Browse Category: hm…


Brother got tagged by his friend Berna and I thought I’d play along…

List 7 random things about yourself on your blog:

1) Fireworks often make me cry.

2) I like chopping fruits and vegetables.  I guess that makes me a good sous chef.

3) I make a mean batch of coconut macaroons.

4) Banana, watermelon, and avocado make my lips itchy.

5) Like many girls my age, I fell in love with the Nadia story after seeing the movie on TV and dreamed of being a gymnast.

6) In 7th grade, I begged my mom to pick me up early from school on the last day of school.  It was because I heard a rumor that some girls were planning to “jump” me afterschool.  My mom came to get me and I hid in my room all afternoon.

7) One of my nicknames in college was “Seven”.  It was because I hung out at Jes’ apartment so much that I virtually became the 7th roommate.

Question of the Day #16

It’s the last day of February and the end of our “Question of the Day” series.  I hope you had fun reading each other’s responses.  I sure did.  I’ll probably throw one in every once in a while but probably not as consistently as I have this month.  The award for “Most Comments Made” goes to….Brother!!  But Dayantha definitely comes in as a close second.  Yay!

Question of the Day #16:
Tell me one good thing about two of your friends or family members. 
C’mon…you can do it.

My Answer:
Brother – Always up for trying new things (ready for the half marathon?!)
Dayantha – Always a team player…i.e. QoftheDay, imaginary bball, etc.

Question of the Day #15

Everyone says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I’d have to agree.  My job requires a lot of energy and patience and when I’m running on empty I get cranky.  I usually eat breakfast at my desk at work and this week’s breakfast is cold cereal.  In fact, it’s Honey Bunches of Oats!  Yum.  Cereal totally rocks.  I used to eat it for dinner when Jes was travelling.

Question of the Day #15:
What’s your favorite cereal?

My Answer:
If there’s no milk, I like to eat Berry Berry Kix out of the box.
With milk, the kiddie cereal of choice would be Corn Pops. 
If I need some fiber, I prefer Raisin Bran Crunch.

Question of the Day #14

Question of the Day #14:
What is your least favorite household chore?

My Answer:
It used to be vacuuming until I got a Dyson.  Now it’s folding and putting away laundry.

Question of the day #13

Just the other day, we were at Carl’s Jr. with Jason (Jes’ brother).  He LOVES the Western Bacon Cheeseburger and said that it was way better than In N Out.  A discussion ensued and a conclusion was never reached.  So this brings me to our Question of the Day.  Perhaps we’ll get ideas for new burgers to try too!  Mmm…burgers….

Question of the Day #13:
What’s your favorite burger and why?

My Answer:
I’d vote for the In N Out hamburger with grilled onions.  It’s simple, always good, and I never seem to get tired of it.

Question of the Day #12

Question of the Day #12:
If you had to be either blind or deaf, which would you choose?

My Answer:
Deaf.  I’m pretty sensitive to certain sounds anyway and I’m a stronger visual learner.