great game
On Saturday, my uncle, aunt, and cousins came up to SF for some brunch. It’s always nice to be with family. They got to see where I live and we had brunch just down the street. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them in the next few months. And thanks for brunch and the flowers!
Right afterwards Jes and I went downstairs to Pete’s to watch the remainder of the UCLA/Cal game. With so much on the line for Cal, it was not a good game for Victor. Fortunately for us though, we won and we’re still undefeated in the Pac-10. It’s crazy how standings can change so drastically each weekend. It was nice to be with fellow Bruins in a place that’s filled with Cal fans. I was so torn since Victor was so invested in his team. But in the end, I was still screaming “RUN!” when we scored the winning touchdown. Victor was so sad that he fumbled his beer glass and it crashed on the floor resulting in Coors Light all over my bag and a cut toe for Jes. No worries though. Jes got a cool Coors Light t-shirt and can opener.
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