Browse Category: holidays

Looooong Weekend

Peanut’s school was closed on Thursday and Friday, which was butted up against Labor Day weekend so we decided to have a 5-day weekend in Cerritos. Unfortunately, California is going through a crazy heat wave (hotter in SF than Cerritos!) so we didn’t get to do as much as we usually do. Instead, we spent a lot of time indoors at the Magical House and had a couple fancy dinners.

On Thursday, we had big dinner at Souplantation with almost the whole family on both sides. It was chaotic but we  had a good time.

On Friday afternoon, we went to Happy Hour with Johnny and Joy for some $1 oysters and some time without the kids. For a change, I didn’t have to share my oysters with KK.

I also took a short trip to Walmart with just my mom and brother. I had forgotten how easy it is to pick up diapers when you don’t have to carry around a 2-year-old and diaper bag.

That same night, Jes and I went out for a late 10:00 pm dinner at Osteria Mozza. It was not only later than my bedtime but it was also in LA (on Melrose and Highland to be exact). Fortunately, Jes took a nap and I got some rest before our little outing.

We ordered smoked mozzarella with prosciutto, grilled octopus, squid ink pasta with crab and uni, and a grilled fish. These are some terrible photos of the dishes but good enough for me to remember.

On Saturday night, we had a family dinner at one of our favorite places, Lawry’s!! It was fun to have all 4 cousins together with the grandparents. The last time I had dined there was November 2014 (just the two of us for our anniversary). The last time the family dined there together was when KK was September 2013 for my birthday. Crazy.

This time, we celebrated Jesse’s birthday. KK also got her very own slice of prime rib with the fixings.



On Sunday, we spent the majority of the day with Jes’ family.

We had dim sum for lunch, spent the afternoon playing at their house, and then another birthday dinner for Jes.

We left Cerritos yesterday at 7:00 am, made two stops, went outlet shopping for a couple hours, and got home by 5:00 pm. That left us plenty of time to do a load of laundry and play outside with neighbors. What a fun (but very hot) weekend!!


Today was the first day of school for KK at Amelia Earhart School. She turned 5 in April and now she’s a Kindergartener!! I had to hold back tears when we walked her into the class but she did great with the transition.

In June, KK had her Whale Class graduation, which was well done by her teachers.

She enjoyed her last summer in SF at her Whale class and said goodbye to the ferry crew last week.



She was very excited to meet her new teacher and had a fun day. We are hopeful she will love her new school for years to come.

Day in Napa

Today we celebrated Ranee’s 40th in Napa.

She made all the plans but her husband Jamie surprised her with a party bus to Napa with her friends. We all met at Pleasant Hill BART station and surprised her.

The first stop was Hagafen Cellars where we shared bubbles and a bunch of picnic items that Ranee had packed for us.

The next stop was Domaine Carneros, which looked like a French chateau.

We had a private tasty and tour.





We had a little time left on the bus so we stopped at Hog Island Oyster Co. for birthday oysters, rose ice cream, and more wine.




The party bus was still hoppin’ on the drive back to the BART station. What a fun day without the kids!!

Happy 40th, Ranee!!!

Baby Boy is TWO

Our little Peanut turned TWO today.

Time certainly has flown by with this guy.

This spirited little boy has quite a sense of humor and certainly makes his emotions known. He has no volume control but thankfully holds a tune when he sings. He loves his sister and wants to do everything she does. He also has a mind of his own and tends to say “NO!” to everything first and then says “I want it!” He has learned so much in daycare these past few months and knows his colors, animals, and tons of songs. He can wash his hands and clean up after himself after meals like a big boy too.  He’s a much better sleeper than he used to be and naps like a champ. He frustrates me to no end most mornings but makes it up in big hugs, smooches, and charm.

Happy 2nd, Baby Boy! Love you!

Year in Review 2016


Happy 2007!! We had a fun 2016 and this is a recap of the past 12 months.



