Burning Fuel
A couple weeks ago Jes took me to the Nike Store and bought me a Nike FuelBand. It’s basically a fancy pedometer that syncs with the Nike+ site or an app on your iPhone and shows you visually when you were most active. Jes and Jason have had one for a month now and it seems to do what it’s supposed to: motivate you to move. They can actually compare points and see how each other is doing.
My daily goal is 3000 Fuel Points per day and so far I’ve met that goal about 3 times per week. To give you an idea of what the points mean, here are a few samples:
Run 3 miles: ~1500
Walk 1 mile: ~ 500
Walk the dog: 300-500 points
This is a picture of what a typical day for me looks like. I manage to meet my goal just by doing everyday things. It starts at midnight and you can see little peaks in the early morning, which is when I get up to feed and change the baby. At about 9:30 am, I walked the dog and then I walked to brunch with a friend around 10:30 am. At 1:00 pm, I pushed the stroller to the Ferry Plaza and back (about 2.5 mi). In the afternoon, I walked the dog again and then at 8:00 pm I fell sleep until 11:00 pm. Neato, huh? On my stay-at-home days (only leaving the house to walk the dog x2), I still earn about 2100, which tells me that being home with the baby still counts for something.
By they way, I’m now running up to 3 miles. It’s a slow 3 miles and I’m pretty beat afterward but I’m making progress.
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