Browse Category: go beak go

Alameda 5K

I ran a 5K this morning and it was so close to home that I was able to ride my bike over to the course.

Some of the Arete girls also ran and other came to cheer us on. The course was flat and scenic but got pretty warm at the end.  I felt pretty good and managed to run a little faster than I expected since recovering from my foot pain.

Henry also ran the Kid’s Run and looked so happy on the course.

Here’s group shot. Jesse rode his bike with Peanut in the backseat while KK rode her bike too. It was fun to see them at the finish line.

The post-race festival served free beer and was so refreshing.

Teresa placed 3rd overall among the ladies and I also managed to place 3rd in my age group! Not too shabby for this old lady.

East Bay 510K

I ran my first 10K in 4 years today. A few months ago, I joined a running group that Teresa leads. They run every Saturday morning in different locations around the East Bay and also do a track workout on Wednesday evenings.

Teresa also registered for this race but she has gotten a lot faster than me.

I finished strong and felt pretty good about my performance.

I actually placed within the first 25th percentile of my gender and age groups. Not too shabby.




Go Beak Go!

IMG_0191After Peanut turned 6 weeks old, I decided to give jogging a try for the first time since January.  My doctor said to take it easy so that’s what I did.  On Tuesday, I met up with Ranee and we pushed our strollers around Lake Merritt together.  I jogged most of it and we went around the whole 3-mile route.  Despite some soreness in my quads later that evening, I felt pretty good.  Thanks for running with me, Ranee!!

IMG_0337On Friday, I went out for a 2-mile stroller run on The Embarcadero and it was so nice to be back out there in my running shoes.  I managed to run a 12-minute/mile pace and I wasn’t sore afterward.  Yay me!  Hopefully this is the restart of my running habit.

Still got it.

IMG_2015This morning, I went for a solo run.  I didn’t know how far I would be able to go since I had only been running with the stroller this past month.  On my way down toward the Ferry Building, the sun was rising.

IMG_2010I got a very cool view of the sun coming up as I went under the bridge and caught a few photos of the bay.  You can click the panaramic photo to get the full size.

IMG_2012I ran most of the way and finished 3 miles in 37 minutes.  Yes, it’s a snail’s pace but I finished and didn’t feel too bad considering I’m 13 weeks preggo.  For some reason, running doesn’t bother my bladder so much this time around.  I remember running with KK and felt like I had to pee the whole way.  Anyway, I’m happy to know that I can still run comfortably.  I also know now that I need a fat nap afterward because that’s what I did a couple hours later – fell asleep around 10 and didn’t wake up until after 12.

Rainy Week

IMG_0553It’s been raining since last weekend and has been such a nice change.  Fortunately, it seems to rain most at night while we’re sleeping and during the middle of the day while I’m indoors at work.  The commute has been relatively easy and I have no complaints.  On Thursday, the rain stopped for a bit and I was able to go outside for a solo run for the first time in about a month.  There was a full moon that night, which made it an even more pleasant run.

IMG_0596On Friday evening, we thought the rain had stopped for a while but as we were out at Union Square, it started to rain again.  I still got to see the tree lit up and there were lots of people still on the ice rink.

IMG_0586Before heading home, we went all the way up to the top floor of macy’s to get a better view of the tree and rink from The Cheesecake Factory bar area (we were standing behind the “m” on the macy’s sign.  Christmastime in SF is really pretty.

Once again…

…the Giants won the World Series.  We went outside to check out all the ruckus.

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Fans took over the intersection of King and 3rd.  Police were out in full force and luckily nothing was damaged.

This was the view from the front of our building.IMG_9360

We later watched from the Muni tracks as they fired off fireworks and celebrated.IMG_9362 IMG_9363

This is the third time they’ve won since we moved here 7 years ago.