  • Super Bowl 50 took over SF even though it was held 50 miles away.
  • Jesse traveled to Grenoble, France for work.
  • I went back to work after a 7-month maternity leave.
  • Unfortunately, it was also a month that started a string of illnesses in our house.
  • Chinese New Year was spent at Yank Sing with the Bangs and Sokol-Juns again.
  • January was also a sad month for us because we had to say goodbye to Jason, Jia, and twins. They were moving to Southern California.



  • February continued with each of us taking turns getting sick. I missed a lot of work.
  • We also took KK out for a special outing to see Frozen on Ice and then ice cream at Fenton’s.
  • On Valentine’s Day, I had to prepare my first batch of classroom valentines. We opted for pencils and DumDums.



  • March was a fun month. We were all well again and it snowed enough to take the kids to Tahoe for the first time.
  • We also spent many weekends at the SF zoo, Oakland zoo, or aquarium.



  • Of course, April was all about KK’s birthday. She turned 4 this year and had multiple celebrations.
  • We took a flight down to Cerritos to have a celebration with Jes’ family at the beginning of the month.
  • Jes traveled to Grenoble, France again for a week. My mom came up to help again. Thanks, Mom.
  • Then the night before her birthday, we took her out to a Giants game. She had such a good time.
  • On the day of her birthday, her teachers made a crown for her and we brought cupcakes to the class at the end o the day. We continued that celebration across the street with Happy Hour oysters for the birthday girl.
  • Later that weekend, my family flew up and we threw a big party with her buddies in our Clubroom. It was an Octonauts party!



  • In May, I had my own Mother’s Day celebration with Ranee and Ishya. We spent the morning/lunchtime boozin’, brunchin’, and getting our nails done. Good times.
  • Teresa had her second baby, Hudson, and I was fortunate enough to meet him on his first day of life.
  • Jesse traveled to Paris, France for a week and I was on my own. My mom was in Thailand this month for my cousin’s wedding.
  • Huy was also in town this month and we met up for Dim Sum.
  • May was also the start (and end) of cherry season and we took the kids out to Brentwood to pick their own fruit.
  • This was also the month that we started the house hunt in Alameda. We bid on a house for the first time.



  • In early June, we flew down to Cerritos to celebrate Toni and Thomas’ first birthday.
  • Father’s Day was celebrated at Hillstone.
  • We had some warm days and went over to Ranee and Jamie’s house to swim in their pool.
  • The Beach Volleyball Tournament also came to SF so we got to watch all the action up close.



  • July was Peanut’s month. We celebrated his 1st birthday in Cerritos. Unfortunately, he wanted nothing to do with his birthday cake – three different times!!
  • It was also KK’s last month as an Alligator and had to say goodbye to her teachers Denise and Sharla.
  • We had some more warm days and had Rowan and Isla come over for a day at our pool.
  • This was also the month that the whole Pokemon Go craze began. We too got sucked in and spent lots of time walking the streets of SF looking for Pikachu.



  • August was a big transition month. KK had to start not only a new class but a whole new school. Luckily she had a couple friends from her old class also starting at the same time, which helped her feel more at ease.
  • Jesse traveled to Singapore and my mom came up to help for the week.
  • We also went to quite a few baseball games. I went solo one day with Stephanie and Chris (from work) and then we all went as a family another day and met up with Ranee and family.
  • This month was also a big transition for me as a mom. I stopped breastfeeding and pumping, threw away the parts, and gave away my pump. It was a bittersweet couple of days.



  • We started September in Mexico. We took a long weekend trip to Los Cabos and stayed at the Sheraton Resort. It was deserted and we had a fun time swimming in a different pool each day.
  • We celebrated Jes’ 41st birthday at Hillstone. It seems to be his go-to place for every celebration.
  • The weather was nice enough for a hike so we went to Muir Woods one morning. It was perfect for Peanut to try out his new walking legs.
  • I took the day off for my birthday and Jes took me to Chez Panisse for lunch. We then came home for pizza and ice cream with the kids. It was perfect.



