Browse Category: goodies


This morning, I attended a small Yelp Elite Event that happened to be at the cafe downstairs.  Since it was a small gathering, I wasn’t allowed to bring a +1.  I was bummed that I’d have to go alone but managed to make some single-serving friends.  I was surprised to meet so many people arriving from Mountain View, East Bay, and San Mateo.  They came all the way up to SF for this tiny affair!  Crazy.  While there, I got free coffee and food samples, free stickers, more buttons, and put my name in for the raffle.  They also offered lessons on how to prepare espresso drinks behind the counter.  After about a half hour, I got bored so I went back upstairs.

As Jes and I were leaving for lunch, we walked past the event and saw that there were goodie bags by the door.  I went back in to quickly grab one but walked in when they happened to be gathering for the raffle.  Being polite, I hung back to wait for them to draw the raffle winner before fleeing with the loot.  It’s a good thing I stuck around ‘cuz they picked MY NAME!  WHUUT?!!  I NEVER win these things!  The grand prize was 2 coffee drinks per day on the house for a FULL YEAR.  And I won it!  Perfect.  So not only do I have a local coffee shop but they’re going to give me free drinks for a year!  Heh heh.  Susie…Michelle…let me know when you’re ready for a FREE DRINK!!

In the goodie bag, we got a bag of coffee grounds, a single-serving espresso maker, and a cute little espresso cup set.  Not too shabby, huh?  I should go to more of these events.

A Gift from Mommy

When we were in Italy, we stayed in a cute hotel in Florence where they served breakfast every morning.  One of our favorite things to eat there was the soft-boiled egg that they would make for us and serve on a little egg holder.  When we got back, Jes talked about it a few times and my mom remembered.  So for Christmas, she bought Jes a pair of egg cups from Crate and Barrel.  Thanks, Mommy!  Last weekend I made a soft-boiled egg and overcooked it.  Aw shucks.

Maybe I need this iPad app.

It’s so BIG.

Lookee what we got last Sunday (11/14)…a new addition to our Apple family.  This iMac is the biggest one so far (at 27 inches) and it’s so pretty!

Getting it home was quite an adventure.  Jes carried it down to the Muni station, sat next to it on the train, and then had to lug it across the street to our house.  With a new version of Photoshop and this gigantic machine, photo editing should be a lot more fun.


These days, the only thing I get in the mailbox are magazines, bills, and junk.  Yesterday, there was a package stuffed into the mailbox and it was a pair of flip-flops!! Woooooo!!!  After I wrote about the death of my last pair of Sanuks, my dear friends down the street ordered me a pair online.  They couldn’t find the black ones that I’ve been used to wearing but got me a pair of the cutest purple ones ever!!  Love the flower print on the backside of the straps.  Thanks to Ryan, Michelle, Jack, and Reese!!  Love you guys!!

Food, Drinks, and Buttons

I attended my first Yelp Elite event on Monday and Jes was my +1.  The event was going to be just around the corner from home so it was a good one to RSVP for and luckily I got in!

So after work, we walked to the restaurant and had a fun time eating, drinking, taking photobooth photos, and people-watching.  I was a little worried about what kind of people I’d have to be in the same room with but it turned out to be a pretty big venue and everyone was just doing their own thang.

I also managed to collect an array of miniature buttons that were sprinkled on all the tables.  I heart free food and drinks with a little shwag on top.

Treats for the Boys

Saturday was a day for the boys of my house. In the morning, we drove Koa to Fort Funston and he was riddled with excitement. Just look at how hard he was trying to contain himself in the backseat of the car.   He really is a good passenger.

When we arrived, he couldn’t seem to get out of the car fast enough and raced down the field.

It was gloomy at the beach but he still had a great time running, sniffing, and darting from place to place.

There’s something so satisfying about watching a dog run off-leash.

When we got home, we took a trip to Safeway and Jes got the highly anticipated Coors Light Football Keg. He walked home with a smile on his face and it was cradled in his arms like a newborn baby. It’s not exactly the shape of a football but it’s brown, sits on its side, and has a tap!

There’s a CO2 cartridge that makes the beer fizz and it took a little trial and error initially to figure out how to make it pour out without a lot of foam. Jes was so excited about the keg that he didn’t care and just kept muttering to himself, “It’s ok. Foam is just future beer.”

Here is the keg in our fridge.  We had to push everything around to make it fit.