Browse Category: family

cartoons rock


I went to see the Animation Exhibit at the California Science Museum today with my brother. It was put together by Cartoon Network and featured cartoon characters new and old. It was an exhibit teaching kids about the different parts of animation and how it all works together to make cartoons. So, we got to make stop-action movies and a cool rotating animation of ourselves like they did in “The Matrix” trilogy. It was like being a kid again. The rest of the museum is also worth checking out. Admission is free but they suggest a donation of $5 for adults. I just grabbed however many ones (probably 3 or 4) I had in my wallet and stuffed it the donation box as I walked in. It was totally worth it.

The next drink is on me.

On my 4th birthday, I was happily enjoying my birthday party at Preschool when my Dad arrives early to pick me up. Wha? I have to leave my own birthday party RIGHT NOW?! Apparently, there was something much more important. Bah…what could be more important than my birthday party? Well, in the car we drove and to the hospital we went. My brother was born on my birthday. Oh great, talk about stealing thunder. I think the worst part of that day was that back then, children weren’t allowed on the ward. So, while my dad got to visit my mom and new baby brother, I was stuck in the waiting room…probably still wearing my birthday hat. 

Well, 27 years later, my brother is a big boy, has an apartment on the Westside, runs his own company, and gets to go to XGames for free. Not too shabby. Luckily for me, my little brother is the coolest little brother a girl can have and sharing a birthday with him is actually pretty cool. This year, we’re going to take a little trip together…just the two of us for the first time. Funny that it’s taken this long to do this. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Little Brother. The next drink is on me.

Going on 31 and 27

The food tonight was awesome as expected. It’s so much fun to order Thai food with the family. You can order to your heart’s content without feeling like there’s going to be too much food. We had the works: chicken AND pork satay, catfish, curry, beef that translates to “crying tiger”, drunken noodles, fried fish cakes, and of course peanut sauce. We also got a nice surprise with the classic birthday cake from Honey Bakery. I had a fun time hanging out with the family and it was a nice way to spend my birthday eve. I also got a kick out of seeing my little brother open his gift. I’ll help you tape up the Holga on the plane, Brother. It should be fun to play with in New York!

Make a wish!

IMG_4587.jpgLast night, we drove up to Brentwood to celebrate Holly’s Birthday. I also got to finally see Holly and Roy’s apartment! It’s a spacious 2-bedroom condo that made me miss living in West LA.

This week, the Brother and I will be celebrating our birthday with a family dinner on Wednesday and then a quick trip to New York City for the weekend. I already got some restaurant recommendations from Holly and Roy. Thanks guys! I can’t wait to try them!



The Brother and I wanted to take a trip to New York City for our birthdays next weekend but I had to back out since I had meetings already scheduled and Jes couldn’t get time off. Well…things have changed and NYC is back on! Johnny bought two tickets already and his buddy couldn’t go anymore so I did some magic at work and got out of my meetings. Soooo…I get to go! Woohoo! It’ll just be me and the Brother out in the Big Apple with cameras in hand. We’ll be staying at our cousin’s apartment that will be empty since she will be on her way to Spain. It’ll be my second trip there but it was dumping snow last time. I’ve always wanted to visit in the fall. Fun fun fun!

In other news, it’s Holly’s birthday today!  Happy Birthday, Hols!