinner with the Bangs and Sokol-Juns. I may have to eat some hard-boiled eggs beforehand and just feed the kids.

I’ll keep you posted on the progress! I found this funny calendar that seems to be pretty accurate so far…

My hope is that I sleep better, have more energy, have nicer skin, and it wouldn’t hurt if my clothes fit better.

Year in Review 2017

What a year 2017 was for me and the family! It was dubbed “The Year of Hard Things” and I’m so happy to start a new year. We had lots of changes and growth but came out stronger and better off in the end.

The year started out in San Francisco and we were looking into private school options for KK. We were still on a house hunt but inventory in Alameda had decreased to almost nothing after Trump was elected president.


After waiting another month and changing our search criteria, we found a cute little townhome on Bay Farm that was facing a greenbelt and playground. It was in good shape, had plenty of space, and the price was right. So, we placed a bid, won the bidding war, and moved in on March 13th.

KK continued to go to her Pre-K program in SF but Peanut had to say goodbye to Mirian and Andrea and started his new school on the same day we picked up our keys. It took some time for Peanut to adjust but he seemed to get used to drop-offs much quicker than KK did at the same age.

At our new home, we learned that we were living in a circle of houses containing other families with kids around the same ages as ours. KK became good friends with Gavin next door. He would come by the house everyday afterschool and KK also started playing with all the other kids in the neighborhood. It was also nice to have so much outside space for the kids to enjoy on the weekends and evenings.

In April, we repainted and staged the SF condo. It was so sad to say goodbye but we sold it for a great price. We actually made a hefty profit and ended up with a surplus to pay down some of our new mortgage, pay off the Irvine house, buy a minivan with cash, and put some away for a kitchen renovation.

This was also the year that KK turned FIVE. It felt like such a big milestone to us. She had her Pre-K graduation and seemed ready to take on Kindergarten like a boss.

In addition to life changes, work was not getting any easier. Teresa decided to go to Kaiser Oakland and stay at Children’s for one day per week.

Later Stephanie moved to New Jersey and life at CHO was just not the same anymore. I was also feeling overworked, underappreciated, and just plain lonely.

We also gained another family member this year. In May, Leela was born and she is such an easy-going baby who seems to have read the baby textbook because she’s plowing through her milestones one right after the other.

In the summer, I started looking at my work options since KK would be starting Kindergarten in August and drop-off and pick-up logistics would become more complicated. I decided to make a major change and accepted a new job at Kaiser Oakland after working at Children’s Hospital for 10 years.

KK started Kindergarten in August and my hope was to be able to volunteer at her school and be more available to her this school year.

In September, I said goodbye to my work family and took two weeks off before starting the new job at the end of the month. During that time, I studied, volunteered at KK’s school, took care of my new-hire business, and took some time to myself to reset my work brain.

With this new job, I switched from 40 hrs/week down to 32 hrs/week with a promotion. I also got to share a cubicle with Teresa. It was a hard change but a good one in the grand scheme of things.

I also took an exam in October to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I didn’t find out the results of the exam until end of December and was relieved to see my certificate and a passing score in the mail.

In October, we also started a major project at home. We hired contractors to remodel our kitchen from the ground up. Demolition started on October 9th and they didn’t finish until early December. That was a painful 3 months of eating out a lot, washing dishes in the backyard, and basically living like we were in a hotel. Luckily the kitchen turned out great and we love the new space so much.

In November, Jes and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary by taking a trip without the kids for the first time. We decided to go to Kauai since we hadn’t been there since our honeymoon.  It was hard to just relax and do nothing for the first day or so but by the end, it was so nice to have absolutely nothing to do or worry about. We took naps, we ate whenever we felt hungry, and I got to watch so many movies on the plane! Thanks to my parents for watching the kids during the while we were away (also in the middle of the kitchen remodel!).

The grand finale for the year was having 3 weeks off in December. It started with Hong Kong for Kelly and Alvin’s wedding and it was so much fun for the whole family.

