Browse Category: kumquat

Happy Lunar New Year!

This is an exciting year for us and we’re excited that Kumquat will be a Dragon!  She must be just as excited because it seemed like she was kicking more frequently and harder today.

When I got home today, I was also surprised to find a package in the mailbox and then a big box at my door.  The package was from The UCLA Store with no message.  Turns out it was from Dayantha and Krissy.  Isn’t it a cute little set?!  Thanks guys!  I almost drove myself to UCLA yesterday in hopes of finding something just as cute!

The big box was from Brother and Joy.  They bought Kumquat a carrier and a pacifier that has a giraffe connected to it so that it lays on her tummy once it falls out of her mouth.  I have mixed feelings about pacifiers but if she’s going to use one, it might as well be this one.  Thanks guys!

Happy New Year!

See ya in 3 weeks, Dog.

We drove down to Cerritos on Friday afternoon and made it in 6.25 hours including dinner at In N Out and a gas fill-up.  The purpose of this weekend was to 1) get the car fixed and 2) to return Jason’s car.  In all the planning for the weekend, I couldn’t find someone to watch Koa.  So, not only did we leave Jason’s car and our car but we also left the dog.  It’ll be three weeks of no car and no dog.  That’ll be interesting.

On Saturday, we got the new rim installed at Costco (at no charge!) and I got a good look at the crack in our old one.  It’s pretty big crack.  No wonder our tire kept going flat.  Crazy.

After our trip to Costco, I dropped Jes off at LAX.  He flew out to Vegas to visit Kev for the rest of the weekend and Chinese New Year.  Meanwhile I got to hang out with the family.

On Sunday morning, my mom and a family friend went out to buy a bunch of food for the Chinese New Year altar.  Unfortunately, it was very tempting to Koa.  I caught him red-handed with the pork (bottom right) in his mouth and the plate falling to the ground.

Immediately, he was sent out to the backyard for some alone time away from the food.

When it was almost time to catch my 6:30 flight back to SF, I got a text message from SWA saying it was delayed to 10:05.  So, I called Brother and Joy and made arrangements to hang out with them until my flight.  Before leaving, I took this photo with my parents.  Again, I look HUGE! I also said “see ya soon” to the dog, who seemed a little confused that he wasn’t following me and my bags into the car.For dinner, we had Souplantation, which I had not had since college.  I was so excited for the peas and corn and soft serve and it was so cheap!!

Later that night, I got another text saying that the flight was delayed even more and not leaving until 10:55!  Yikes.  So, after a bumpy flight through the SF rain and a crazy cab ride, I was home by 1:00 am. This morning was rough but I was pretty relieved that I didn’t have a dog to walk in the cold rain.

Here are the rest of the photos from the weekend.

6 months

This week I’m at the 6-month mark.  That means I’ve entered the third trimester!  Whoa.  Here’s a photo I took of my belly at this milestone.  I can’t believe I’m posting this.  As Jes would say, “I’m HUGE” and my belly button has also popped out.  Sheesh.  I hope I don’t get much bigger from this point on.  This body doesn’t have anymore room!

I’m still feeling pretty good.  Work is manageable but I usually come home exhausted.  So far I’ve gained about 15 pounds and my appetite hasn’t changed much.  I stopped running about 2 months ago but have been taking 3-mile walks with the dogs after work 2-3 times per week.  My sleeping habits have remained the same – waking every 3 hours and having to move the couch (aka “the fort”) by 3 am because I’m tossing and turning and can’t breathe.  The congestion is the same.  It’s like I’ve had a 6-month cold…so annoying.  Otherwise, no major complaints over here.  I’m just trying to make the most of this time while I have it before the mayhem begins in April.

Field Trip

On Saturday, Jes and I went on our first baby shopping field trip to Babies R Us and Target.  Our mission was to look at Pack n Plays since it would be the only thing that we’d have for Kumquat to sleep in for the first year or so.  I had looked online but it’s hard to tell how sturdy stuff really is until you actually touch it and shake it around a bit.  🙂  So, we went to the store and got to park in the Stork Parking spaces.  Pretty funny.

We picked a model that has an attached changing station and lots of pockets and a hamper on the side for easy access.  Kumquat can sleep on the upper level until she’s old enough to sit up and potentially climb out.  Then we’ll remove the top layer and she’ll have the actual bottom part to sleep in.  It’s a pretty cool to know that we don’t have to buy a crib for our little fishbowl of a house.  Still not sure if it will fit comfortably in the bedroom but we’ll figure something out.

We also looked at car seats and strollers.  There are so many brands and styles that it was pretty annoying.  Jes attempted to unlatch one of the carriers from the base and it took a little figuring out without resorting to just throwing it on the ground to see if it’ll come apart.  After that experience, we put shopping for one of those for another day in hopes of possibly acquiring a hand-me-down from a certain someone in Las Vegas.  We shall see if it works out.


It’s January, I’m in Week 26, and I’ve got less than 100 days left before Kumquat arrives. All of a sudden I feel like there are things that I should be doing or should have done already. Meanwhile, I’m stuck because I’m feeling a bit clueless. Should I be signing up for classes? What if I wait too long and they’re all filled up?

It’s also time to build our gift registry but I really don’t know what we REALLY need on top of some generous hand-me-downs and gifts we’ve already received. How many newborn diapers do I need before they grow out of them? Will I need THAT many onesies and burp cloths as they say on some of the websites I’ve been reading? And where am I going to put it all?! I barely have room for the baby! *sigh*

Perhaps it’s time to visit my local Babies R Us for a little tutorial on the difference between a receiving blanket and a wearable blanket. Perhaps we don’t need anything at all and should just put the kid in a laundry basket and change her on a towel on top of the dresser. Hm. Any advice from those of you who’ve already gone through this would be helpful. I got an awesome Excel spreadsheet from Vyl the other day but that alone made me a little dizzy. Shouldn’t the “nesting” be the fun part?

20120111-234708.jpgBy the way, I had my second Glucose Screening today and the orange flavored sugar water was just as bad as the fruit punch. However, this time I chilled it first and it made it a bit easier to chug this morning.

Week 25

I’m in Week 25 now (5 1/2 months) and Kumquat is growing and kicking daily.  I gotta say that the kicking and jabbing has been the best part of pregnancy so far.  It’s comforting to know that she’s alive and well inside while I’m hanging out on the couch.  She likes to practice her kung-fu moves everyday while I’m writing my notes at work and after dinner.  I had my 5th prenatal visit today and her HR is still a strong 150 bpm.  So far so good!