Browse Category: family

great game


On Saturday, my uncle, aunt, and cousins came up to SF for some brunch. It’s always nice to be with family. They got to see where I live and we had brunch just down the street. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them in the next few months.  And thanks for brunch and the flowers!


Right afterwards Jes and I went downstairs to Pete’s to watch the remainder of the UCLA/Cal game. With so much on the line for Cal, it was not a good game for Victor. Fortunately for us though, we won and we’re still undefeated in the Pac-10. It’s crazy how standings can change so drastically each weekend. It was nice to be with fellow Bruins in a place that’s filled with Cal fans. I was so torn since Victor was so invested in his team. But in the end, I was still screaming “RUN!” when we scored the winning touchdown. Victor was so sad that he fumbled his beer glass and it crashed on the floor resulting in Coors Light all over my bag and a cut toe for Jes. No worries though. Jes got a cool Coors Light t-shirt and can opener.


I made my first trip back to Cerritos (and Irvine) this weekend and it was a lot of fun. I got to sleep in my old room and in my old bed. I got to wake up in the Magical House where breakfast was ready as soon as I got up on Sunday.  Woohoo!

p1000241b.jpgOn Sunday, I drove down to Irvine to pick up some supplies for my inservice and stopped by the old neighborhood to say “hello” to my old neighbors. Luckily they were home and we got to do a little catching up. Later that day, I had lunch with Patti and it was so nice to hang out with her again. In the evening, I went to my uncle’s retirement dinner. I also got to meet little Brandon for the first time, which was a special treat. Cole is growing up fast and pretty soon little Brandon will be running alongside him as his sidekick. That evening I spent the night at the Suminos’ in preparation for my presentation in Irvine the next day.

On Monday morning, Kenji dropped me off on his way to dropping Cole off to work and it was a pretty early morning for all of us. I got to ECLC and it was just like old times…going into work and messing with the photocopiers in a rush to get everthing done before 8 am. It sounded like my presentation went well. I had to present the same material to two different groups within the span of 3 hours, which ended up being pretty tiring. My throat was so sore afterwards and I was pooped. I got to catch up with old co-workers and had lunch with the OT team. Everyone is pretty stressed out already and it’s only October! The girl who filled my spot is pretty frazzled at this point and I spent about two hours consulting with her about certain sticky cases. Dave gave me a ride home that afternoon and it felt like old times. Later in the evening Brother and I took my parents out for a Lawry’s dinner. It was an early birthday dinner for my mom and a great time for the four of us to just be together again.

Here are photos from my weekend.

Thanks for playin’!


Happy Birthday, Brother! I just wanted to say thanks for being the bestest little brother a girl could ever have! We’ve been not only bunkmates and playmates but you’re one of my best friends. To this day, you’ve always been willing to play along in my reindeer games and you’re always up for an adventure with me. I still have fond memories of sitting in the back of the Oldsmobile on our way to God knows where just cracking up about nothing. Hm…I wonder where Sta-booboo is now.

I’m pretty bummed that we won’t be spending our birthday together this year and I’m pretty jealous of the fact that you’re celebrating IN HAWAII!! *sigh* I could use a spam musubi and lava flow just about now. I thought of sending you a can of peanuts to your apartment this year but I think I’ll have to save it for another year when you’re actually home to receive it. Anyway, have a great time and a have a drink for me. I luvs you, man!

P.S. That orange beanbag is still goin’ strong! Thanks for keepin’ it alive for me!

Another one!

brandon.jpgI got a text message from Marie and Kenji this morning announcing the arrival of their second baby boy. He was born in the early morning and weighed, 7 lbs, 3 oz. Yay!!

Congratulations to the Suminos!!

Update: My parents went to visit the baby and my dad took this precious photo.  I think they’ve decided to name him Brandon.

‘S Wonderful


On Saturday morning, we dropped the dog off at the “hotel” and drove down to LA for the weekend. We made it to Cerritos by 5 pm and had dinner with Jes’ parents before heading up to Hollywood Bowl.

I bought tickets to “An Evening with Diana Krall” a couple months ago and it was finally time to see the show. Going to Hollywood Bowl is one of my favorite summer activities and I was so happy to be able to enjoy this even after we had already moved to SF. I was sitting there taking in the sounds and the people thinking it was as if I had started a book, put it down to start a new book, and then picked up the old book again. I don’t know if that makes any sense but for a moment I felt like we had never left Southern California. This was how we were supposed to spend our summer…under the stars with the warm summer weather and a bottle of wine. Diana Krall was awesome, as expected and she surprised us with her dry sense of humor throughout the show.

dsc_7959.jpgWe spent the night at Johnny’s place and got to play a little Wii in the morning. We also went for a 5-mile jog down to the end of Santa Monica Pier and back. It was pretty warm outside and there were plenty of people at the beach. Once we got back and showered, it was off to Cerritos to have a birthday lunch for my dad. His birthday is tomorrow and it was fun to see everyone together again – including the Suminos.  Here are the photos.

We flew back to SF this afternoon, arrived around 7, and rushed over to pick up the dog. He seemed OK and not too traumatized by his brief time in the “hotel”. He did, however, come home really thirsty and then passed out on his doggie bed. I hope it wasn’t too bad for him.

What a great summer weekend. It was over 90 degrees down there, which was nice but a little too hot for my taste. It’s such a contrast from the fog that we encountered as we drove across the Bay Bridge this evening and they are certainly two different stories. I suppose I’m done with my LA book and ready to continue my SF book for now. Let the adventure begin!



It’s been two weeks since Jes left for SF and the dog and I are adjusting. The dog has made our pile of newsprint as his new daytime hangout spot and my Aerobed is getting a little more comfortable each night. The brother even slept over on Friday night and used my sleeping bag.

On Saturday morning, Johnny went golfing with Kenji while I met with the Realtor. I gave her a tour and set-up the lock box. I also got a “For Lease” sign and we’re listed on MLS. Pretty soon I’ll be having strangers walking through my house while Koa’s stuck in the patio. Boy, I hope it gets rented out soon. We’ll see how long it takes.

Lunch was with the Suminos at Fukada and Johnny’s friend Robin happened to be there too. Afterwards, we stopped at Target and then Johnny took a death nap while I sorted through my things.

Later in the evening, the parents came over and loaded up their van with a bunch of stuff I need to give them. Johnny also loaded up his car with lots of food, spices, and sauces from my kitchen. Koa hung out in the garage with us and also sat in the front seat of each of the cars in our driveway – hoping for a ride to the dog park. He was so well-behaved that I just HAD to take him after everyone left.