We also made it to Disneyland for Christmas Eve once again and this year was one of the best so far for us. The kids were tantrum-free, we had short wait times for rides, and KK was big and brave enough to ride Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain for the first time!!!

What a year…here’s my “bestnine” compilation on Instagram.

Hoping 2018 is smooth sailing for us.

15th Anniversary


Jes and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary (11/5-11/9/17) in Kauai without the kids. My parents came up to watch them for the week and we were able to get some rest and just hang out together like we used to.


We booked our flight through United with miles and although it wasn’t Hawaiian, it got us there in once piece and we were able to upgrade to Economy Plus. I had some sparkling wine and watched TWO full-length movies!!! I watched the live action version of Beauty and the Beast and then Cars 3. It was so different sitting on a plane without having to get up out of my seat every 15 minutes.


Our first stop after picking up the rental car was Costco. We picked up a giant bottle of mai tai and I also found these honey furikake puffs that are so tasty. I wanted to pick up a few extra bottles of Koloa Rum but knew that we wouldn’t be able to carry them onto the plane.


We later checked in to Sheraton Kauai and then went to the beach bar for a drink and snack.  Ah…mai tai…


This trip also felt like a “run-cation”. I ran 3 days in a row and two of them were with Jes! So fun!


We were up early and I got this photo of the surf with the moon still awake.


Loved running along the water and this awesome side street with a gorgeous view of the mountains and fields.



One of the places we had to visit was Princeville. It’s now called the St. Regis Hotel but it’s where we stayed for our honeymoon.  We had brunch at the restaurant that has a gorgeous view of Hanalei Bay.


We also recreated a photo we took 15 years ago.



On one morning, we visited the Koloa Rum Tasting Room. It’s a free tasting and featured their dark rum, spiced rum, coconut rum, and coffee rum.


Their gift shop was chockful of cool stuff including these giant flasks!


We had some tasty food while we were there. One of our breakfasts was at Tip Top Motel and Cafe. The loco moco was delicious.


We also found Koloa Fish Market and picked up a plate lunch and some poke.



On our last night, we had a reservation with Kauai Ono, which is a catering chef that has one seating per night under a tent at Princeville Ranch. All the ingredients are local and the communal tables create a fun place to meet new people.


We sat across from a couple from San Rafael that was in Kauai to celebrate their 52nd wedding anniversary. We had a fun conversation as the chef served us 5 courses.


We had seared beef heart over mashed breadfruit, a cucumber salad, seared marlin over a kale salad, brisket cooked with lemongrass and paired with Japanese purple sweet potato.


Dessert was a mochi churro with chocolate coconut dipping sauce. Tasty.


On our last day, we spent about 6 hours in a cabana that we rented for the day. It was right on the beach and had the perfect amount of shade and breeze to keep us comfy with easy access to the ocean and pool.


I read, took a nap, played in the ocean, and spent some quality time with the husband.



Oh and did I mention there was food and drink service?! We simply put up a flag and someone would come by to take our order. So nice.


The Sheraton had an awesome location with direct access to the beach and some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. IMG_9431



Our hotel room had a garden view but you could actually see the ocean from the lanai. Not bad for a discounted $189/night rate.



On the morning of our return flight, we went back to the beach one more time and found a monk seal napping on the beach too.



Our flight was delayed 2 hours but we had plenty of bar time at the airport to chill out. It was also much easier to tolerate the delay without the kids in town.


Luckily, we finally got on the plane and it was a 4.5-hour flight. We had a great time together in Kauai and 4  days away was a good amount of time for us to regroup, get some rest, and miss the kids.  Good times…



This is what our kitchen looked like before we demolished it.


We got cabinets installed this week and so happy with how much more open it looks already. We also had the doorway from the hallway to the kitchen widened.


Here is the inside of the kitchen before and after. They tore down the wall to the left of the sink and there are no more cabinets overhead.


Our sink, stovetop, and dishwasher have also arrived this week. Can’t wait for it all to be done…for so many reasons.  Living the camping hotel life is rough with two kids.