Browse Category: holidays

Our Week in Cerritos

IMG_2108The day after we returned to SF from Vancouver, I took the two kids back onto the plane for a trip to Southern California. Taking BART to Oakland Airport and then getting on an hour-long flight with the kids by myself was not as hard as I initially thought.  I packed light and it helped that we didn’t need to bring a stroller or carseats. We also scored an empty seat so we could spread out.

IMG_2152It was nice to have a full week at my parents’ house.  What’s even better is that Brother and Joy recently moved back there so it was great not having to coordinate when they were going to come over to hang out.  KK and Alice got some good play time together and it was fun to watch them interact.

IMG_2255One of the main reasons we went down was to celebrate Alice’s 2nd Birthday, which also happens to be on Halloween.  IMG_2213It was a costume party and the birthday girl was dressed as Boo from Monsters Inc.  Brother and Joy dressed up as Mike Wazowski and Celia Mae.

IMG_2244KK and Peanut dressed up as Batgirl and Robin this year.  I love Peanut’s expression in this photo.

IMG_2136 IMG_2140During our stay in SoCal, I got to catch up with some old friends.  One morning, we drove up to South Pasadena to visit Holly and to meet Sienna.

IMG_2490 IMG_2493 IMG_2495On another day, I was able to make a lunch date with Patti and Patty.  It was great catching up.

IMG_2452We also had lunch one day with Marie and her parents.  It crazy how much Cole and Brandon have grown.  IMG_2508It’s nice to have an extended time with the family.  We even had time to take the girls to Heritage Park to feed the ducks like I used to as a kid.

Dinner Party

IMG_0770With the fall being a big birthday month, Vyl suggested that we all get together to celebrate.  We scored a reservation in our Clubroom so the usual families came over on Saturday and we got caught up while the kids played.  IMG_0773Jes cooked up some steak sandwiches, Michelle prepared a tomato salad with homegrown tomatoes, and Vyl baked up a chocolate cake.

IMG_0781 IMG_0782 Good times…just wish we could do it more often like we used to.


Birthday Weekend

On the weekend leading up to my birthday, the rest of my family came up to hang out and celebrate.  It’s always nice when Brother and I can celebrate out birthdays together.  This weekend was especially cool because it was my 40th.

IMG_0194IMG_0006They flew up on Saturday and they finally got to meet Peanut for the first time.

IMG_0010 For lunch, we walked over to Taco Bell Cantina.  It had just opened earlier this week and we ordered a feast on Mexican Pizzas, crunchy tacos, and bunch of random other stuff.  It had been a long time since I last had Taco Bell and it was delicious. 🙂

IMG_0296In the afternoon, we all went to the SF Zoo by train.  We had a couple meltdowns by Miss KK but it ended on a happy note. Phew.

IMG_4314For dinner, we went to Hog Island.  That too was a feast. I had the clam chowder and a couple raw oysters.

IMG_4306IMG_4313Brother ordered a few other things and the crudo was my favorite dish (pictured below).IMG_4310IMG_0012The waitress managed to get a pretty good photo of the whole group with the bridge in the background.  Jesse is missing because he was home sleeping with a case of jet lag.

IMG_0023The next day, we met up with Jason and Jia for brunch at Little Skillet/Victor Hall.  It was a great venue for our big group since we didn’t need a reservation and they have lots of big tables.  We took over the back table in the corner, which had lots of room for the strollers.  It’s crazy now with 3 infants and 2 little girls.

IMG_1175For dinner, we had reservations at House of Prime Rib.  I’d rather be at Lawry’s but this is the second best thing.

IMG_0067Despite the early reservation time, they still made us wait.  As a consolation, we got free desserts!  Dinner was a little hectic since Peanut was not in the mood to nap.

IMG_0051So, he sat in my lap for most of the meal.

IMG_0071On Monday, our actual birthday, we drove up to Napa for the day.

IMG_0096After lunch, we went to Sterling Vineyard and everyone enjoyed the gondola ride up.  IMG_0188This is one of our first family photos together.  Too bad Peanut was sleeping.

IMG_0196On the way to dinner, we stopped at Bouchon Bakery to pick up some treats.

IMG_0153Brother and I ordered like we were at Taco Bell again.

IMG_0172Dinner was at Ad Hoc and they were serving fried chicken that night.

IMG_1668We had a ton of food, which got packed up to go after dinner.

IMG_1666There was enough for us to have another feast the next day for lunch!

IMG_1667 IMG_1670 What a fun weekend and birthday with the family!!


I’m 40.

IMG_0073Well, I just had my 40th birthday and I’m feeling pretty good.  To commemorate this milestone birthday, I thought I’d reflect on the past decade (2005-2015).  Let’s walk down memory lane, shall we?

