Browse Category: goodies

We got a minivan!!!


I grew up traveling in a minivan and it was so much fun!! I always thought it would be fun to have my own kids and drive them around in the dopest ride in the neighborhood. Well, Jesse has finally come to his senses and made the decision to take us out to the dealer to buy the Honda Odyssey that I always wanted my dad to get for us when we were kids.  We picked up this 2014 Touring model with only 17K miles on it last Saturday (7/15/17) from a Toyota dealership in Walnut Creek. These two kids have no idea how lucky they are but they certainly love their new car…just as much as I do.


And we managed to get it to fit in the garage with the black car! Yay!


We wanted to see what the car could do so we drove down to Southern California this past weekend. The kids had a comfy ride with an entertainment system and all.


We also took a back road and tested it on some steep hills. Check out this wind farm that we drove through in Livermore!!

New Watch


My birthday gift finally arrived in the mail today! It was easy to sync to my iPhone and I’ve already replied to a text message using Scribble. Can’t wait to try it out at work tomorrow. It can track my activity, heart rate, and allows me to receive texts, emails, and calls on it too.  There’s also a camera remote app that should be fun to use later. The best part is that it’s waterproof. Won’t have to worry about it getting wet while I wash my hands over and over again at work.


DCIM100GOPROOn our way to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, we were talking about how fun it would be to have a GoPro for outings like these.  So, to satisfy the itch, we stopped at Sports Basement to check them out.

IMG_4452They had the model we were considering AND it was at a slight discount AND I got 15% off for being a therapist.  Woot!  Jes sat down in the store and put it together.  We charged it on the drive to the museum and when we arrived it was ready to go!


Here are some of the photos we took today. Love the wide angle for family selfies.  DCIM100GOPRO We also captured video, of course.

This one I took in the car by controlling the camera with my phone.  The iPhone app is pretty cool.  The GoPro doesn’t have a viewfinder or a playback screen so using the app allows you to watch the video in real time as you record.  You can also use it to view the videos/photos you’ve taken on the device.

The best one was of Kumquat on her scooter.  Jes mounted it onto the handlebars with zip ties and we were in business!  I even gave iMovie a try and managed to put together a little something special for our first experiment.

Sweet Race!

IMG_8918 The girls and I woke up early this morning and headed out to Golden Gate Park for the Hot Chocolate 5/15K. IMG_8920 It was early and cold but apparently chocolate can motivate thousands of people to get up and run.  We scored a free parking spot not too far and lined up with the rest of the crowd before the sun came up.

IMG_8880Here’s the swag bag that I picked up yesterday.  Isn’t it super cute!?IMG_8886We also got this high-tech hoodie complete with zipper pocket in the back and thumb holes in the goody bag and it kept me nice and warm this morning.

IMG_8921The course went around Stow Lake and had lots of rolling hills but it kept the run fun and interesting.

IMG_8925It was Stephanie’s first race since her pregnancy and she did great!

IMG_8924Ranee is now expecting Baby #2 and she ran a strong race too!  I’m so proud of both of them.

IMG_8948At the finish, we were given a super sweet finisher’s mug. IMG_8933It had a cup of hot chocolate in the middle, a side car of melted chocolate, and an assortment of goodies to dip. Now that’s my kind of breakfast!

IMG_8944I even ate the banana and it was the best banana I’ve ever had.  Who thought that dipping it in chocolate would change my mind about that stupid fruit?!

IMG_8926I love running with my friends…and chocolate is not too bad either.

finally upgraded

IMG_5175The new iPhone 5s came out yesterday and it was sold out everywhere as expected.  On a chance, we actually got up early and headed out to the Apple Store on Stockton to see what they received overnight.  There was a short line outside before the store opened at 8am and I got my hands on a voucher for the 32GB space gray iPhone 5s.  I originally wanted the silver one but realized that it doesn’t really matter.  All I really wanted was a new phone with greater than 16GB and I got it.  I’ve had the iPhone 4 for over 2 years and had gone through water damage and two cracked front screens so this is an upgrade regardless.  I waited through 2 upgrades and now I have a better camera and I met Siri for the first time today.  I also realized that this is the first retina display in our entire household of Apple products.

IMG_5191It’s so pretty…

IMG_0001 1I also got myself a pretty good case.  It apparently has an Impact Mesh that is supposed to be better at withstanding a drop or two.  Let’s hope it does because I’m tired of looking at a cracked screen and this little munchkin has made my poor phone more at risk for damage by at least 10-fold.

Happy Birthday, Husband!

It’s Jes’ birthday today!  He’s always a bit down on his birthday but he was surprised last night by a little package from Amazon.  It was sent from Brother and it was an ice cube tray that makes huge ice cubes for drinking with Scotch.

He was so excited that he washed it right away, filled it with water, and placed it carefully into the freezer.  For the rest of the night, he went back to the freezer to watch the water freeze and prematurely pulled one of the half-frozen cubes out.

Thanks for the entertaining gift, Brother!  He couldn’t stop saying, “that’s awesome”.

And later today…

We had drinks at Public House with Victor.  It was low-key and just what Jes wanted.

Then we had birthday cupcakes at home.