Browse Category: family

hanging out at home

I had a pleasant Saturday. Not only did I sleep in until 9:30 (and postponed my long run ’til tomorrow) but hung out at home all day. Koa got a nice bath, I got some stuff at Costco for Camp, and Marie/Kenji/Cole came over in the evening. Now it’s time to go to bed early so I can run 16 miles tomorrow.

Lance wins #7

I guess he’s all done! He got his 7th victory in le Tour de France and he’s ready to sit and hang out for a bit. This year’s race was fun to watch and I’m happy to see that some of his teammates did well too. Good job, guys!
In other news, I spent all day Saturday in traffic school. *sigh* I had to do it eventually. I got my ticket way back in April! Anyway, it was my first time and it wasn’t as painful as I had expected. The guy tried to entertain us with jokes, stories, political opinions, and games like dodgeball and family feud. Interesting. Now I’m in the clear for a while and will have to watch my speeding for another 18 months.
Last night, we had dinner with my family last night at my cousin’s house. It was his 30th bday last weekend and his parents and sister came down from San Jose to celebrate this weekend. We had all of his favorite Thai foods and boy was it yummy. My mom even made some mango and sticky rice…mmm.

one of my favorites

I was cleaning up my photo files and found some pictures that I scanned a long time ago. This has to be one of my favorite photos of my mom. She’s the one on the tricycle…my tricycle. It’s funny how she’s still a kid at heart. She has a nice collection of stuffed animals lined up by her bed, loves to go to Disneyland, and she still tries to strangle, pinch, and bite me. I love it.

Happy Mother’s Day!

We had a family-filled day to celebrate Mother’s Day. First was lunch at The Arches Restaurant in Newport Beach with my mom and the rest of the family. We had some yummy, yet pricey, stone crab and Jes finally found his tableside Caesar Salad.
After an afternoon nap, Jes and I took his mom to dinner at Arte Cafe in Cerritos. They had a decent lobster bisque and his mom enjoyed the catfish. The nicest thing about today was just being with family. We hadn’t seen either set of parents for a few weeks and they were all happy to see us.

You’re gonna hate me tomorrow.

Jes’ goal this year is to ride a Century. My cousin, Pish, happens to be training for the same thing but is a little ahead in mileage. The other day, he called Jes and invited him to go along on long ride today. Jes, with only 25 miles under his belt, agreed and off they went. They started in Aliso Viejo, went through Santiago Canyon (really hilly), past our house in Irvine, and ended up back at Pish’s house for a total of 50 miles. Woo hoo!! You’re half-way there, guys!!

The Circle of Life

I had an eerie weekend. On Saturday morning Jes and I attended a funeral for a high school friend’s dad who passed away earlier this week. He was only 61 and left behind a wife and 2 daughters. It was very sad. Meanwhile, I got to catch up with some other people from my past and found out that one is getting married in two weeks. Then, this morning I got a phone call from Marie, who announced that she had her baby boy on Friday afternoon! With all these life-changing events, I got an eerie view of how life goes through stages and just keeps moving on whether you’re ready for it or not. I think it’s mostly scary…but it’s pretty exciting at the same time…I can’t help wonder what’s going to happen next.

Congratulations to Marie & Kenji for their new baby boy, Cole Takumi Sumino.