Browse Category: family

Family BBQ

IMG_6734On our way home from Monterey, we stopped in Redwood City to BBQ and Jes helped Jason install an AC unit in the twins’ room.

IMG_6686It really melts my heart to see how sweet and attentive KK has been with the babies this weekend.  Here is a picture of her playing with Toni on Saturday night at the hotel.

IMG_6742And here she is with Toni again on Sunday night.  We’re gonna have to find a rocker for Peanut so that she can be the official baby soother in the house.  She’s got the rocking and shushing mastered already.

KK-moon in Monterey

IMG_6577 On Friday night, we decided to go take KK to Monterey as our version of a Babymoon but more appropriately called a KK-moon.  We booked a room at our favorite hotel, Monterey Plaza Hotel, and stayed overnight on Saturday night.

IMG_6689With the start of my maternity leave this weekend, we thought it would be a good time to take this mini vacation with our first born.  DSC_6651It could very well be the last real trip that we take as a family of 3.

DSC_6664We lucked out with gorgeous weather there.  It was sunny and just the right temperature outside.

IMG_6583 DSC_6699 DSC_6693Of course, we visited the aquarium and saw some favorites and some new things too.

IMG_9960We took our little girl to the beach nearby and she had a wonderful time collecting rocks and playing in the water.IMG_6630KK was so excited to play at the beach, which she kept calling “Hawaii”.  And our “Monterey House” was the “Manta Ray House” to her.

IMG_6676Jia and Jason also decided to take an epic drive down to meet us for dinner.  It was their first big outing with the twins.  It’s definitely a new experience for all of us with so many kids now.  Here’s Jia squished in a booth between the two sleeping babies at dinner.

IMG_6670Toni (above) and Thomas (below) were very well-behaved and slept through most of dinner.IMG_6669During dessert, they both needed to eat so Jes kept Thomas company as he was waiting to be fed.

IMG_6681IMG_6682We’re so glad they came out and I think they were surprised that it wasn’t as scary/painful as it initially seemed when we invited them.

IMG_6714We had a really nice weekend together and look forward to meeting Peanut.  Vacations will never be the same with 2 kids in tow but we’re ready for that next adventure!!

First Visit

IMG_6396We invited Jason and Jia over for dinner tonight and it was their first family outing to SF.

IMG_6397They slept most of the time and needed to be fed a couple times but overall it seemed to go rather smoothly.

IMG_6398 IMG_6399 IMG_6402It’s a lot of work but they seem to all be doing well.  The twins are over 2 weeks old now!

Just like Mama

IMG_6084I was digging through some old photos for a baby shower this morning and found this picture that looked so much like KK.

IMG_6069When I asked KK, “who is this?” even she said, “that’s me.”  Haha.


IMG_6021We visiting Jia and Jason this afternoon and it looks like they are settling into their new life as parents quite well.  The twins are sleeping, eating, and pooping as they should be and Jia is adjusting to motherhood gracefully.

IMG_6026It was also very cute to see KK’s response to the twins.  She had looked forward to meeting them all week but started out with some hesitation.  After the initial warm-up, she was so attentive and would run into the room any time one of them started to cry.  She watched Auntie Jia feed them and was so interested.

IMG_5180It reminded me a lot of when KK was first born and Koa used to run to her every time she cried.

IMG_6019Toni has become the better eater and settles down rather quickly afterward.IMG_6020Thomas has become the more temperamental one and needs a little more coaxing to eat.IMG_6040Here they are in the pack-n-play together for the first time.  They were both a little irritable and weren’t able to soothe each other just yet.  That’s Thomas on the left and Toni on the right.

This is gonna be a fun year for all of us!  I can’t wait for Peanut to arrive so that we can have the whole gang together.  After watching her interactions this evening with the twins, I am confident that KK will be a great big sister.  It’s gonna be a lot of work but so fun at the same time!

The twins are here!!

IMG_5958Today was an exciting day for the Laos.  Jia delivered the twins today around noon and they came out big and healthy.

DSC_6424Baby A was the boy and he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.  His name is Thomas James.  He’s already quite an eater.

DSC_6429Baby B was the girl and she weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.  Her name is Toni Jessie.  She’s the less-enthusiastic eater and fusses more.  It’s so appropriate that she was given her uncle’s name as her middle.

DSC_6434The babies are 38 weeks gestation and are developed enough to not need a NICU stay.  Jia is doing well and delivered them without needing a C-section but had some bleeding afterward.  However, with some plasma and rest, she was looking really good when we visited this evening.  Jia and the babies should be able to go home in a couple days.  Yippee!!

Congratulations, You Two!!  Welcome to Parenthood!!  It’s gonna a be a crazy ride and we’ll be there with you all along the way!