Browse Category: family

Sugar High

img_5790a.jpgI had a sugary day on Saturday. In the morning, I met up with Marie and Cole at the Spectrum. While we were having some breakfast at The Corner Bakery, there was a baking demo going on in front of the ferris wheel. Fortunately for us, they were giving out a variety of samples with girls walking around with trays of treats. So, by the time we finished breakfast, Cole, Marie, and I had some brownie, chocolate cake, vanilla cake with strawberries, and cookies. Yum. With Marie having some shopping to do, I became the Baby Sitter Extraordinaire once again. It was a beautifully sunny day and fun hanging out with the little guy. We visited the puppies at the pet store and bought some little wind-up toys at the toy store. What fun!


Later in the evening, Johnny had his housewarming and he had a pretty good turnout. His new apartment is much bigger than the studio with two bedrooms and a pretty big livingroom. Knowing that we’d be having a late night, I packed up the X3 with dog food, the dog, toothrbrushes, and running shoes. We were basically going to have a little slumber party in Santa Monica. At the party there was plenty pizza and sugar of all kinds. I started with some tasty kanom krok and mango with sticky rice that Johnny brought from Wat Thai and then some almond jello. Then as if I didn’t have enough, David brought some ice cream and these tasty Dibs that I just HAD to try.

So it was a good thing that I brought my running shoes because I really needed to run it all off. We all got up and ran along the beach. Since my foot is still recovering, Koa and I only ran 3 miles while Johnny, Joy, and David ran 5-6 miles. It was nice to be outside and running again. In my first week back in my running shoes, I managed to run a total of 6 miles this week…not bad. If I take it easy with the mileage increase, I should be back on-track very soon.

Meat, good.


We just got back from our annual Mother’s Day prime rib dinner and it sure was yummy. Of course all five of us had to be rolled out the door and into our cars but it sure was worth it.

Here are some snapshots from dinner.

Almost but not quite…


After our Cinco de Mayo fiesta complete with nacho cheese, carne asada, and margaritas, Brother and Joy got up early this morning to run the PCRF 5K. I decided to sit this one out but it was fun to watch them anyway. Koa even got to come along to check out the sights, sounds, and smells. With his red headband on, Johnny finished just a few seconds slower than last year’s time so no there was Personal Record this year. Joy finished her very first 5K today under 30 minutes – pretty impressive. They even received a little medal at the finish line this year. Nice job, runners! You’re 3.1 miles closer to our Half Marathon!  Here are the photos.

A new family member!


This morning our family gained a new member!  Her name is Katie and she was born at 6:06 am.  She came 3 weeks early and her delivery couldn’t have gone any smoother.  Welcome to the family, Katie!  And congratulations to my cousins, Pish and Debbie.

Here are photos from her first day in the big big world.

lobsta time


Our cousins from Thailand are in town this week so we, of course, have to go out to dinner!! So, we all met up for in the Westminster area for some messy Chinese-style lobster. I didn’t think I liked lobster before but this one was pretty good. Johnny also brought his special “friend”, Joy, who seems to be able to throw herself into our family antics quite well.

Baby Season has Begun


We went to Debbie and Pish’s Baby Shower this afternoon. It was quite a shindig with a Hawaiian theme complete with Spam musubi and King’s Hawaiian cake. They had a baby bottle drinking contest and pass the pacifier game, which were pretty funny. We also got to see some old friends from UCLA there. The best part was hanging out with the Chamkasems.

As I was there, I was getting a string of emails on my Blackberry from my girlfriends. It started with Patty announcing that she’s having a girl. Then one from Annie announcing that she is having twins. Then one more email from Juliet who announced that she’s also preggers. With Debbie having her little girl in May, Patti having her second girl in May, Karrie having twin girls in June, Khai (our neighbor) having their second child this summer, and Marie having a baby in August, this will definitely be a year of babies. Congratulations to all of you!!