Browse Category: family

OK…now it’s my birthday.

Today is my 29th birthday. It’s also my brother’s 25th birthday. Some would think that celebrating our birthdays together would be a bummer but it’s actually pretty cool. This year is no different. We had dinner at California Beach Sushi in Newport Beach where they played loud music and served all-you-can-eat sushi. Jes even stayed in town to spend my last birthday in my 20’s with me. We had the immediate family, Pa Jim, Marie, Kenji, Kenneth, Pish, Debbie, and Cat come too! It was nice to have everyone together again. Happy Birthday, Brother!

It’s still my birthday!

Boy, another birthday dinner tonight…this time with Jes’ parents. We went to Black Angus and had over-cooked steak and a really yummy chocolate cake with ice cream. The service was so slow though…it made Jes’ dad late for his 7:00 meeting back at home. Oops.

Birthday BBQ

Big BBQ today for my dad’s 60th birthday and had enough Thai food to feed an army. Johnny and I surprised him with a new Canon 5mpx digi that made him very happy. Have a great year, Daddy!


Week 4 at Rancho is going great. I’m on top of my paperwork, patients are getting better, and I’m getting off work at a decent time. Today one of the patients I have been seeing this week hasn’t been able to talk because of her stroke. on top of that, she only understands Chinese and Spanish. Now this is when being a former-disney character came in handy!! Anyway, today I walked into her room to start our therapy session and she started speaking to me in Chinese!!! I was so happy I thought I was going to cry!! I was so excited that I got an interpreter right away so I could find out more about what she liked to do at home so that we can start doing more of those activities during therapy.

At home, I’ve been teaching my mom how to use e-mail and instant messenger. She was always afraid to try because she didn’t think anyone would have enough patience to teach her. Before I went to OT school, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much but after working with cognitively impaired patients who don’t speak English, this is cake! I’ve always considered myself to be a relatively patient person but I think I’ve honed that skill to a tee. It’s been really cool to see how excited she gets to recieve mail from her family and friends. She also discovered how fun it can be to send those yahoo smileys back and forth on instant messenger. Since we have dsl now, she is able to send smileys from her computer to mine (in the same room) by herself. She’s like a little kid giggling and running back and forth between computers. Our last session was how to send electronic greetings. Now she can’t stop. Her brothers and friends have been recieving almost one everyday for the last week! I love my mom.