DSC_0359Places we visited:

  • New York City, NY
  • Hawaii (Oahu and Maui)
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Portland, OR
  • Canada (Vancouver)
  • Mexico (Ensenada, Puerto Vallarta)
  • Thailand (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket)
  • Italy (Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Milan)
  • France (Paris)
  • England (London)
  • Belize
  • GuatemalaIMG_8160

Life Changes:

  • Moved to SF in 2007.
  • Bought our second home: a 1-bedroom condo in the city.
  • Got a new job in the medical setting and made some really good friends at work.
  • Had two beautiful kids. (Life goal: Have 2 kids before I turn 40 – check!).


  • Most of our friends got married during this decade and many of them also had kids.  Luckily for us, there were a bunch of us who waited to have kids in our late 30s so that we weren’t the only ones struggling with raising babies/small children.
  • I had abdominal surgery in 2013 to repair an umbilical hernia that was a result of my first pregnancy.
  • Koa passed away in 2013 and I still think of him daily.
  • Both of my parents retired and my brother got married.
  • Jes and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary in 2012. We’ve also been officially together for half our lives (20 years this fall)!!


  • I learned how to sail in the San Francisco Bay.
  • I got a teaching position at my alma mater and worked as an Assistant Professor for a semester.  I was also a regular guest speaker at another OT school in the Bay Area and gave a lecture to the Clinical Nutrition program at Cal.

I’ve gotta say that that my 30s were fun and came with a lot of change and growth.  Let’s hope my 40s bring good health, happiness, and more growth.


Jes’ Big 4-0

IMG_9797Jesse celebrated his 40th birthday with lots of family and friends this year.  We used to go on our annual international trip during this time of year but with 2 kids it makes it much more challenging.  So, for his birthday, we planned a trip to Napa with his buddies.  Dayantha drove up on Saturday and the boys went out for dinner at Fringale and drinks afterward.  In fact, they ended up staying out (finishing on our rooftop) around 3am.

IMG_9818The next day was his actual birthday and it was spent at Zoe’s birthday party first and then dinner with family at R&G Lounge.
Jes blew out his candles at home surrounded by his family.

IMG_9849On the following day, we drove up to Napa for a 3-day trip that we planned months ago with Jimmy, Eleen, Dayantha, and Krissy.

IMG_3628It was super hot that weekend but we made the most of it anyway.  We stopped at V. Sattui before checking in to the Westin and met up with Ranee and family for lunch and some wine.

IMG_9852At the Westin, the Agustins and Fernandos arrived and checked in in time for our wine tasting appointment that was just a few steps down the river from the hotel.  We lucked out with some very well-behaved kids that afternoon so we were all able to sit around the grown-up table and sip wine at the Robert Craig Tasting Room.

IMG_9885 IMG_9884The next day was spent being lazy at the pool with the kids.  Jes took KK into the pool while I hung out under the cabana with Peanut and a glass of wine.  Heh heh.

IMG_9918For dinner, we went to Morimoto for a fancy dinner.  Unfortunately, the A/C was broken in the restaurant and dining with 5 kids is a huge change from our days without kids.  Luckily, we were all able to share a variety of tasty dishes while taking turns with the kids.  The restaurant staff was also surprisingly accommodating and nice to our party of 11.

IMG_9993We had enough time on Wednesday morning to do some swimming and have breakfast together before check-out.

IMG_9991We had such a fun time with everyone and the Westin was a great place for all of us to stay.  Their 1-bedroom suite was perfect for our family of 4, they have a decent pool, and it’s walking distance to a bunch of restaurants and tasting rooms.  We didn’t need our car all weekend and the kids had a fun time. Traveling with kids is definitely a different experience but totally worthwhile.

Happy 40th, Jes!!


The twins are here!!

IMG_5958Today was an exciting day for the Laos.  Jia delivered the twins today around noon and they came out big and healthy.

DSC_6424Baby A was the boy and he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.  His name is Thomas James.  He’s already quite an eater.

DSC_6429Baby B was the girl and she weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.  Her name is Toni Jessie.  She’s the less-enthusiastic eater and fusses more.  It’s so appropriate that she was given her uncle’s name as her middle.

DSC_6434The babies are 38 weeks gestation and are developed enough to not need a NICU stay.  Jia is doing well and delivered them without needing a C-section but had some bleeding afterward.  However, with some plasma and rest, she was looking really good when we visited this evening.  Jia and the babies should be able to go home in a couple days.  Yippee!!

Congratulations, You Two!!  Welcome to Parenthood!!  It’s gonna a be a crazy ride and we’ll be there with you all along the way!