  • October started out with one more birthday celebration for me. I invited all the girls from work to Spark SF for s’mores and food truck eats.
  • The kids got their first haircuts at Jes’ Supercuts across the street.
  • We also traveled to Cerritos to celebrate Alice’s 3rd birthday. We all went to Mickey’s Halloween Party that weekend.



  • November was when the weather started to get chillier.
  • Once again, we went to Light-up Night but our numbers dwindled down to two families. The Osbornes were brave enough to come out to the city and we watched the fireworks together.
  • For Thanksgiving, Jason and Jia drove up and we spent the long weekend together. Jes cooked turkey and all the usual fixings for the whole family. It was nice to have them around again.



  • Once again, December was a fun and exciting month.
  • We went to Hawaii at the beginning of the month and had a blast. The Tsaos were also there, which made it even more fun at the pool and beach.
  • We also gave house hunting one last try and didn’t get the house we wanted. It’ll be back to the drawing board in the new year but we still have some time before Kindergarten starts.
  • At the end of the month, we drove down to Cerritos and spent a week there with family.
  • Christmas Eve was at Disneyland and Christmas was at Jason and Jia’s house.
  • We also took the kids to Knott’s Berry Farm for the first time.
  • New Year’s Eve was spent at home in our pajamas watching TV.

It was a fun but sometimes stressful year with the house-hunting, Jesse traveling more, and two growing kids. Peanut finally learned how to sleep through the night and KK has really settled into her Pre-K classroom. As a family, we continue to travel together, eat together, and often struggle together. But in the end, we are still our little family of four and ready to take on 2017.

Christmas Break 2016


Christmas Break has come and gone but we had such a nice time with the family. On Christmas morning, Jes went over to Jason and Jia’s to start the roast. They used a blowtorch to brown the outside (as recommended by Thomas Keller himself) and the twins had a front row seat to all the action.


Then the grandparents came over and the kids had fun playing with them.


Jes made his tasty standing rib roast complete with all the fixings. These are the Yorkshire pudding pop-overs. Yum.




We also managed to get a family photo with everyone looking at the camera!! Too bad Peanut smudged the lens and I didn’t bother to check until AFTER the photo was taken. Oh well.


The rest of the week was spent just hanging out with the family.


KK and Alice got lots of play time together. They can play for hours now with hardly any tears.



KK spent an afternoon with Jes’ parents while Peanut napped and had fun catching fish and baking cookies.


Peanut got a bunch of new outfits for Christmas including this handsome ensemble.


KK also went out to breakfast with my parents on her own while Mama and Peanut slept in.


One evening, we had dinner with my side of the family.  I love these traditions. It always starts with a Thai feat and ends with a frenzy of presents for the kids.


One morning, I wasn’t feeling well and the house didn’t have electricity so the kids went out for a walk at the mall while I slept.  It’s so nice to have family around to help.


We got to take KK to see Moana while Peanut went to a party with my mom and dad. Parts of the movie were funny and others were so scary they made her cry. Fortunately, she was able to stay in the theater the whole time. It’s an improvement from her first movie (Finding Dory) when she actually had to walk out of the theater and come back in with a lot of coaxing.


We also took KK and Peanut to Knott’s Berry Farm for the first time. Unfortunately, it was extra crowded that day and the lines were horribly long.



We did, however, got some photos with Snoopy – even Santa Snoopy!!



On our last day, we had a full day to spend with the family before driving through the night.


These funny kids loved the dry ice that comes out of the mixers at Creamistry.


Here’s our annual family photo. Can’t wait to add Brother’s new baby girl to the photo next time!!


As usual, we got a photo of the kids with the grandparents in front of my childhood home.


Before heading out, we had dinner with Jes’ family. We got a cute photo of the kids with their Uncle Jason. So sweet.

The drive back was pretty quick. We left at about 7:30pm and the kids passed out right away. The only scary part was thick fog that we encountered mid-way through the drive. The visibility was poor and we had to drive 40 mph for a good 8-mile stretch. Luckily, it didn’t last the whole way and we were home by 1:40am. Not too shabby.